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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. Gallagher needs taking by the throat his attitude is as blaise' as his managers. Wonder why that it.
  2. Done very well to get to half time 0-0 Still in it so hopefully keep grinding away and Colin decides he'll settle for a point and doesn't pull off a tactical masterstroke. It'll be a good point earned tonight if we get there !
  3. You've got to ride your luck in games like this, longer it goes more frustrated Boro get.
  4. It's a tough game tonight it usually is against Boro so i'm not expecting much any point is welcome seeing as we aren't at our strongest. However lets just put to bed the fallacy before we start that defeat is acceptable because of the situation and once more players are back we'll be taking the league by storm. That side tonight if it's set up right and applies itself right IS capable of a result of some sort and it still contains players better than half this league. It's all about how they go about it and what mistakes they might make that they really shouldn't be.
  5. The lack of Champ experience didn't look to have affected Kaminski, if you're good enough you'll cope it's as simple as that. Maybe Pears will but we are back to having a raw rookie keeper between the sticks already, someone with far less pro experience than the last number 2. So there can be no surprises or excuses if it back fired. Hopefully it won't but is this the real way to build a promotion squad ? Not imo, it's a risky strategy that yet again puts the experiment of players before points.
  6. Pears has something like 24 appearances in 4 years at Boro and his most games have come not even in the pro leagues for Gatesheed. Hardly surprising if he doesn't look the part he's far from it. If he's been brought in now as number 2 it begs more questions about what actually goes through their heads when they think they are improving the back line. Then again nepotism plays a big part in this regime.
  7. Why bother even having a squad of well paid players with the attitude he and some of his blindest followers seem to have. Might as well just have a first 15 and dip into the U23s every time there's a lot of absentees. At least the shoulder shrugging excuses would become genuinely valid. It's 11 v 11 on the day with the same ball and the same rules but tactics only seem to be relevant when we hammer someone.
  8. Just because Hughes didn't fulfill his early promise as a top end Prem manager doesn't mean he's a bad one either. We are a midtable Championship outfit with the facilities, backing and potential be a top end one. We need to be getting blood out of stones and in some cases using what resources we have to better effect. Hughes was a good fit here last time so maybe he could be again although he'd need to be realistic in his expectations of salary etc. Also would be much better with as many of his Tafia as possible but to write him off given our current status is a bit daft.
  9. Same as here with the agents except the ones here have a scrapheap client list. They seem to specialize in recent failures rather than up and comers. Another reason we won't have the success others seem to have despite heavy agent involvement.
  10. Looks like it's Kabel for Fury how very predictable. The other day he was 15th in WBC ranking. Probably in top 6 now Dosser.
  11. Agree any points are a bonus. However a bit more context says we have a strong squad now and they are designed to cope with absences as well as drops in form, that's the whole point. We can't throw the towel in and shrug our shoulders after every defeat every time a few of the better players are missing, that's the problem here and it's the mentality that needs erasing. Worse 11s put out every week than ours recently get results against better one's on paper.
  12. Well at last we get to the bottom of it. Frank Magnet and Tony Steel.
  13. I don't think, i know ? The only chance they'll ever have is to up the ante and recruit quality directors and manager with a promotion remit. Their money alone won't work surely they've twigged that by now, neither will just praying and hoping.
  14. It's concerning because it's Venkys and HSH and friends in charge but to say there is nobody or we/they couldn't get anybody is outright nonsense. The main issue now though is with all his mates around him he has the inside of the club pretty watertight. That will take a lot of replacing or the right person who'll they'll back to worth with. That's why clubs need a structure that can absorb change and we've never had it under this lot but we had it before.
  15. Very good observation on AJ i can go along with that iv'e thought similar that's why a Pulev fight is a tricky one. Especially when you look at what happened to Whyte. All the going to the US and the Ruiz thing was imo down to brand AJ taking over as well as wanting to rush and do a number with Wilder watching in the wings. He's making as much as he can whilst he can as is Fury but one goes wrestling whilst the other gets himself every endorsement and tv advert he can. I also think not fighting regularly is more detrimental to him than the likes of Fury as his style needs building on rather than just sharpening up. He's proved he can come in lighter and box cautiously easily going the distance but he seems to have lost that bit of edge that made him the brute he was.
