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Everything posted by thenodrog

  1. Agree with you there Waggy. I'd like to see Hughes at least give himself the option of being able to bring Gally in off the bench late in the match. He did great in that role last season. I dont really know why you 2 dislike Dickov so much as imo he has done well this season when playing off a striker. His worst games only came when he was unfairly (due to his stature) played up front on his own as a target man in a 4-5-1 formation when our defenders kept lumping the ball to him in the air. Dickov is worthy of a start simply for his never-say-die attitude. Dickov.......... Up front on his own for the second half. Scored the equalizer on 86 mins. Richard Dinnis's MoM. A large dollop of humble pie for you two I think. Yeah a goal off his shoulder against a team that have not won in th PL for 10 years, its typical Dickov really, I predicted he would score before the game as he does score sometimes you know, thats 2 points for the season his goals have earnt us, this being the most important, everybody respects his workrate, just not his overal quality, that's very clear, he's part of currently the wrose team in our league. We are still 20th in the league, this is what happen to Rover6 last season, everytime we won which was rare, "rover6 should eat humble pie" and then we finish a few points of relegation. MC 1 BRFC 1 (Dickov Pen earned by himself!) Just 7 days on and more abject grovelling is required from you already Chris! Looks like you may have to get used to it. Lets hope so eh?
  2. Reading between the lines of TP's comments straight after Souness left I had a definite feeling that TP had been 'constructive' to a degree in his departure. Maybe he had simply fallen out with GS or maybe he had a hand / influence in some of the 'unrest' within the squad, maybe he was the eyes and ears of the directors*. Whatever it was Hughes has decided to remove any possibility of a repeat performance. *Having a private chat over a drink with a person of 'very hig ranking' at BRFC late in the evening after the Portsmouth game last season, we were watching the Premiership on TV and discussing GS and I was told......and I quote..... 'The stupid effin ###### has lot the effin plot, big time'. Hardly a strong vote of confidence imo! I may be making 2+2=5 here but just maybe TP was playing a part in a 'whispering campaign' even then.
  3. Please spare us all such feeble and empty statements Matt, and explain what you mean.
  4. Proper fans will be there each game even if they do think they players are nancies or overpaid bla bla bla. It's the way it is now. Scottsh football has come south! Unless you support one of three top clubs, then the cost of the season ticket is basically for the priveledge of watching your team avoid relegation.
  5. Not so daft at all........ I did once know somebody who was! Rem Sylvester anyone?
  6. What a co-incidence! If you were my son 10 would have been the age you were when you attended your last football match.
  7. There aren't many Paul Smith tops about for £35 Bryan I can assure you. Anyway they dont make em big enough. Their XXL appears to be made to the same pattern scale as 'Ladybird' clothing.
  8. I do of course admit to raising the odd eyebrow in celebration when we do score, but as for standing up whilst Emerton knocks a corner to the first defender...........Naaaah.
  9. Theno, altough I agree with most of what you have said, I can't help thinking that this example of insidious self loathing is the root cause of a lot of the problem attitudes discussed in this thread. Constantly send out the message to kids that they live in a sh1thole and they will eventually treat it as one. Too late was the cry! Sorry ES but if it's down to me thaen it appears that I must have been saying the same thing for the past 30 odd years. btw I know that you mean well but you really must try and get out more.
  10. It appears that way cos if a few people stand up on the front row then virtually everybody behind em ends up standing. Tell me though Ben if you watch the Rovers on Sky at home do you bounce up from off the settee ad bang your head on the light every time Emerton takes a piggin corner or whatever? Just rem you standersuppers that in all seater stadia unlike the terracing of old the people behind you cannot move! In the old days we could simply move away from the numpty's
  11. I'm surprised that no one has picked up on the total absurdity of this comment. Typical tabloid trash. YOU DONT AVOID ARREST BY KILLING SOMEONE. YOU GET ARRESTED AND GET A LIFE SENTENCE. That is the reported content of a Home office memo Colin rather than a complete figment of the tabloid press. How absurd will you find that to be if it turns out to be an accurate forecast? Anyway stuff pontificating about the rights and wrongs of the 'unfortunate' offenders, simply think of the children who are his victims as well as their distraught parents and the scales of justice must surely tilt sharply downward.
  12. I think that you are confusing the adjectives 'decent' with 'committed' Hughesy. Trailing all over the country with BRFC does not and will not make you a 'decent' individual.
  13. They can stand wherever they like as long as they dont block other supporters views. Does it not enter your head that once a few ignorant supporters stand up all those behind HAVE to do likewise? The ones behind may not want to stand but just a minority of knobheads at the front will force the majority to stand all through the match even when they dont want to. As for the answer to this ............ "As for the crap regarding burberry/ aquascutum caps etc, its an easy target. Just because a lad wears a cap, doesnt mean he is a hooligan" Maybe not but to wear such badges of ridicule sure means that he is desperately short of both taste and intelligence.
