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Everything posted by bluebruce

  1. Did I say it was? Am I somehow forcing him not to be? Let me talk with Chaddy. Not hurting anyone.
  2. I know you're a positive person by nature in general, that's been very clear and it can be a very useful attitude to have in life. I'm just asking how that has worked out in the last 12 years specifically in regards to Rovers, not life in general. Surely you have ended up disappointed after those expectations far more times than you've ended up happy, again specifically in regards to Rovers in that period? Btw there are probably a lot of fans who say negative things about the club these days who are positive people in general. After a long enough period of being disappointed by the same thing, it's easy to identify a pattern and adjust your expectations accordingly. Which, when the good things happen, only makes them more enjoyable because they were unexpected, and the bad things aren't as crushing because you were mentally prepared.
  3. Genuinely curious, how has positive thinking been working out for you the last 12 years? It must have been hard expecting good outcomes all the time but instead being consistently served the shit we have had nearly every time.
  4. We'd better hope Carvalhal accepts then, because those others don't sound inspiring at all.
  5. He isn't saying it's happening though, just that it's been offered and he asked for a week to mull it over.
  6. True, though there didn't seem to be such thing as first choice for the u23s. Think they just realised they had too many youth keepers and decided to rotate them all around. I expect he was a bit demoralised too, I would be if I signed expecting to be number two and they signed a new number two like a week later. I doubt they told him he was going to be third choice, though maybe they did I dunno. Add in moving countries and it wasn't really set up for him to succeed. Moving him on is best for all parties at this stage. Hopefully we get a bit of money back and tack a sell on in.
  7. Thought I was clear, I don't care, nor does it matter, what Mowbray's rankings of our GK department are. I don't rate his opinions and he is no longer our manager. Since he is no longer our manager, we have no idea whether he would be considered to be behind Eastham or not.
  8. The report just today is that it looks like he will leave, to the Greek top tier, but that nothing is agreed yet. I'd leave if I were him, he will look at his two years here as wasted ones. Shame the boss' mate's son got signed a few days after him, we might have actually seen him otherwise. Bet he wouldn't have thrown the ball into the net against Wigan. 4th choice for Tony Mowbray. Forgive me if I don't put too much store in his views. The same man who thought SG should have a stab at RB and that a LWB was an inside forward on the right flank. One of those choices ahead of him was his mate's son, which reeks of nepotism. Who knows where a new manager would put him in our GK rankings. Stergiakis will now go down as a failed Mowbray signing, someone he signed for money and then almost immediately sidelined. We won't get much if any money for the sale so I hope we stick a tidy sell-on in there in case the scouts who initially found him were right about his potential. Not that he is likely to fetch much when he moves from a Greek top tier also-rans side unless he really really shines.
  9. Sounds like he has decent character at least, but I'd really rather he had spent a lot of time learning the football business than the poultry business! Does he strike you as intelligent?
  10. Well, not necessarily the case that they're not accurate. Mowbray did say the recruitment team would still look at targets. We need to have scout reports ready for the new man. I just can't see the trigger being pulled on anyone of any significant outlay until a manager is in. And of course he could come along and dismiss the whole list of suggestions out of hand. Chaddy will be delighted anyway, seems to mention Brittain or Styles every couple of weeks!
  11. https://www.lancs.live/sport/football/football-news/blackburn-rovers-transfer-news-heddow-24033523 Jake Haddow supposedly on the radar of clubs in the Prem, Championship and on the continent.
  12. https://www.lancs.live/sport/football/football-news/marvin-ekpiteta-blackpool-daniels-gay-23989707?int_source=nba Saw this today, though it's from the 18th. A senior Blackpool player has had some 10-year old homophobic tweets dredged up and has immediately deleted them, apologised in what comes across to me on paper as a very sincere manner, and Jake has accepted it. Daniels: "What you said ten years ago at 17 years old doesn’t define the man you are today. I am proud to be your teammate and to be part of the Blackpool family - we are all moving football forwards together." Ironic that the remarks were at the same age Jake is now. Good to see the human capacity for growth and acceptance on display. (If anyone wants to comment on this, I'd suggest reading the article and the full quotes by both first)
  13. I can't imagine the compo would be anywhere near the best part of a million. Wycombe are a poor club.
  14. Absolutely. I actually suspect one of our current squad is, though I'm not going to say who and it's only a hunch. But there's a fair chance statistically that amongst our senior and youth teams right now, one or more will be gay.
  15. Thanks as always for sharing what you know. But these two statements seem incompatible? I'm confused how they can never refuse to sign a cheque, yet turn off the taps and require a player sale to buy players. Even if the reason was to avoid FFP rather than not wanting to part with money, that still sounds like not signing a cheque. And was still a bizarre decision (though, bizarre decisions are their forte), as we had a real opportunity to earn the mega money of the Prem and make FFP irrelevant for a while. Even if we had spent a bit more (but not too crazy, say 4-5 million) there is the likely BBD sale in the summer to largely offset it.
  16. Feels like back injuries have been unusually common too?
  17. Am I imagining things or do we seem to get a disproportionate amount of injuries all through the club, even at youth levels, which I thought would be rarer? Maybe it's just more common for young players than I think, or it's actually not happening here as much as I think, but I know until I was 19 I never had a single injury (then I became a total Vince Grella ever since lol) and not many of my teammates would either, especially longer term stuff. Granted these lads will put their bodies under more strain than we did, but it seems a lot for young lads who have been used to a fair bit of training for years. We've had 16 year old Ash Phillips miss seemingly about half this season, Butterworth and JRC both had a lot of serious injury issues when they were in the youth team, and it was reading the LT article just now about how Whitehall (who I've considered promising in the past) and Saadi are being offered new deals but due to injury made 0 and 16 appearances respectively for the u23s this season. Obviously the first team had a lot of issues too in recent years. Obviously some injuries will always happen, I just wonder if there is something in our training methods or facilities that is contributing to the frequency of it.
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