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Everything posted by Exiled_Rover

  1. Congratulations, he's found his level.
  2. I'd have been surprised by that, pre-The Town. I like Eastwood's directing a lot, but I was really impressed with Affleck. I'll let you know what I think of Gone Baby Gone.
  3. Anyone seen 'The Town'? It's excellent - I was shocked when the credits rolled and Ben Affleck's name came up as director. I'm going to have to go see 'Gone Baby Gone' now. He's clearly very talented.
  4. Not really. Final Fantasy makes no sense either.
  5. Anyone played Demon's Souls? I was talked into buying it - and it's a nightmare of a game. As with most Japanese games, the story makes no sense, and it's brutally unforgiving.
  6. Exactly, Dirk - it actually elicited some emotion from me. Generally I'm just relieved to have completed a game. Fantastic ending I though.
  7. Has anyone finished Red Dead Redemption? What about that ending!?
  8. Thought it was awful. There was so many things wrong with it - a lot of the plot was forced (and I don't want to get into that as it'd spoil the film for those that haven't seen it) and the battle scenes were tame. Not to mention there were several scenes ripped straight from Gladiator and Saving Private Ryan!
  9. It's very good, Hughsey. My only issue so far is the lack of guns available to you.
  10. Yeah the Daniel Craig, Bond is actually pretty close to the original character. What is he described as in Casino Royale, a 'cold hearted @#/?'? That sounds about right.
  11. And the Dutch league is going down to the final day. Twente with a 1 points lead over Ajax.
  12. Messi's four foot nothing. He's not strong at all, he's just quick and nimble on his feet. Rooney is very quick too, he's not just strong with 'impeccable timing' whatever that means.
  13. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/front_page/8578061.stm The Smithy Sport Relief Rant. Utter, utter, utter gold.
  14. The close control Messi showed for that goal was sublime. There's very few players in the world that could have pulled that off.
  15. Saw Felon the other week. It's a fantastic, if brutal, film.
  16. Because the plot was written by a ten year old that had just seen FernGully.
  17. I bought MAG when looking at BC2 on Amazon (the 'ppl that buy this game also look at:' section). The game was shockingly marketed, I had no idea it was coming out. That said I've not put MW2 back in the tray since buying MAG. It's better on pretty much every level.
  18. When you get more experience you'll eventually find that cold blooded is very useful, but stopping power (assault rifle class) or lightweight (sub machine gun/light machine gun class) is a better perk.
  19. You can't snipe anyway as the kill cam gives away your position (unless you keep the scope held down for a few seconds after the kill - even then experienced players can work out where you are). Silencers mean when you fire your gun you don't come up on the radar - sadly they completely nerf the sniper rifle, so it's pointless to equip them on that gun (takes two shots to kill, which defeats the object!) Air support (UAVs, Predator Missile, Pavelow, Chopper Gunner, Harrier, AC130) is a nightmare until you get cold blooded - having said that I use an M4 with stopping power equipped most times. I've just learnt to run into buildings when someone gets a kill streak reward going.
  20. Just laziness. MAG is Massive Action Game, which undoubtedly for marketing reasons has been shortened to MAG. ME2 is Mass Effect 2, the sequel to Mass Effect (2007 Sci-Fi First Person Shooter/Role Playing Game). As for MW2 it was my first Call of Duty game, so took me a while to get into it (hence the 1.89 K/D ratio). Bought it on the advice of my friends - it's fun, but hugely frustrating at the same time. Learn the maps, watch your radar and you will go far.
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