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Everything posted by Stuart

  1. Like for like for Dack would have been Rothwell (who never gets a chance there) so Mowbray must have changed his tactics. Hopefully it doesn’t backfire.
  2. Dack off - Brentford have got what they wanted there. Dirty b’stards. Graham didn’t look happy going off. Nuttall on. Conway on to protect Bennett?
  3. A month or two? Right now I’d take a game or two!
  4. This IS the team! Anyone going to give me any credit at all? Nope. Don’t care! Get in you beauty!!!
  5. I’m not anti-Mowbray. I’m anti-his-odd-decisions.
  6. Kind of. I genuinely like the team. I don’t see how a fit Mulgrew should mean leaving Rodwell out either. Interesting time coming up.
  7. Have to say I do like this team. A very happy accident.
  8. Did you even read my post properly, Josh? “Potential” and “future” were the words I used. But the fact that he is a school kid is even more reason for a twice Family Club of the Year* to treat him better than threatening with a ban. This lad already had a followership. This was a great opportunity for positive fan-reaching PR. Waggott’s regime does nothing to engage fans and is simply all about generating revenue. (*for it’s approach pre-Waggott. And in my view down to Lindsay Talbot and the team.)
  9. Nope, and you’ve missed the point a little, as I’d rather they got him in to speak to him because they saw him as a potential asset to the club, and future employee or partner for our media department. But might be a little too innovative for our senior management team.
  10. Anyone who has been in football for any length of time knows this is a very dangerous policy. If your football team is successful your best players become valuable. It doesn’t really work in reverse.
  11. From “Innovative community stadium” to “get your phone camera out during the game and we’ll ban you”. How long before kids posting free kicks and penalties on Facebook (with no financial reward) are threatened? The football authorities and TV companies are going after the little guy because copyright law says they can. The club’s heavy handed way of enforcing it seems gratuitous.
  12. Nor does the opposite. Round and round we go but one thing is clear: the club has allowed a perception to form that Brereton cost £7m, which would make him the most expensive player in our squad - by some distance . This has become a huge burden and looks to have impacted the lads confidence, and he doesn’t play. Somebody could come out and clarify the fee and take that pressure off but they do not.
  13. Bringing it back to the issue at hand, and not satisfying some people’s daily fellow fan kicking fix... Does threatening to ban fans seem consistent with Waggott’s vision for the club? https://www.lancashiretelegraph.co.uk/news/16157162.steve-waggott-rovers-aim-to-become-community-hub-like-barcelona/?ref=ar Steve Waggott, who has had spells at Southend United, Gillingham and Charlton Athletic, is aiming to turn Rovers’ home into what he described as an “innovative community stadium”. And He said: “I want it to be an innovative community stadium so that everyone from youngsters right up to senior citizens can come in 365 days a year. And through that we can hopefully attract new businesses in to see what we are doing. Doesn’t really feel like he is living up to his own targets. Come to think of it, aside from promotion (thanks to Mowbray’s relationship with Venkys and a huge L1 budget) I’m not sure what Waggott has actually done to improve the fan experience. It’s been nothing but developing commercial partners and other opportunities to bank the green - including increases and add-ons to ticket prices. Fans appear to be a necessary evil. Vbloggers fans are an unnecessary evil it seems.
  14. Bigging up the transfer fee suits nobody in this situation. Certainly not Brereton but it also means we will see other clubs wanting more from us for their players. No wonder we can’t afford them: “look at his record, he’s a better player that Brereton and he cost £7m”.
  15. Name me another Rovers signing with a transfer fee reported that included wages.
  16. Realistic? £3m for Brereton and would immediately be less than half the problem and half the pressure! He could even go into the U23s without it being an issue. The idea of a transfer fee being talked about but secretly including the wages for the length of his contract is unheard of. There really is a simple answer to this one. The club just need to confirm that the fee was nowhere near the reported £7m mark. Given everything that has happened (and not happened) since Brezza signed, it doesn’t seem at all likely though.
  17. You cannot ignore the price tag. It’s not an excuse! You have invented this idea of “flex” presumably because of the Bosman wage effect. This is the Championship not the PL, we aren’t buying a PL striker for £7m we are being a second tier one. Almost none of them cost that much!
  18. It’s a good point about Wilcox. Today’s cosseted footballers have never had it so good.
  19. The main issue I have with the Brereton signing is the price tag. We didn’t need to spend so much money to light a fire under Nuttall. He just needed managing properly. As soon as Samuel was fit last time he was dropped. That’s what put him back. If anything we have too much competition for places in certain areas and not enough in others. (GK and CB bring the main ones). But regardless, £7m in this division should have brought goals - even starting as sub (although for £7m I’d have wanted a first team starter) - but he’s not looking like getting chances. Nuttall has had to take his chances from the bench. Brereton just doesn’t look like getting into a position to get a goal, and looks to be getting further away from a first team start than closer. Badly recruited, badly used, badly managed. The only sound bites now are that he’ll be a good ‘un in the future. By next January we could well be offloading him on a loan-to-buy after “a disastrous spell at Ewood Park”. Something needs to change and quickly. Some games in the U23s is vital. If the rumour that Waggott has vetoed the manager doing so is true then the club really isn’t helping him - or itself.
  20. No disagreement there. Some people in general are bell ends. That’s life. Doesn’t mean that Brereton isn’t bring given a fair chance by fans.
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