  14. Not to worry folks, the Home office sent a memo to Blackburn Police that stated he intends to target more victims and that they believe "he will kill his next victim to avoid being arrested". Blackburn police for their part said Ball had been monitored since his release and that a risk management plan had been put together............. So thats OK then innit? But if they were monitoring him closely then how come somebody put a brick through his window? and in the same edition it seems we have another sicko in our midst........... " Police were today deciding if a warrant should be issued for the arrest of a homeless sex offender. Derek Brakenbury, 58, was arrested in Blackburn last week for failing to notify police of his address under the terms of his release from prison and was jailed for a day. Brakenbury told police they could find him on a bench outside TJ Hughes, Church Street - which magistrates had agreed to as it complied with the terms of the Sex Offenders Act. But Brakenbury has since disappeared and had until 5pm last night to make his whereabouts known to police." "Whats your address sir?" "No fixed abode Officer" "Right Oh, thats near enough for us so off you go and make sure you have a nice day!.........next"
  15. I noticed that too Nayef and didn't like it either. It'll be tragic for us all if the manager and his teammates cannot get through to him and deal with his temperament.
  16. It's about 8 years since I have seen our centre forward physically boss opposing centre halves so comfortably and yet have such good ball control. JB knocked Hyppia about with ease last week and until his stupid retaliation Svenson had literally bounced off him 3/4 times. Powerful shots in both feet too (that 2nd save by Green was exceptional because his view of Bothroyd was blocked) and a fair turn of pace. He should have it all but I can only assume that his temperament must be hideous. I know that Arsenal sacked him for dissing Don Howe (of courderoy trilby fame ), Coventry for falling out with Strachan, but does anybody know what went on at Perugia? Could Bothroyd be the new Collymore?
  17. In just one daft post have dstroyed any semblance of credibility that you may have had.
  18. Lovely skills that Tugay possesses he really should be warming the bench during away games. A typically weak Tugay challenge ( and a poor Nils follow up) almost allowed Norwich to open the scoring yesterday. Flitcroft is obviously slowing down but he does offer more to a side in our position and our recovery yesterday coincided with him coming on for Tugay. Maybe Thompson is the answer ?
  19. Tris thats precisely why I go to so few away games these days. I've never been verbally abused or threatened personally but I've witnessed such behaviour and felt anger and embarrassment for other innocent and decent people far too often. I don't want to sound snobbish but Blackburn is a sh1t hole that is populated by far too many ignorant, boorish low-life morons who I do not want to even sit within earshot of never mind beside or behind, and I can assure you I am no saint. I feel that I have absolutely nothing in common with such scum as they dont even watch / understand / or try to enjoy the game as a spectacle. Somehow respectable away fans, or fans taking their wives and children etc really should be allowed to purchase 'proper' seats in other areas eg in the Darwen End JW stand (where grounds are not full up) rather than being herded like sheep into pens full of d1khead scum. If it means paying more then so be it.
  20. Agree with you there Waggy. I'd like to see Hughes at least give himself the option of being able to bring Gally in off the bench late in the match. He did great in that role last season. I dont really know why you 2 dislike Dickov so much as imo he has done well this season when playing off a striker. His worst games only came when he was unfairly (due to his stature) played up front on his own as a target man in a 4-5-1 formation when our defenders kept lumping the ball to him in the air. Dickov is worthy of a start simply for his never-say-die attitude. Dickov.......... Up front on his own for the second half. Scored the equalizer on 86 mins. Richard Dinnis's MoM. A large dollop of humble pie for you two I think.
  21. Quite right. The ultimate responsibility if Rovers go down will rest with the board. They hired Souness, which seemed like a masterstroke for two or three years, but failed to act when it was obvious that the manager had passed his sell-by date or stand up to him over his dubious transfer activities. Fortunately for them, Newcastle solved the Souness problem and they did not have to make a difficult decision over his future at Ewood. Sighs of relief all round from a boardroom of frightened men. The problem is if we are relegated for the second time in six years what does that say about the managerial expertise of Williams and his cohorts ? To oversee one relegation might be considered unlucky, a second will be seen by many as incompetance. Strange how you've never mentioned that before Jim! Am I right to assume that now GS has gone and you have welcomed the appointment of Hughes publically that you are now homing in on a new, but in your case, very necessary scapegoat?
  22. Agree with you there Waggy. I'd like to see Hughes at least give himself the option of being able to bring Gally in off the bench late in the match. He did great in that role last season. Gally is hardly likely to be picked to be sat on the bench as a replacement for Neil and he is surely way off competing for either Dickov and Djorkaef's place. I dont really know why you 2 dislike Dickov so much as imo he has done well this season when playing off a striker. His worst games only came when he was unfairly (due to his stature) played up front on his own as a target man in a 4-5-1 formation when our defenders kept lumping the ball to him in the air. Dickov is worthy of a start simply for his never-say-die attitude.
  23. That could well be interesting. Friedal Todd---Short---Nissa ---- Mceveley. Nice. And Thommo played 75 minutes for the reserves last night so id guess by the end of the month he should be in contention. imo Simply sticking Todd at ch next to Neil will solve many of the problems with the rb position. He will cover for him far better than Short does. Short and Nissa should be vying for the other ch position. Kinda sums up our defensive probs in nutshell though when we are depending on Todd's return to steady the ship. 2 years ago the majority of this board thought he was too bad to burn.
  24. And lest we forget Emertons renaissance began whilst GS was here! Somebody somewhere has simply instructed him on pain of death NOT TO TURN BACK WHEN HE IS CLEAR OF HIS DEFENDER, and the results speak for themselves! (just for chance he is reading this board and might be forgetting the basics of wing play). This rejuvenated guy incidentally is the Emerton that I first saw at Blackpool last August (and wrote about on here) and had not seen since for whatever reason.
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