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Everything posted by USABlue

  1. Too many of the PC brigade staying in touch with their feminine side. Either that or the boys on here simply aren't getting enough.
  2. "That's when I looked round and Rangers really started tugging" yeah right, tug the other one Fergusoftie, it's got bells on it. Instead of Man United you play Dundee United, Newcastle, Arsenal, Chelsea, what about getting motivated for games like that
  3. I've a feeling he may be wrong there. Spoken to a number of people this week who are going but have tickets in the home areas. Spoke to Nicky Reid tonight, and his feeling was he just can't see Burnley stopping Rovers from scoring, this after I'd suggested should Burnley score first we may find it very difficult to get in front. here we go again with the rovers will have half the stands nonesense. Last time you couldn;t sell 4000 and this time - if you are to be believed - you have not only sold around 12000 tickets but 8000 of those people have queued at Burnley to get them Nonesense - Jeez you clarrots even exaggerate when you talk about OUR attendances. No one on here has suggested any such thing. Some have said there will be Rovers fans in the home end and I think there will be but come on LS1882 don't get silly. Cool Clarrot downplaying the importance of this game to them. Many of them will do that incase they lose but they will mouth off just as much as any of the others if they win. There is a name for that but I can't remember it. Just makes me want to win even more, many clarrots are EXPECTING to win.
  4. 12 with upto 4 games in hand on teams above us. In theory we could go upto 7th - just 10 places below you Still love the arrogance, as I say lets hope your squad have the same and get the same fate as Villa and Liverpool before you. Is this the way to Amarillo, you'll be weeping on your pillows. Hey, I think Hughes might put out a full strength team and we will NOT show up with the apathy that Villa did. Your friend O'Leary said worst performance he's ever seen from his team I think. Doubt we will be that slack.
  5. I am not going to try a prediction. I am NOT too confident on this one actually. Burnley seem to be outplayed most games but don't concede, nick a goal and game over. Stevie Cotterill is no dummy, he knows how big this is for him, he will want to grab the glory so he will have been working a game plan since the draw was made. If the dingles get the first one it will be tight. Law of averages say we have to lose to them sometime, just hope it's not this time.
  6. Gav should be allowed to go, simply because of his history with the Burnley game. But, as a side bar, if we win, he (sorry Gav) should have to do the housework for a week and other general Butt kissing as demanded by Debs. If we lose he takes debs out for a meal and a ###### up. Sounds fair to me, have fun Gav. Gav, failing to gain the advantage with any of the above then try this, nick the ticket and break up with debs. I just re-read Debs post, I missed the reason number 3, it's a pretty strong argument.
  7. I suppose I don't of course the racist thing would not happen, two lads at Ewood making monkey noises stands out. At the Turf with 12,000 eating bananas with their feet, it is just another local. Smile lads and lasses it's just fun. I would never knowingly insult a Primate so.
  8. Let's stop with the nasty side of things here. Some of us have done things we regret and thankfully some of us mature with age. There was nasties on both sides of that there is no doubt. I think one poster on here actually bragged about his dad beating up a ###### up Scot while the poor fella was trying to sneak a leak. So no morale high ground for him either. I see no reason Longsider can not have grown some and seen sense, from my past ramblings with him (the original) I never took him to be a bullshitter and for me to say that about a clarrot takes a lot. Always trusted him as a reasonably straight shooter, so if he says he has changed then I can beleive him. Benefit of the doubt perhaps? Now to the footy, looks like the clarrots are pinning all their hopes on the ref. They aretickled that Dean, who is supposedly card happy, has the game. They think the likes of Savage and Dickov will be sent off. Anyone know this ref, if he is too card happy then it will ruin the game as a spectacle, nowt wrong with a good hard physical game as long as it's clean, no K. Ball type tackles please.
  9. What makes you think it was Plastic? It could have been the one that fell out of EiT's Plastic Cup
  10. Its interesting that 25-30yrs on you get a banning order for doing relatively nothing apart from hanging around in a group who may or may not cause trouble if the situation arose. I'm in no way glorifying this incident and the driver got jailed but what about the lad from Accy who saw a burnley fan walking down the road and decided to run him down, his crime? wearing a burnley shirt. Talk about losing touch with reality. The driver got jailed?? Why did he not have a Tax sticker or MOT or something?
  11. In what way? In the way of being OVER confident and getting caught out.
  12. Hopefully not too uch confidence RoyRover. Haven't seen the match so my thoughts are based on Audio. Where are all the Nelsen detractors now, where are all those "MLS? can't be any good" people. The man sounded solid as a rock, the commentators, one of who was our very own Shorty were very very impressed with his abilities. I am over the moon happy for young MGP, I had my serious doubts that he was going to be another few mill wasted by our Graeme and he was not going to make it. It seems like he is really beginning to enjoy his footy, gaining in confidence and banging in at a good goal per game ratio. Can MGP be our new Noel against the Dingles next week, I have a funny feeling he will be. Now some one ring up Steve Cotterill and tell him to make some off colour remarks about our team so Hughesy can skip the pre match pep talk again. What a big win that was a swing of possibly 2 points clear to 8, I am resting easier, but we still have a lot of work to do. Tough games coming up, if we don't get anything, coupled with a few wins by one or more teams below us we are right back in it. I have asked before I would be most grateful if some one could provide me with the fixture run in for the relegation teams or point me in a direction where I can see it easily. Ta in advance
  13. I did say clarrot visitors. I can't remember the last 3-0 either, but I know our jim predicted it. I do remember us scoring 3.
