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Everything posted by broadsword

  1. I have absolutely nothing against Newcastle as a place, their fans (apart from the violent gits) or the team, but I really hope the whole thing goes nips up for them now. Freddie Sheppard (think I've got the right Freddie there) really is an odious little s0d. I think the whole premise (spend far too much money for starters) has got the whiff of disaster about it. And I think Bobby is well off out of it. The way he's been treated is nothing short of disgraceful.
  2. Better than being involved in a scooter launch ...
  3. Right, this is good news. All we need now is a new right-back, a couple of central defenders, a right-winger until Thompson comes back, a central midfielder who can put tehir foot in, and a decent all-round striker! No worries.
  4. Do you have a sense of humour, Janice. Good grief. First you take my jibe about women knowing nothing about football seriously (and Flopsy jumps on the bandwagon to make a pathetic little jibe - natch), now this! I guess accountants aren't renowned for their hilarity, but this is taking the biscuit. "For those WITH a brain ..." oooh, get you!
  5. Probably not. He was probably just trying to keep you happy and stop ragging him.
  6. Are we thinking of teh same game? 1-0 up at half-time, through Windy Wilcox?
  7. Remember losing 4-1 to Wimbledon, that was bad!
  8. Yep - this Norwegian crud is really starting to get on my knockers. Big time. Jog trotting Emerton was a fantastic dribbler (when you dribble, you spill!) when he came from Feyenoord, with two fungal feet. But now he struggles to find a melon in a cart, and has been a right poof this year. Anyone else want to translate?
  9. Because he was virtually picking the team in his last year. Didn't want to play with Sutton, wanted to partner Newell instead, who wouldn't steal the glory, but who would tee up Shearer instead. Anyway, why should we be his testing ground? He could make all his mistakes here then go to Newcastle and be a good manager for them 2/3 years down the line ...
  10. Hughes - yet to manage in Premiership. Dowie - wouldn't leave Palace for a club in a similar position Shearer - would not be a good manager, would pick his favourites rather than in-form players Strachan - doesn't want to come back into football yet Newell - has no pedigree, just ask Hartlepool fans!
  11. Eh?! He only gets his suit dry-cleaned when he's up for teh caretaker interview? What a smelly gipper!
  12. Is it physically possible to "get over yourself"? Sounds like a yoga position. If Souness was headed for the chop, he wouldn't have been given the money to sign Pedersen and Coridon.
  13. Please stop posting links to foreign language websites, 99.99% of people here cannot read fricking Norwegian!
  14. If the stories of him falling out with Gallagher are true, then it's a real blow, we could do with him down the right. Shame we didn't get Finnan on loan, either. Last season the problems were not scoring and conceding too many. So far we have scored three times (only one goal being notched by a striker), and conceded seven. Plus ca change! The team needs shaking up, and people need to be played in their proper positions, otherwise we won't be discussing this topic in a month, Souness will already have gone.
  15. Was the second one the header? Because if it was it was Matteo's fault, because he didn't jump high enough, he could've easily cut it out.
  16. Not even an extra tin of sausages and beans? And don't try to fob them off with skanky Happy Shopper rubbish relabelled, they might be foreign, but they're not totally stoopid!
  17. It's a bl00dy soap opera, it really is! Never known such fuss over a transfer. Either us or them are really mucking about. Why don't we chuck a catering size tin of beans in there to help seal the deal?
  18. He's a full-time plonk! Although that term is interchangeable with bank manager. I guess it's a natural progression from banker to ref. In both positions you get the chance to wield an excessive influence over people's happiness. And in some cases you get the chance to ruin a person's livelihood - great!
  19. I can't reveal them, sorry. I've probably said too much already. Apple source Brown source Tomahhhh-ta source Soy source Worcester source Daddy's source Mint source Chilli source Chutney source (Apologies to R Barker).
  20. If he does sign, he's two-footed so maybe can play rw with weightwatchers pedro down the left and no emerton!
  21. That refereeing performance, strewth! Presumably there'd be the same level of slagging if Stead's shot had gone in and the penalty for Soton hadn't been given? But yes, we are awful in defence.
  22. I'm losing interest in football, at least at international level. Footballers in general seem to care about nothing but themselves, picking up their large pay packets and cavorting with tarts. They care nothing about the clubs they play for or the fans. Now we have an England manager who sets their example for them! Openly chatting to other potential employers (an Englishman wouldn't do it), sha88ing around the office, and openly defending his outrageously bloated salary, and all the time sat on the bench like he's watching park football. He's laughing at us. Richly rewarded for not doing his job properly, making a lughing stock of his employers whilst getting his rocks off with any willing tart. Football Will Eat Itself.
  23. You've been spending too much time at the port cabinet again, haven't you?! No doubt you've also been taking pot shots at peasants, missing wilding and blasting a ruddy great hole in some precious Inigo Jones greenhouse. You'll end up with gout!
  24. I think the problem is not Souness so much as a lack of money. He's only spent 150K so far, is that all he's been given? I wonder whether he started noises about Finnan signing for 2 mill with agents just to get back at the board, otherwise, where has the story come from? Also we've bid well under the 500K required to prise El Hamsandwich away, whereas 2 years ago we bout Grabbi for 7 million. This is frugality of the highest order, is it because the board no longer trust Souness, or is it a genuine attempt to get value-for-money? If it's the latter then it's a dodgy game to play as everyone has now been alerted to our interest in him, and can now move in for a slightly higher bid. The only real cock-up Souness has made is Grabbi. Every time you go into the market you take a chance, so it's understandable. However, the new cold wind of financial reality seems to be blowing ultra-strong around Ewood, no doubt linked to poor season-ticket sales. We seem to be sailing very close to the wind though. Attack - lot resting on Stead's shoulders, with some support from Dickov and Yorke. Midfield - jury's out on the captain at the minute, uncertain who should partner him; on teh flanks we have someone apparently terminally short of confidence and in the other side one of teh telly-tubbies, hopefully in a month or two thsi will improve with Thommo back on de Pedalo off the pies. Defence - hmm, Gray is the pick, but the switch to 3 at the back shows a lack of faith from the manager. GK - carrying an injury. Personally, I don't think the squad is strong enough. If we start picking up injuries we will be in serious bother, but at least we ain't Everton!
  25. In short, it is too early to say. However, I have this horrible hunch that Mr Revidge is right, we needed to get an experienced goalscorer in (if it were possible). Losing Cole was no bad thing in my opinion, but I think we needed someone who's got a bit of experience and know-how when it comes to sticking the ball in the net (we could've picked oen of the top-class-experienced goalscorer tree!) Yorke is not going to score many stuck where he is, Stead is too inexperienced, ditto Gallagher and Jansen is not the man he was. I don't think Dickov was a bad signing, but I think we need more. Once again our goal yesterday came from someone other than the strikers. Something that happened a helluva lot last season when Cole was here.
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