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Vital Blackburn

Blackburn Rovers Mad

Blackburn Rovers Official Forums


Is there anymore?

BRFCS- When I first joined this site it was in defence to Vital Blackburn as we was getting a bit of grief on these boards over there, However I have since hung around, and found that many individuals are well informed and there is a wide spectrum of opinion (To be expected Biggest amount of members if all Rovers sites)  I have also made many friends on this site since joining and think the debates are good, and things which should be removed like slanging matches are usually moved. I don't think another supporters site has an equal amount of inside track on the club than BRFCS as there is around 7 or 8 with quite good sources. I have found this quite good as I share things with them and they share things with me, so the picture becomes more clearer in my mind, when I have only half the story. I think the news section needs to be improved but the opinions are first class at times and there is also some humour, Great site with good community

Vital Blackburn- My first home (Always will be) Vital has changed beyond all recognition since I joined their site 4 years ago, and the admin team are now what I call friends, we get on really well together and spend many hours chatting and watching each others backs. The forums over there could do with being a bt more lively, but their writing team and news section is the best by far out of all the supporters sites. Like BRFCS the site does podcast, and the site has a couple of members of the admin team who are well informed on Rovers behind the scenes. Its an excellent community and the forums can be a good place to be espcially at busy times like transfer windows.

Blackburn Rovers Mad- Strange site as Burnley fans and Blackburn Fans seem to discuss things in the same forum, They can be highly critical of BRFCS, sometimes and seem to have a total different opinion on the goings on at Rovers. This is either because they are less informed, In denial, or purely think we all make stories up. Some of the posters of there seem good guys, I have posted there a couple of times, but it was not what I was looking for in a site.

Blackburn Rovers Official Forums: This is not a great site at all, check it quite regurlar and most post are removed, anything regarding events i.e protest removed, anything regarding supporters concerns removed, in fact anything worth talking about removed (Point of site?) Not got a clue, but certainly not a democratic environment

RoversTalk: By far the worst site I have ever seen, It appears to be run by a TYRANT who has nothing better to do than slag people like me, Kamy, Philip or anyone else who gets the inside track. Which is very strange when they spend half their time over here looking for news as they can't get any of their own. They are in denial also and whatever someone's viewpoint is on another site, they will choose to go the opposite. The use of language and defamation of people's characters over there, should have them worrying more about lawsuits hitting their doormat.

Anyway thought I'd give an opinion on websites, and the reason for this, is its so strange how a difference of opinion can be so different when people have less information available to them. Just like supporters who dnt use any site or the internet. So much information is banded about on sites like BRFCS, and people use that information to come up with an opinion.

Wondered if there is anymore sites out there? And what people's opinions of other sites are?

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Agree with Roverstalk, was there just long enough to see that if you didn't agree with them you were out the door.

Everyone seems a lot more open to discussion here, which is good. I only really joined up as I had questions about the current ownership which, to an extent, have been answered. If i'd asked on the other side I would most likely have been subjected to a torrent of verbal abuse followed by a ban should I have said anything they didn't like.

PS philip, seen as you're up, you stopped receiving PM's again? We aren't friends any more? *sad face*

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In fairness to those that run the official site Phillipwhat would you expect in the current climate? The club is being very un rovers like with regards to the protests and communication, what people can say and do, attitudes towards the fans etc, why would their discussion forums be any different?

What i think Glen is trying to do is get accross the point we are all Rovers fans and views may differ from supporters group to supporters group but despite differing views we perhaps need to find the common ground and find a way forward for the best interests of the club. I have got fairly strong views towards the club is having its heart ripped out by reckless owners and their stubbourness to accept wwhat they perhaps have made mistake to the point were I am genuinely mortified with whats gone on to the point I no longer make an effort to book time off work. I accept other peoples right to see it that Kean and Venky's could turn it round but I can't see it happening and everyone I know seems to feel the same way as me.

Even under Ince, Kidd, Latter day Souness I still had the passion and belief things could and did get better, now Ive no belief and I feel like the soul and feel good factor the club used to give me ripped away from me.

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The Official Site has descended from being better than most football club's official forums to Pravda meets Teletubbies.

