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Nuttall is lost

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Everything posted by Nuttall is lost

  1. Cheer up lads. Christmas is the time of miracles. Who knows, come 7pm we might be celebrating a famous draw.
  2. Thats France winning the world cup again. Messi and co wont stop them.
  3. I really like JDT as a person. Think he is calm, positive, idealistic. However I got annoyed at this guff that passing it around at the back would increase the value and sale price of players. Is he actually saying he is trying to cheat passing accuracy stats to artificially over inflate players value? Seriously, what good is passing it pointlessly around at the back to end up mid table no hopers? Are scouts really that easily fooled that they ignore their own eyes and go straight for the stats??
  4. Messi is just a poor mans Georgi Kinkladze. Until he proves it on a cold wet Wednesday night at Stoke I remain sceptical
  5. I always think of the 1992 7-1 result when I see this fixture. Sat might be their turn to do us 7-1. I have zero confidence in getting a win. Merry Christmas
  6. ''You have to remember. If they hadn't have scored we would have got a better result'' (Howard Wilkinson) ''Well the Germans beat them 13-0 and the Czechs beats them 7-0 so that suggests they are tightening things up at the back.'' (Ireland manager Steve Staunton when asked how many goals he expected Ireland to beat San Marino by).
  7. Burnley performance was the worst of the season along with Wigan. This is not far behind
  8. Wales have had an absolute Ray Harford of a tournament. 3 awful performances
  9. Fergie must be on the sideline tapping his watch at the ref
  10. They've literally paid locals to dress up as fans from various countries to generate atmosphere
  11. I've never been so disinterested in a world cup. Not even bothered to watch it but will take in some games if I have nothing else to do. Absolute disgrace of a tournament. From the bribery, the unsuitability of the climate and country size, to the switch to winter to the migrant deaths etc...
  12. As a balding man how do you get your hair so thick and full of volume?
  13. I think the performance against West Ham swayed his judgement. In his interview after that game he said that the players he picked on the night have proven they can be trusted or words to that effect.
  14. Just when JDT had won me over again he produces this selection and performance. Worse than Wigan away
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