  14. Could anyone pull up the old Nelsen thread so the doubters can eat some pie of the humble kind. My biggest worry from this result is... after every good showing, in a must win game..... we suffer a let down and we all know who is next. I said I would take these three points over a win against the clarrots but now we have the three points someone please tell God I was joking. Oh BTW I almost forgot, that Dickov is a real waste of space isn't he?
  15. We should all be very very worried. Dingles scored 2 today can any clarrot visitors remember the last time they scored 2. I have it on good authority Cotteril's pre match pep talk said just pretend it's Blackburn you are playing. It worked so well he's gonna do the same thing against Crewe. I wonder what he'll tell 'em when they are actually playing us. I have a funny gut feeling MGP is going to be the new Noel at the Morgue.
  16. We want to win this one but not too well and not too easily. When we win at a canter we always have a let down in the next game, and we all know who that is.
  17. Can't remember a wall collapsing But Exiled In Toronto has a better memory than me - he was probably at that game - could have been with me in fact in the Darwen End with the Dingles. We went to school with a number of them as the catchment area included Rossendale and Hyndburn as it was later known. The Dingles were charged twice by the Rovers lot - once from the Riverside and once when the gates opened when they surged in from Nuttall Street. Nearest I've ever come to getting a good beating - and that from my own lot! My first taste of a white hot East Lancs Derby - surprise, surprise, Rovers won that one as well. I think it was the charge from Nuttall street when the gates opened, Burnley fans tried to flee causing some of the wall to give in. If memory serves, many clarrots ran into the Riverside and were duly chased back, not sure I was very very young then. Funny perspective from a clarrot in the Nuttall street enclosure with his dad was that it was the clarrots chasing Rovers fans out of the Riverside. Bet his dad told him that though. BTW Don't we play Norwich tomorrow.
  18. That could not of been our van? there was only 21 of us remember it well.
  19. Sort of on the hooligan level but remember I was young. Tranny van t'turf. I think 21 of us packed in it, met at a mates flat at 8:00am. Nothing but Blue and White heading through Accy. Went to the ribble bus stop across from "the old house at home" pub, a clarrot hang out. Stopped Burnley fans getting on the bus, several of them ran into the pub only to come running back out when they saw it was full of Rovers fans that was funny. Best part, leaving the game in the plain white tranny van, 3 up front driver and 2 passengers. We got made by a handful of clarrots, maybe 5 or 6 they started in foot pursuit yelling and screaming. Paul the driver casually turned into a parking lot behind a camping store, the clarrots duly followed intent on mayhem. The three lads upfront go out and started offering it, the clarrots kept coming. Just as the clarrot got close enough our lads opened the back doors to the van and we started to pile out. the look on them Burnley fans faces as they realised they had just been had was supreme, it was like they was on ice skates as they tried to about face and high tail it. We laughed all the way home, I've never seen eyes get so big, it really was classic. The scariest visit to the Turf was the same day, got home from the match and Mum had fixed me a mixed grill before she went off for a few bevvy's herself, stuck it under the grill to keep it warm. Well, duly drunk I passed out, awoke to a house full of smoke and me mother screaming bloody murder, mixed grill was black and shrivelled clarrots were nowt compared to the wrath I caught that evening. Skuleked out for a few refreshers, things were still going off in bits and spats. Good day twas really good, shame about the mixed grill though I was famished.
  20. Nah Longsider, not trying to fan flames really just reminiscing. How've you been? Have not heard from you in a coons age. Will you be wearing the whites . Hope life is treating you good, join in have fun but don't be naughty. Someone else was asking after you too, I won't be over. I will however, like many others, be plonked in front of the telly for it. ...well....I have been busy... Life is treating me very well..... Yeah, that Tony Scholes on ClaretsMad is sure a character. Does like it all his own way. I have been barred 4 times for having an opinion. I just booked my flights now for a weekend of debauchery. There are direct flights from Pheonix to London.... so whats stopping ya? No passport, no money, no tickets, a mortgage, a job, that plus it's on the telly.
  21. Aye, and all 8,000 of us (in that part of the ground) had a smile as big as yours when the third went in. Couldn't stop smiling when the second went in at the 2-0 home friendly win in 1970. What did you think of that game? Was that when the wall collapsed at the Darwen End. I won't say why it collapsed for fear of being branded.
  22. So how many did we squeeze on there Wrongsider,800 ?. The police closed the away section 5 hours before the kick off ....it gets better five hours before kick-off now...... I hope you took your deck chairs Make your minds up you lot eh...? No, I remember it well, it was 5 hours before the week before the kick off. We all lived by licking the empty crisps bags blowing around the terracing. Shut up about 2 and it was quite a squeeze. What were your recollections OLS?
  23. Joined as I like the occasional bit of banter. Obviously if my presence upsets you I will gladly retire from your MB - assuming of course Rovertime et al will no longer visit ours Stick around you are doing fine.
  24. Tell you what thats a good idea if it could be achieved. Not just cards but anything blue and white it should be a theme day i'd say. and i ain't going dont be nicking our ideas http://boards.footymad.net/mboard/load.php...&mid=2141648397 I may have a doppelganger but I don't like to talk about it Post largely on Clarets Mad - this is the only rival board I post on with any regualrity, and occasionaly PNE I used to post on clarrots are mad but was banned for some "insensitive" comments regarding your FA Cup loss at home to the Wombles many moons ago. That mod of yours can dish it out but he can't take it can he, he even bans his own kind just for simply disagreeing. I think even the original Longsider had a verbal with him.
  25. No not really Mr Dingle sir, I used to be but age has slowed me a bit I would say I am more like a Johnny English now? Probably was then too, just dumber than I am now, I think.
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