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Everything posted by thenodrog

  1. Ok we have a slight problem here - Neill can't head a ball. End of. Correct Dave in fact it's 'obvious to a blind man on a galloping horse' that as far as heading is concerned Lucas is useless ( ).
  2. Stuart Ripley.....you're having a laugh! Obviously Duggie but does no one rem boy wonder Mekky playing rw? Personally speaking he'd be my 3rd choice. btw best crosser from the right wing and by an absolute country mile..........Alan Shearer
  3. What complete Bolloxks! You must be deranged if you think that MGP is the answer to our leaking of goals? Give me a break ffs.
  4. However, I have sent dozens of emails to people at the club and the ONLY people that have ever replied are Lynsey Talbot (On behalf of JW and Lyndsey has responded to every email, promptly and efficiently) and Lee. Only Barbara McGee has failed to answer a written letter (and failed to return phone calls and forward requested information). So go on, write now, right now ! PS It was intresting just how many sections of the Charter the club has managed to break in the last few years Presumably there will be a better chance of receiving a reply if the email is sent to whoever and copied to John Williams. Failing that copy it to the LET. They are up Rovers arse for obvious reasons but they also struggle to fill the paper every night. As for that twit John Newsham...... what a ferkin jobsworth he is! I had caue to bollock him a few years ago when at his insistance and for no goo reason the gates at the rear of the Riverside were kept closed at the end of games. It must have done some good cos it wasn't long before they were opened again. BTW Dunno if its true but somebody told me that when the ground was being re-developed Newsham (who lived locally) was one of the chief objectors and main organiser of the local residents opposition to the plans and that he was given the advertised job to shut him up and control him.
  5. Good post Scotty. After the sending off we were still foolishly trying to win the game ffs! Hughes first task is to make us sheer bloody minded and difficult to beat. We no longer have the quality of player to trade punches with the top dozen teams in the Prem. We will be unpopular but we need to play with a 4-5-1 formation home and away until we get a few points in the bag. Neil Short Todd Gray at the back with a midfied from Reid (did OK yesterday and has a physical presence lacking in Tugay, De Pedro, MGP etc), Flitcroft, Ferguson (looking better all the time), Douglas, Thompson, Emerton with Djorkaeff given a roaming role between midfield and striker. Up front a lone stiker of either Dickov or Bothroyd (havn't had time to assess him prop yet but must be used to playing lone striker in Italy........and he MUST be better at controlling and holding a ball up than John 'Bambi' Stead whose second touch is invariably a tackle). So called flair players ie MGP, Tugay, De Pedro, Amo, Jansen on the bench for use in the last 15 mins only if there is an opportunity to push on and win the game .
  6. You need to be more rational and less emotional mate. 1. The club have totally supported their manager whoever it has been. 2 The club (wrongly in my view but its too late now) appointed the overwheming choice of the fans (and players ffs ) as the new manager.* You really need to find somebody else to blame. * btw my preferred choice's team btw are currently occupying 3rd place in the Prem! They wont stay there mind, but it shows what good motivation and tactics can achieve.
  7. Certainly Tugay was ultimately to blame for unprofessionalism (posh way of saying stupidity), but Riley is a nobhead and imo comfortably the worst ref in the Prem. My heart dropped when I saw the incompetent berger before the match. I have lost count on the number of games that his amateurish inflexibility has spoiled for the spectator through unecessary dismissals. He needs to rem that the main event is the game and not him! Riley had no optin but to send Tugay off after making a rod for his own back by booking Tugay unecessarily for the handball incident, all the worse when they had 3 handball offences with no hint of a booking for their players! If I were Hughes I'd have a word with my old Barca mucker Linekar asking him to highlight the decisions on TV. Interestingly Roy Keane was penalised at Brum for handball and his reaction was to run 10 yards to the ref and scream abuse in his face............. Result no booking! It really makes me want to weep.
  8. Not as much as his salary cheque I'd wager! 'It means a lot to him' be bergered, BRFC maintaining Prem League status means a lot to me ffs! It's time Ferguson prioritised where his responsibilities lie. We take the mick on here about the number of starts the 'injury twins' Duff and Dunn have made for their new clubs, and the cost per game etc but he's every bit as bad! After costing an outrageous £7m he will prob sodd off for good ......and for nowt in just 2 short years! Stuff Scotland! He already owes us BIG TIME! It's hardly important anyway cos the current sweaties squad will never do any good at international level and is highly unlikely to qualify for any major tournament in the forseable future. Does anybody think that he would be allowed to play for his country (whilst injured) if he were at Man Utd?
