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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Senegal heading out on yellow cards as it stands You can imagine the Japanese now just seeing the game out without any more bookings
  2. Tend to agree with others let’s just go an win and make the world scared of playing us
  3. You always go out to win but it does look like the runners up in our group will get the rub, the right hand side of this looks a much easier path than the left Potentially the next 2 rounds could be Japan and then the winner of Sweden v Switzerland, you couldn’t ask for a kinder path to the semi final
  4. We’re among the favourites to win it now, one of our strengths was coming into it with no real expectations so let’s hope we stay grounded.
  5. Flag went up for offside then VAR showed the ball came off a defender so no it wouldn’t have been given otherwise. In fairness Germany never looked like scoring
  6. Germany gone And people doubted VAR
  7. Pictures of Maradona being seen to by Paramedics after the game either legless drunk or from drugs. During the game he looked comically out of it but it’s obviously a real issue, he needs help.
  8. Maradona is ridiculously out of it. Can the Super Eagles respond?
  9. That second touch from Messi was pure art
  10. I liked that one of their players went round dragging his teammates up and bollocking them for it
  11. Just realised I’m on a train home from London at 7pm on the 10th, I’m going to miss our semi final aren’t I?
  12. Seems like the once talented Tony Watt is now focused on reviewing films and streaming himself playing Fortnite - what a waste
  13. I think that’s one of the only games I’ve missed
  14. Spain disagree last night a perfectly good goal was disallowed before VAR allowed for the correct decision: I think if you looked at every incident in which it’s been used this World Cup the success rate would be somewhere between 80-90% depending on your view. The penalty last night was for me the first time a wrong decision has come from it although there’s a few instances where it could have been used but hasn’t. Maybe that’s not high enough and that’s certainly y up for debate but VAR absolutely irrefutably does work at least to an extent.
  15. I won’t be sad to see it go, just think there’s potential if used right.
  16. So I’ve said from the start that I think VAR has been good this tournament - that brings us to today, firstly Ronaldo penalty, good decision, red card - good decision, Iran penalty - shambolic. The problem that I see emerging is refs are using it as a safety net and constantly checking, the clear and obvious error line is being lost already. The tech could work but refs need to be stronger and better - but if they were then we would have never needed it. Used when appropriate this could work, as it is it’s far to prevelant and nearly every incident that half was referred. At the same time it just allowed a perfectly good goal for Spain that would have been ruled out otherwise.
  17. Ok now that’s one that didn’t need reviewing he’s become a little too reliant this ref. Tricky game to ref as both teams have acted awfully around him Hes just given a penalty now to Iran that never was a penalty after reviewing VAR, user error that
  18. What’s he got wrong? I’ve not seen anything obvious
  19. Ronaldo booked after a VAR review, borderline one but I think the ref got it right, the fact a lot think it’s a red shows how much it’s still down to opinion no matter how many angles you see. VAR helps but it can’t make it all perfect
  20. Oh come on it’s clearly a foul he’s cut across him and blocked him with his hip. Its a foul on the halfway line and a foul in the box. VAR still massively up in terms of correct decisions
  21. Colombia look a team when they get going, their fans are insane they make an awesome racket
  22. Great game Senegal and Japan neither deserved to lose, ended 2-2
  23. Just got to the Christening do and got the tv sorted It’s actually coming home this time
  24. I’m at a Christening at 12:45 - not sure how this happened the lad who’s son it is a huge footy fan as well. Having see us and Panama you would expect this to be as routine as they come but I suppose you never know. Start like we did against Tunisia and settle any nerves that could creep in.
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