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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. What are you on about, he got in the car voluntarily, they didn't force him or kidnap him or anything, he's as much to blame as the other 2. The only way in which I'd agree with you is if he'd passed out beforehand and they'd bundled him in the car without him knowing anything about it.
  2. It was a strange game to assess the mood amongst the fans on Saturday. Firstly I'm sure there's a large proportion of the away support that only go to away games for the day out, to get beered and coked up and have the crack and a good sing song and banter with the opposition fans and for whom the result of that particular game is only a secondary consideration on the day. With it only being a local Derby I'm sure there were more of those sort of guys than usual who made the short trip on Saturday. For the more discerning fan if I can put it like that it was also a weird game. Even if you were staunchly anti Mowbray there was nothing to moan about for most of the game, we were one up inside a minute, two up inside ten and everything looked rosy up until half time. We didn't go behind until relatively late on in the game and even then of course there was technically the chance to get back in the game so until that hope is extinguished by going two or three behind it's a bit churlish chanting for the manager's head as opposed to trying to cheer the team on to an equaliser. I suspect the acid test would be if the side went 1-0 down in the first minute or two at Ewood and went in at half time say 0-2 down. I daresay Simon Smith would get a very different reaction to a straw poll at half time then.
  3. Must just be me, I don't see it that way at all. The Club have done nothing wrong as regards this incident and would technically be entitled to sack all three if they wanted. I assume they were all fined the maximum permissible by the Club and two of them have been sentenced by the Courts. The Court decided in their wisdom or otherwise to only sentence them to unpaid work therefore they are available for selection. Keogh, by virtue of his injury, is not. It's that simple. Had the other two been sentenced to a reasonably long term of imprisonment and therefore been unavailable, I'm sure they'd have been sacked as well. It's nothing to do with condoning drink driving which obviously Derby do not, it's a case of being pragmatic.
  4. I can't see what's wrong with that though. The Club are not at fault in the incident. What if this had happened and one of the uninjured players was worth £100m. Would you still expect the Club to sack the player without a bean?
  5. Not sure where any sympathy for Keogh comes from or indeed any suggestion he hasn't done anything wrong. If you and your mates are all paralytic, and one of them suggests driving then you do all you can to dissuade them and if you can't then you say "I can't come with you and on your head be it if anything happens." If you climb in the car as a passenger then whilst you haven't technically committed an offence, really you are condoning and encouraging the act of drink driving and are complicit in it.
  6. There's nothing sinister to it at all. Maybe if all three were injured or all three were uninjured and were treated differently that would have been off. However the other two can still play, Keogh unfortunately for him was injured and can't. Maybe in an ideal world all three should have been sacked but the Club have done nothing wrong and are entitled to continue to utilise them or cut them adrift as they see fit.
  7. What a load of garbage. People complaining after "one poor game"? What is it now, 47 points from 42 games? He also just dismisses 11m (When I was at school 7 + 5 actually equalled 12) as if it doesn't matter. Sadly most of the comments below are more concerned with dissing the resident Dingle troll on the site.than acknowledging our own problems. One of the posters however had it right by daubing it the worst article ever written. As if you could send the manager off for a two week jolly mid season. Another had it right in pointing out we need to make a change now to give a new man the chance to give us the once over in advance of the January transfer window.
  8. Not at all, those players are all under contract to Derby. Keogh has rendered himself completely useless to his employers by his own stupidity and by virtue of his age will have little or no value to them by the time he recovers. By an accident of fate and birth the other two weren't injured and are younger therefore Derby had the option to continue using them in the short term and/or sell them at a later date if anyone is daft enough to take them. Maybe slightly unfortunate for Keogh but that's just the way it is. In fact the more I think about it the more it is making me mad. How he has the gall to turn down a reduced contract offer when he should have been sacked is beyond me. I suppose Derby will be lumbered with the medical bills for his rehabilitation as well. If he takes it to a Tribunal I hope it gets laughed out of court. Edit: misread it slightly, didn't realise he'd now been sacked. The point still stands though, he could have accepted a reduced wage when he shouldn't by rights be entitled to anything. You can argue the moral pros and cons of whether all three should have been sacked but the other 2 can still play and he can't so his situation is completely different from the other two.
  9. Don't disagree about the other two, but let's not forget, the Club are absolutely not at fault here, the players are. The Club didn't tell them all to get paralytic then climb into a car so why should the Club also lose out on the possibility of recovering some money back on the other two idiots at a later date? They should have the option between cutting them loose entirely to set a good example, or using them on the pitch in the short term to avoid getting into a relegation battle, or selling them at a later date to recoup some of their investment on them.
  10. Must be me being old fashioned but I don't have any sympathy for Keogh whatsover. He's obviously been out on the lash with the others and got in a state he shouldn't as a professional sportsman, then got in a car with the other two knowing full well they were rat arsed. To me if you get in a car with someone who's drunk then that's entirely your prerogative, but don't complain if it all ends badly. To me, all three are extremely fortunate they weren't sacked immediately and I really don't know how in the circumstances Keogh can complain about being offered a reduced deal other than the fact the others were dealt with more leniently. Why should the Club have to stump up full wages whilst he recuperates when he's done what he's done? Typically of today's victim mentality. Always someone else's fault.
