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Mashed Potatoes

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Mashed Potatoes last won the day on December 13 2022

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  1. No - defence of the people who give up their free time to represent supporters . Would have thought they are entitled to some respect.
  2. The problem is that the club isn't self sufficient. So what do they do when it becomes apparent ?
  3. Be fair. He did break the news that Duncan Ferguson would be appointed manager.
  4. For those who think that there was a chance that Klopp would want to take the England job the Daily Telegraph website are reporting that he has confirmed that he will be taking the forthcoming season off from football to re-charge his batteries.
  5. Every team can have a bad day - Spain lost to Scotland in the qualifying group.
  6. Correct - and what is noticeable about those demanding a new manager is that not a single one of them has said who it should be.
  7. Couldn't you get on the blower and come back to us with the answers ?
  8. Yes, the comparisons with Bellingham are silly. It seems possible that Bellingham could win the Balon D'Or come the end of the year ; however excited we and others might be by Wharton he has a long way to go still to get to that level.
  9. Given their financial resources Bayern and Man City could have outbid Palace - but chose not to do so.
  10. Realisticly,what do you think a player best suited to the pivot role in a 4-2-3-1 playing in the Championship would fetch ? Another £6m to £10m brings the fee up to to £28m to £32m which is about the max for a Championship player ( £32m for Watkins ?)
  11. I would have thought 22 was the max if all the contingencies were met, but did not relate to the sell on, which will be based on profit (probably) or gross fee on the on sale. I don't think there will be a max for the sell on.
  12. Jude Bellingham made his senior debut for Birmingham in August 2019 and England debut in November 2020.
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