  16. Probably just giving him a few months off and saving a bit on wages and now the situation has forced the hand a bit. Obviously there are no experienced free agent defenders or keepers in the entire world anymore.
  17. Hopefully he'll prove a catalyst to a little run of form, probably do 3 different positions in his first 3 games. Funny how they always find the money for Tony' pals though.
  18. No i don't think he gets blasted like i already said i think he could out run any of them including Fury. Just don't think he'd land enough without taking it back to make a convincing effort at points. My view is 70/30 he gets out big manned because he doesn't carry enough zap in his punches to keep them off. Hopefully we find out iv'e a sneaking feeling that Wilder/Fury will be back on for Feb/March. I really don't think their promoters want to try and put that on without some sort of fan income. A lot of bull and kidology going on there now i reckon but that will push any AJ fight back even further. So he'll defend against Usyk because there's money in that if they can get a crowd in obviously. Got to get past another possible banana skin with Pulev first obviously.
  19. Agree with a lot of the Hearn stuff but that's his job and it's nothing Warren hasn't done either he just doesn't have the platform anymore. Joshua is where he is on merit they all get hyped it's all Fury at the present time. Strip that back to its bare bones and despite him looking the most comfortable boxer he's steered himself very well also since he outhustled a Klitschko nearing the end. Modern era allows all this type of thing more than any other because the pool of talent is so sparse and they earn so much only fighting now and again. Joshua has done his mandatory stuff like a proper champion should no ifs buts or maybes or hype it is plain fact. However he's fortunate that most of those are old men on the wain. The fact they are the genuine mandos shows again how weak this era is and how the proper eliminators don't usually get made any more. Fury for his part has turned on the big night twice 4 years apart and pulled it off but in between he takes the piss and keeps himself with as minimal risk as is possible. The very thing he and everybody else abused Wilder for for years, yet he always seems to get a free pass for it there's always excuses. Very crafty. Sooner this little trio have concluded their business and moved on the better then the division might rebalance itself a bit. Not sure where the next real characters are going to come from though that's why it needs someone from leftfield to clean it up or pull off a few shocks. That won't be Usyk i'll happily take a bet on if he's matched with one of the big 3 next.
  20. I'd be expecting the standard just over 1.5 points per game this month not much else. 8 points probably, average stuff.
  21. I think if you look at last night Delboy set a pace he was never going to sustain but it worked for a few rounds. Threw Usyk off his rythmn and game plan and he was being roughed up a bit. Spent round after round complaining like a little girl, welcome to the real big boys. Once he got his range and Chisora slowed right down he coasted it but the extra weight really told early doors. That's with virtually no power in the odd shots that were catching him. Swap that for the better big lads he'll need to go on his toes imo. As for Dubois i'd just love him to come from nowhere and clean of the division like Tyson did but he's a long way from that. Might well do it though given time and the demise of one or two of the big lads after they've locked horns with each other a few times. Don't think he'll land himself in jail either.
  22. Don't even bother biting it's selective muck raking again these theories have been blown out the water. We've pasted teams home and away and been mullered home and away. The lack of fans all over the country even in the Prem is having some affects but messageboard opinion transmitting itself onto the pitch ? Best bit of tinfoil stuff yet. Dyche must be reading the Burnley ones out in the dressing room or something that'll explain their problems.
  23. Reason i mentioned him is he's very mobile he could dance with Usyk all night and it is a fight that theoretically could happen in the future. Hughie is with fast Eddie now remember and yes Usyk is 33 but as unified Cruiser champ he's automatic mandatory for one of AJs belts. So he'll get chance at him or whoever or fight for it if it comes vacant. Btw never believe these height things are right on the button - they're known to round it up to the nearest inch or two ( what bloke doesn't ?)
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