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Everything posted by Mercer

  1. Staggering. If Mowbray's choice then one almighty clanger I think. 'Lack of upper body strength' - don't we have a gym and fitness specialists? 'Inability to hold the ball up or turn defenders' - if he aint got it now, it's doubtful he ever will. Why 'waste' £7million? If not Mowbray's choice then, IMV, he simply is not running our football club. The £7million Rovers have committed could have been used much better to strengthen the team by bringing in players who would make an immediate impact.
  2. Think Cook is a very good manager as his track record proves and I would take him over Mowbray any day of the week. Wigan will be well organised and know exactly what their game plan is. Mowbray needs to be big, bold and brave. Just feckin go for it right from the start and let the opposition worry about us for a change. Graham and Brereton up front for me. IF Mowbray is big, bold and brave then it's a Rovers' win.
  3. Chaddy, you should be more open minded and less blinkered! Coyley did well at St Johnstone, Burnley and initially at Bolton - since his second season at Bolton it's all gone very wrong for him. Keep telling you, betting on Rovers is for fun only - winnings are a bonus and losses are covered many times over from Sports Trading. I'd get you a cracking return on your money, it's part of my job!
  4. We all have our different opinions. Think Mowbray's all round tack record with us is very mixed. Okay, he inherited a mess from Coyley but should still have kept us up. IMV, his tactics and negativity turned too many winning positions into draws and too many draws into losses. Think tactically, he tries to be too clever, maybe thinking he's a 'Pep' - in reality, I think tactically he's all over the place and suffers badly from square pegs in round holes syndrome. Brought us back at first attempt but we were the best resourced club in an absolute p i s s poor Div 1 and it would have been a huge failure if he hadn't. Transfer dealings again mixed. Obviously, Dack is the diamond signing but too many Harts, Gladwins and Joe Averages. The Brereton deal looks one almighty clanger to me. Said it before, I think Mowbray is a steady Eddie at best and not the man to return us to the promised land.
  5. Poor game prep - it's not just Mowbray who worries me but also the calibre of personnel who support him.
  6. Looking forward to this one as much as a visit to the dentist! No doubt Tony will have us fired up and ready to go. 2-1 to Rovers.
  7. James, as I have said consistently, betting on Rovers is a bit of fun. Sports Trading, betting with an edge, is my forte and where I make money. I think Brereton signing is one huge b o l l o c k dropped. Talked with one ex pro tonight who thought we were a total embarrassment today.
  8. Find Lowe so uninspiring. Any coach can work hard one on one but if it's the blind leading the blind...................... Suspect these two aren't strong enough or bright enough to give Mowbray the type of feedback he needs. Always remember McClaren one match at Ewood when he was Fergie's number 2. He put a pre match session on that was electric, made you sit up and take notice, and you could seen the way the United players responded. Sadly, I think we look very amateurish and uninspiring in comparison.
  9. Perhaps therein lies the rub! IMV, Venus and Lowe are two of the least impressive members of staff I've seen assisting Rovers' managers. Personally, not impressed how they go about their work pre match or from what they contribute from the bench and from what I saw of Lowe in the Academy, he's out of his depth.
  10. Gally has a football brain. He's head and shoulders above anything we have in midfield. His pass for the Preston goal which effectively got us relegated was magical.
  11. We wont see that now or anything like that. Mowbray needs to drop Dack and tell him to sort himself out.
  12. Utter bunkum. The lad's 19 and frankly, from what I've seen, is not good enough and never will be good enough to justify a £7million deal. If you are good enough, you are old enough and you've been around the block enough times to know this. Forest saw us coming and someone, somewhere at Rovers has dropped a right b o l l o c k.
  13. Sadly, it's not the first wake-up call. We've rode our luck on a number of occasions this season. Expect days of 'Bowyeresque' cliches from Mowbray.
  14. Think a number might be brassed off - don't know when they'll play or where they'll play. Too many changes and too many square pegs in round holes.
  15. Tries to be too clever for his own good. Said all along, he should have kept us up. Got away with it last season as Div 1 now utter rubbish in stark contrast to when we had Gordon Lee and Howard Kendall getting us up from there. Almost at the half way point in the season and Brereton yet to start a league game. Looks more and more like a clanger of a signing if he aint good enough to start in our team.
  16. Just stuck a fiver on 3-3 at 66/1. Just maybe......cometh the hour, cometh Brereton. That's me done until 4.30 - a job to finish.
  17. Oh dear me - what a feckin start. Chaddy will be throwing-up his copious pints already. The Brereton mystery continues - disappointing, not sure what the lad must be thinking. Mowbray makng rod for own back with team selection.
  18. No surprise at all! You are a joker Chaddy - I have a W O R K commitment. What part of that do you not understand? Offered to buy you a drink at Wigan, Leeds or Middlesbrough IF you are there at any of the three games!
  19. If only I had that much money to lose (I could buy Rovers)! Rest assured James, tomorrow night when I am dining at a well known local eatery savouring a bottle, or possibly even two should Rovers win, of fine red, all courtesy of my betting 'hobby', I will raise I toast to both you and my 'friends' in the betting industry.
  20. Feeling good thanks. Game will be close. Got Rovers' win at 11/4 which I think is terrific value.
  21. This means more square pegs in round holes tomorrow! Nevertheless, fancy Rovers strongly tomorrow to run out winners by the odd goal. Strangely enough, some family and friends who follow PNE don't fancy them at all tomorrow despite their recent improvement! And before you ask Chaddy, no I wont be there tomorrow owing to a work commitment but the offer of a pint for you at Wigan, Leeds or Middlesbrough still stands!
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