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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. Another a bit like Evans who shines when the team around him is doing well and we are in a little purple patch but disappears when the going gets tough. We desperately need characters who can grab games by the scruff and help to literally dig out results when it isn't pretty or we don't really deserve it on performances but keep pinching something. Rarely happens here we are either quite good or poor and rely on a moment from someone.
  2. Don't forget the huge corona hole in this seasons budget that'll have to be covered somehow. If they can't or won't stick in the extra millions from lost income then it's there in the way of external debt to somewhere probably so that'll need squaring off at some point.
  3. These are the bare facts of it all nothing really needs adding aside from touching on the Dack thing and to a lesser extent Evans. The loss of those 2 is a blow but we've more than enough cover and the muddling nature of other things that persist if they are playing or not balance it out. If anyone really believes we'd have been guaranteed top 6 if they'd been fit i think they need to look a little closer at the weak points.
  4. When you look on here it tends to be people from elsewhere around the country or even globe who are Mowbrays biggest defenders. I don't think it's a coincidence it's like that. Then on other platforms it tends to be the young elements who defend him to the hilt, again no coincidence. They've probably only known Rovers under Venkys and all the shower of shite they've served up until TM conjoured up 1 memorable season so it's all they know and cling on to. Understandable but they don't see the pattern developing and the little sub plots more seasoned seen it all before fans might see. A change might see a poor season net season and a lower finish whilst a new man beds in his methods. That would be met with derision in some parts, should have stayed as we were etc etc. However you might have 2 or 3 really good seasons after that, that is the gamble yet a lot just like to assume we'll go down again when it really needn't be the case. The path that lead to that last time was exceptional circumstances all started by the takeover and the instillation of crooks, it was inevitable.
  5. Iv'e suspected ever since he dropped him mid season last year that he's one they'd cash in first decent offer. Add in the rumours of the agent stuff a while back as well. They should be cherishing this lad not looking for excuses to leave him out in favour of the managers pet who is a level below him in that position. Nyambe doesn't strike me as the type of unit who needs resting i was prepared to give them the benefit of doubt last night assuming he had something tightening up. If not it's another load of bollocks.
  6. 'Tony you've mentioned in the past about the signings of Brereton & Gallagher and a different playing style possibility planning for a future without Dack. How do you feel that would work out next season should it come to pass going off the evidence this season ?' Or quite simply 'Tony you said in this newspaper last Aug/Sept we've sold the goalie to sign a striker. Do you feel that was a wise move looking at the comparisons now ?' These are the kind of questions any journalist worth his salt would be asking but we get the standard questions for which the answer is already set.
  7. Lets have it right before the bullets start flying from the usual angles, nobody is either expecting or demanding the play offs. It's not the defeats or the fact we've fallen short but the manor of it the Wigan, Barnsley & that tonight were dire efforts really. Going out to contain teams and just pray something falls your way that's the tactics. That's 3 awful spineless efforts out of the last 5 or 6 and that reflects itself throughout the season punctuated by the odd spectacular winning run. When we go on those we aren't setting the bar or turning any corners we are just overachieving briefly. What we see tonight is what we are and we'll continue to be. Those little periods lift us to where we end up, without them it would be very serious.
  8. Dack is the go to on that one. Just having him around stops Walton having the shakes and the defense takes on Allardyce style resilience. At least that's what they'll think on facebook.
  9. We kept booting the ball to their centre halves He even talks like a pub football manager at times there's a touch of Mike basset with that speak. Why were they doing that ? Must've been under his instructions to hit it long and early. Just what rocket science did he expect against a set of 6'1" to 6'3" defenders ? Pure spin now this fella.
  10. Average striker, billy big bollocks attitude. Souness liked them like that though in his team the bigger the attitude the better. This fella probably puts sweets under their pillows.
  11. Wasn't he the guy who dissed Rovers when Souness was interested in signing him ?
  12. Limp dicks the lot of them starting in the dugout. Cast iron guarantee if his back was against the wall they'd have steamed out the blocs and won that 3-1 or something. Zero urgency zero ambition starting from the manager who's trading on a transition to possession football whilst doing just enough to keep his mates in wages. Holiday camp mentality.
  13. Non Rovers people on twitter scratching heads at the formation now saying 4222 The guy is unreal it's one long experiment to try and accommodate/justify his players Ridiculous. If you're going to experiment now do it with a team starting with the kids.
  14. That's because they aren't sadly. One has the potential to be a battering ram workhorse the other a lge one squad player
  15. It's the way he has them playing makes it look worse it's effing painful hopefully they'll do the usual and step it up 2nd half.
  16. The guy tasked with it id blind to it though, willingly it seems.
  17. This times 1000 but it goes for a few others as well. Don't worry though the lads have had a nice time this aft and the boss got the ice creams in.
  18. Standard crap first half stuff usual dozy defending.
  19. Always going to happen Uncle tone is clearly very fond of that lad.
  20. I remember similar talk when they were due to come up once late 80's/early 90's i think when they hadn't been for a while. Police locked down the pubs etc and all the usual palaver. They brought about 125 fans, if that was now Waggot, the stadium manager & the local Plod would want it at 9 am on a Thursday morning. For some places that kind of thing would be a red rag to a bull but Rovers fans tend to go into hiding anyway ? They did say on one of the docus though that they'd been done up at Blackburn so times obviously changed.
  21. Why not pods lol A Blackburn Rovers B&B, the micro brewery making its own ale to sell and bakery in there making grub. Get a couple of wind turbines at each end to generate some energy. Call it the sustainables stand, why not try something pioneering instead of just creating space to farm out to some bland corporate overpriced franchise or other.
  22. There is something in this because he always starts dropping these hints this time of year. A few weeks down the line he usually totally contradicts himself though. Won't stop him retaining his favourite under achievers either. Some clues in there as to how he operates and how this set up is that boil my piss a bit 'It's not about us it's about them'. The guy needs to go and replace Gordon Taylor he's so concerned about keeping every footballer in wages regardless of whether they are any use whatsoever to this clubs aspirations. "I spend owners money wisely" - but i'll keep on all sorts of not up to the job bodies because we like them and don't want them left out in the big wide world but they can go if they've sorted themselves a better deal elsewhere. Honestly - f### ### !!! He talks of trying to improve but will not ruthlessly use all his resources for the alleged common goal. Then we'll be a few quid short again when it comes to wages for a decent goalie or defender because Uncle Tony prefers to share the pot around his lesser lights.
  23. The only thing that makes any sense there is a smaller capacity stand closer to the pitch with better facilities and some things incorporated that could help income. Micro brewery, museum, match day cafe, fast food outlet, hotel or b&b facilities, hell even a car showroom !
  24. Been here before, nice lad, fits in with the group, right agent... we'll find a position for him. On the other side of the coin had we got him the summer before we probably wouldn't have signed Brereton so the next 5 million might have gone on the defense..... Then again ?
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