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Everything posted by Gav

  1. 22yrs ago today we beat Barcelona 3-2 at Ewood. I couldn’t find the YouTube clips, but thanks to readrovers, we have a link. https://twitter.com/readrovers/status/1690249254642888704?s=46&t=vixBk9JCaQx4yRvDSEyAbQ
  2. Bring your windbreakers, its 'blowing a Hooley' in South Yorkshire right now!
  3. Gallagher hattrick? In all seriousness, I hope things work out roverandout and Rovers can do the business for you today.
  4. I was Rovers daft from the day I was born, its a family thing, its in the blood. I have to say though that when the revolution started in 1992, the amount of people I saw that had never had an interest in football, or had in some cases been Liverpool fans up to that point was noticeable. You'd bump into people on matchdays that you went to school with, now wearing Rovers shirts, not Liverpool shirts, its amazing what a bit of success can do. I'm not knocking it, we were all from Blackburn after all, but I often wonder how many of those lads/lasses are still going today.
  5. Its like 1970's all over again, dinosaurs. I noticed Lancashire have also launched an inquiry into some dingles (Look 40+) abusing women/kids on a tram in Manchester. Board the place up, that is the answer.
  6. Glad you and family are safe pal, houses can live again, people can't 👍
  7. Designer clothes coming back to Blackburn, its not been the same since Originals closed down: https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/23715450.flannels-open-old-tessuti-store-mall-blackburn/
  8. I gave him a few quid in Sofia because he was running short, imagine my dismay when he was stocking up on cheap fags in the airport on the way back, the Mrs had to intervene or I'd have rung his bloody neck, cheeky bastard. 🤣
  9. More important than the footy, for the vintage members of the site:
  10. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/robbie-robertson-death-the-band-b2390476.html I don’t know about anyone else, but we just felt the tremor from this announcement travel across the Atlantic. Robbie Robertson has passed away…..
  11. How many did you expect for an early round league cup game?
  12. A poster gave the Attendance: 6,173 (579) - Which is a great turnout for an early league cup game.
  13. You can see a batsman in him though I presume OjW? Some of those shots he played during the Ashes were a joy to behold, absolute class, the lads technically gifted and that is the reason why the management have stuck with him.
  14. Travis looked a different player today, I'd keep him at all costs, selling our captains 2yrs on the trot is madness to me.
  15. I'm being a bit mischievous of course, we have been shit on from a great height during the past decade, its no surprise our gates aren't booming, but taken in context, they have held up rather well.
  16. No wind ups here Matty. You've got our fan base wrong in my opinion. If the product is worth supporting the town will turn out, it’s been that way since 1875.
  17. You’ve struggled with the gate debate, you never expected a bumper crowd today I’d wager, you were amazed against Girona when the numbers went over 5k and to put me on the hook, we’ve had no success and the gates are going up. Long may that continue I say.
  18. That wouldn’t allow posters to give you a bloody nose on the gate debate 😂 But seriously, it’s been a good day, Ewood was a picture and we all went home happy. Onwards and upwards.
  19. I think the bottom line here is, if you’re beating West Brom, with a depleted side, you’re on the right track. We have now brought a few quid in from outgoings, how about backing the manager Venkys? Over to you.
  20. Mate of mine called me earlier to tell me he’d been given some complementary tickets, he sent me pick: Slap bang in the middle of the WestBrom fans 😂
  21. If this is correct they have been steadily increasing, up nearly 3500 since 19/20 season! 22/23 Championship 14,737 21/22 Championship 13,032 20/21 Championship - No data 19/20 Championship 11,460 18/19 Championship 14,550 17/18 League One 12,832 16/17 Championship 12,688
  22. Haven't our average attendances been steadily increasing in recent years? I'm sure I read somewhere that they had?
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