  9. Ah, Bless em! Saving up as best they can to get married are they?
  10. Is this not pointless after the result of the initial vote?
  11. Can't rem who it was but somebody posted that Fergy was on a Lpool wish list in summer.......when Houllier was in charge. If this is true it kinda undermines Benitez somewhat.
  12. Thats an interesting but rather unusual "first" post, Luxor.
  13. I won't attempt to justify it Colin cos it's a bit ago now and my memory of this is somewhat vague. But which bit of that description carried the greatest inaccuracy and insult? I'm no expert on what is or what isn't deemed 'pc' nowadays but if it were me it'd be in descending order from the front.
  14. But isn't that what pubs are there for? I presume this is another daft example of the modern trend of apportioning blame to anyone but the individual concerned? Please stop trying to nail part of his misdemeanour on some poor barmaid, the @#/? has only himself to blame. On a similar note regarding this increasingly common 'it wasn't my fault' culture, there was a picture of one of Blackburns finest dollopers in the LET about 3 weeks ago and in the accompanying article he was attempting to lay the blame for his long list of anti-social and violent crimes on cheap beer sold in off-licences ffs! 140000 people in Blackburn yet only he appears affected?!? Needless to say my mate whose step-daughter despite never having laid eyes on him before was badly beaten up by him it town shortly before the article was printed does tend to disagree on that point.
  15. I think you must mean 'Thank God that mine is closed'.
  16. Id applaud that article if it had been written by anybody else but that fat cockney spuds fan who thinks that football success of any kind should end at the Watford Gap.
  17. Only just read this.....Sorry but I'd really hate to have to knowingly admit to such blinkered political thinking. How the flerk can anybody supposedly with intelligence align themselves to any of our political parties? You really do not do yourself justice with such a 'conservative' political mindset Jim. 'Let the scales fall from thine eyes' cock. Thank God that I for one, can continue to keep an open (albeit jaundiced)mindset.
  18. Am I the only one that suspects that he has a time-share property in Dubai that he only gets to use every October?
  19. Doubtless he would have been banned if he had driven dangerously...... but only if he had done it on the pitch. Bit of a daft suggestion though Speedie, what punishment would you like the FA to mete out for a footballer getting a parking ticket or not having a TV licence? How would you like to be suspended from work if you did 35mph? or drove across the hump of a roundabout? Afraid your suggestion would never stand up to a legal challenge anyway.
  20. I would say first round to Savage. Running round telling people/players how many medals he has won, was apparently one of the things that alienated players at Ewood. What possible benefit is there in doing that? Depends how he did it. He should have kept modestly schtum, said nowt about em but let Boersma, Saunders and Parkes remind the players when he was not about.
  21. Certainly pg. And isn't some system of restricting salaries to a percentage of a clubs income being mooted over here? If so that will surely prove to be another nail in the BRFC / Prem coffin. next
  22. Thats how we were in the late 50's early 60's Oklahoma. Then the powers that be moved the goalposts we sold all our home grown players through necessity and dropped to the 3rd Div in less than a decade. Why ffs have you still not grasped the freedom of contract situation that is encouraging players to see out their contracts before moving on for free? We got lucky with Duff and Dunn (cos next year or the year after they could both have gone for nowt) but it wont keep happening cos football post Bosman is denying even the traditionally bigger 'buying' clubs of the cash to spend on purchases. Income is now so dependent on Murdoch that it is basically prostituting itself to Sky's every whim. That much is undeniable. Sooner or later this income will reduce in real terms or be shared out even more unevenly than it is now** and then the clubs will become dependent on their individul level of support to produce income from gate receipts and merchandising. And BRFC simply do NOT have a big enough support base to stay at the top level! Next. btw just thought but if the rest of the Prem after the top 3/4 were to ever be anything other than cannon fodder for the big boys Sky should make sure that the bottom teams receive more from the pot than the top teams. This would allow them to strengthen themselves and turn the Prem into more of a spectacle and less of a procession. But we all know that this will never happen.
  23. It's taking longer than I expected from you Bob but its nice to see that you are getting there.
  24. Oh good grief! No! I really really can't take much more of this! If Stuart Ripley ever dreamed that he was within country mile of Duggie as a football player........... he'd better wake up and apologise!
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