  11. 2) but with the right manager which Mowbray most clearly is not. Doesn't give the youngsters, a proper chance, hangs them out to dry in public, and his big money forays into the transfer market have proved disastrous.
  12. Yes, but if the debts keep mounting there might come a point in the future whereby the owners run out of liquid assets to secure the debt against or they decide enough is enough.
  13. He always used to go round hugging his team mates just before kick off so I don't think his popularity with the rest of his team mates can be called into question. Either way, despite the fact Raya's isn't quite the finished article yet, he's infinitely superior to Walton. We've swapped a keeper that makes a few howlers but more than compensates for it by making numerous saves he's no right to make for a keeper who makes numerous mistakes is completely immobile and doesn't pull off any saves you wouldn't expect him to make.
  14. Surely if nothing else you acknowledge that the debt continuing to rise is a problem? If not, at what point should we start to panic? £200 m, £300m, half a billion?
  15. I don't usually comment on price but there is no excuse whatsoever for charging £40 in the Blackburn End (excluding the match day surcharge) for a run of the Mill Championship fixture. £30 would probably be too much. The fact Wednesday may or may not have charged something similar is completely irrelevant. A reciprocal pricing agreement should be a gentleman's agreement that if another Club do your fans a favour by reducing prices you will do the honourable thing and follow suit. It doesn't mean that if you get overcharged at their place you're obliged to follow suit and rip everyone off including your own fans in the return fixture! Two wrongs don't make a right and if everyone were to adopt the same "yah boo" mentality then you just end up with a never ending spiral of price increases. Before you know it prices will be £50 or £55 etc. Waggot' seems to be a one trick pony whose only thought is to risk permanently alienating our own fan base by chasing a quick and easy pay day when certain away fixtures with reasonable away followings come along. Depending on the elasticity of supply and demand I wouldn't even have thought that charging more to the away fans would prove significantly more profitable than charging more fans slightly less. Certainly not just over a month before Christmas. Its lazy and unimaginative. I wonder how many hundreds of thousands of pounds a year he's earning for that genius piece of strategy. He should be earning his money by coming up with imaginative and innovative ideas to try and fill Ewood with home fans on a long term basis. Not drive people away. The football on the pitch and the problems with the manager are bad enough already without this crowning kick in the knackers.
  16. The obvious answer to that inane question from Waggott should have been Obviously yes because we've been terrible for 12 months and one good half doesn't change that."
  17. If only. We couldn't be so lucky like that twice though could we?
  18. Absolute rubbish. The pressure such as it is is amongst the fan base is coming because Mowbray is doing a crap job, has performed extremely badly for the last twelve months and has recruited disastrously in the last 3 transfer windows. It's nothing whatsoever to do with the fact he might have said we were aiming for top ten or top six or whatever. In any event, aiming to try and make the top six is a relatively modest target and should be every Club's aspiration. It's not like we're saying we expect one of the top two spots or saying we need 100 points or something which would be somewhat unrealistic. If however the reports above are correct and the owners and those behind the scenes are burying their head in the sand and trying to pretend nothing is wrong then more fool them and I hope the Club don't act all surprised when we are relegated and try and blame it on injuries or circumstances beyond our control when we were already short on quality in certain areas and compounded it by letting further players in those positions out on loan and sold our first choice keeper without an adequate replacement when we were under absolutely no pressure to do so.
  19. Excellent summary save that I think it is extremely optimistic to assume TM can actually keep us bottom half championship. Not that that would be acceptable in any event.
  20. Should feel gutted after throwing away a 2 goal lead but instead the feeling is just one of resignation, you feel with this lot that had we been 3 up at half time they'd somehow have found a way to lose 4-3. Preston upped the tempo and went far more direct and we simply couldn't handle it, we've no leaders on the pitch despite the nonsense about Bennett being Mr. Blackburn Rovers etc. Walton is an absolute joke and needs shipping back from whence he came asap. Should bring Leutwiler in temporarily and get someone else in in January. Elsewhere, despite the fact we conceded 3 I thought Bell especially and Tosin had decent games. Two things I didn't like off the pitch. Bell who I thought had a very good game was the only player at the end who braved the walk to the far end of the pitch to acknowledge the fans and was roundly booed for it which I thought was completely out of order.The other thing was various scores destroying seats at the back of the stand after the whistle. If you can't stand losing, don't go. If it brings Mowbray nearer to the exit door I'll take the defeat. Mowbray out.
  21. Appalling interview from Mowbray. If you didn't know better you'd think he was deliberately angling for a pay off there.
  22. I think we need to forget any notion that he might walk, thereby forgoing any compensation. No-one does that these days unless they've already been guilty of some sort of gross misconduct entitling their employers to terminate their contracts forthwith. If we're to get rid of him, Waggot or the owners are going to have to sack him. The former seems highly unlikely so imo the owners are going to have to give Waggot an edict from above and while they're at it I'd be telling him and Venus to pack their bags as well.
  23. Re: Johnson, or any other rookie manager for that matter, they are never going to land a job at a decent level when things are going swimmingly well, their only realistic chance is to go in somewhere where the wheels have fallen off and establish their credentials by doing a good job in difficult circumstances.
  24. So apart from the fact the defence and attack aren't good enough "we're not far off" ? Wouldn't like to see us if we were!
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