Great job Lee.

Think I lasted about a month before being booted off. Never known such obnoxious and zealous moderating, talk about being on a power trip.

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I'm going to come of in defence of Lee on this official board here. Moderating here is hard enough and whilst most people think we over-moderate, the odd missed post has landed us in unbelievable trouble and whilst that can be worrying, expensive and time consuming, ultimately all Ste and I have to answer to is the letter of the law.

Now, Lee doesn't have that luxury, he represents the club and sailing as close to the wind as we do is unacceptable. We never like reading anything that puts the club in a negative light, but ultimately Lee has to worry about brand management and can't really be seen to be allowing such things. He is a part of the club and just as the club wouldn't allow libellous Anti Venky's rhetoric to be daubed on the walls of Ewood, neither can Lee on the forum.

Out of all the fan sites, Lee probably has the toughest job (though I assume he's the only one that gets paid) and I certainly wouldn't swap places with him.

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I'm going to come of in defence of Lee on this official board here. Moderating here is hard enough and whilst most people think we over-moderate, the odd missed post has landed us in unbelievable trouble and whilst that can be worrying, expensive and time consuming, ultimately all Ste and I have to answer to is the letter of the law.

Now, Lee doesn't have that luxury, he represents the club and sailing as close to the wind as we do is unacceptable. We never like reading anything that puts the club in a negative light, but ultimately Lee has to worry about brand management and can't really be seen to be allowing such things. He is a part of the club and just as the club wouldn't allow libellous Anti Venky's rhetoric to be daubed on the walls of Ewood, neither can Lee on the forum.

Out of all the fan sites, Lee probably has the toughest job (though I assume he's the only one that gets paid) and I certainly wouldn't swap places with him.

Well said Glen (not Glenn).

Difference being it's his job. Don't do as your boss says and it's down the road with you. I think the Venkys might have a bit of previous in this regard. He hasn't much of a choice really other than to leave. I wouldn't in his position.

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its very hard running football forum and keeping up with people threads and ideas,but Glen you doing a good job so is your back room staff.

Doing such a good job, youre now banned !

As regards Glenns comments on others sites - i've no problem with any of them. I'm hoping Rovers_786 heads over to Roverstalk, as I think they'll eat him alive.

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Doing such a good job, youre now banned !

As regards Glenns comments on others sites - i've no problem with any of them. I'm hoping Rovers_786 heads over to Roverstalk, as I think they'll eat him alive.


Now we will never get to read anymore (totally legit) E-mails from the FA.

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  • Backroom

Bring back 786 this site has gone to pot since he left

This is the only rovers site I bother with these days, used to read rovers talk and 606 years ago and I joined vital but the community is very small and slow moving.

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I only ever read and posted on the official club's site, but due to a mixture of the above reasons (from Glen's initial post) and the fact that my source at the club almost got sacked when Grooby had senior staff conduct an internal manhunt, following me sharing some news about Brockhall being considered for closure/sale a couple of years ago (was true, too), I stopped posting there.

Started reading more on here and eventually started posting - got more interested once Nixon left, as I felt the boards became too reliant/focussed on information from a tabloid journo.

I went back to the official forum the other month to have a look around and it seems that only happy-clappers were welcome there and if you weren't unwavering in your support for everything Rovers-related (ie if you questioned Kean or Venky's), then you didn't fit in.

Shame as we had a few cycles of good posters over the years there and had some good North vs South fans' matches.

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I can only take people as I find them and most on Roverstalk have been very polite and friendly to me. My view often differs from the vast majority especially regarding Kean and the Venky's, but it rarely gets personal. I enjoy the contrasting views and there are some very intelligent, long-standing Rovers fans contributing.

I also post on JA606 (apologies for advertising - remove if need be). A small group of old friends from the old 606. Very quiet, but has opposing fan comments which can also be interesting at times.

I am not as familiar with the other sites, but they will have to go some to be as good as this one. Although this site is my personal favourite, it should be acknowledged and applauded how much time, money and effort goes into managing all these Rovers forums, provided at no charge to the end user. Credit to all.

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