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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. It doesn't relate to Messrs Waggott, Mowbray or Venus leaving if that's what you're driving at. Bearing in mind I'm talking about changes that have already happened. Best to see if the Club announce anything or whether they don't, but we start to see a marked improvement in off the pitch anyhow.
  2. I don't think it's my place to leak them, I think it's for the Club to announce them properly. No idea why they haven't..
  3. You won't get much argument from me on the first two paras. The third para, they're actually putting in as much as they're allowed to under the current rules aren't they? Imo it's due to the poor quality of management on the ground at Ewood it's all completely gone to waste.
  4. Don't think you are contradicting your original point about in the owners eyes a contract being a contract at all Mike. Kean didn't get sacked even though he took us down and got convicted of drink driving. Then Singh came in, managed to needle Kean out (thankfully) but then we had the other extreme and had the seven managers in a season scenario as we struggled to meet the weight of expectation that rightly comes with being in receipt of parachute payments. More recently the only two times the manager got the sack (Coyle and Bowyer) they looked the most likely to take us down. And I think you could make out the case that either could have gone even sooner and were given every chance to turn things round. I personally would have sacked Mowbray long ago as in my view it was quickly clear he was taking us nowhere but I presume his supporters would argue we've never been in imminent danger of going down under him.
  5. 1st point agreed. 2nd point don't agree, a fee was seemingly agreed with Southampton for Obafemi. 3rd point probably right but imo we had no choice due to FFP and the way Mowbray and Waggott have mismanaged the finances.
  6. Depends on who was doing the sacking. Wasn't Shebby Singh in the building at that point? They might have been simply going along with his recommendations in much the same way as the Coventrio appear to have had way too much rope to hang the Club with more recently.
  7. I think I've said about as much as I can and/or know already. The efforts to establish contact with the owners appear to have been relatively well received thus far and the process is ongoing. There have been one or two changes behind the scenes already which seem to me to be very positive and which don't seem to have been announced any where unless I've missed it. It also sounds as though there's a recognition that where we are isn't good enough and as though there is a genuine desire to plan with a view to kicking on next season. As always the proof of the pudding will be in the eating but tbh it's the only thing keeping me going as the Coventrio (now the 4Cov with Park) blunder from one disaster to another.
  8. Can we fire this bloke back off to where he came from now or should we wait for him to fail to land any decent free agents either then do it? When Park was appointed I made a semi humorous post about how he'd like it at Ewood because all he'd have to do would be to put a few offers in for players which would never be accepted, sit back twiddle his thumbs then when the player eventually moved elsewhere lament "We did all we could". Then just pick the crumbs up off the PL loan table at the last minute of players the parent Clubs were keen to offload. Nice work if you can get it. Spoken partially in jest but sadly and predictably not too far wide of the mark.
  9. I know. That's why I said looking at it objectively with a non Rovers hat on. It is a hell of a wrench, however on the very odd occasion I do find it a useful hedging tool. If you lose the bet you're happy we've won, and if it wins at least there is a financial compensation. Win win.
  10. Question not directed at me but I would say imo it's clearly not good enough and the situations regarding the aborted sale of Brockhall and the expiring contracts are even worse.
  11. Can't say anything more and I'm not aware of any real detail anyway just of a couple of developments that have happened already so far. It really is up to the Club to deliver on these seemingly promising developments in due course and keep us all informed on a managed basis.
  12. Yes. There is an immense amount of top level experience and expertise available to the Club within the group. Notwithstanding the silly criticism on here of their QEGS background.
  13. Whoa. Didn't say that at all Matty. I meant in relation to not being aware about what is generally going on at Ewood I.e. that management have allowed us to get into a situation where £30 m + worth of talent could walk away for nothing next summer etc. As regards the specific question of Brockhall the simple answer is I don't know. My view is the owners don't need to sell a few acres of land nr Whalley and were probably initially spun a line by the Coventrio about a new world class training facility. However I could be completely wrong.
  14. I understand certain loyal, dedicated and well meaning fans have been working selflessly behind the scenes to establish lines of communication with the owners and that those initial efforts appear to have been well received, early signs are relatively encouraging and as a result the process is ongoing. I'm not privy to what has been said in discussions between the Club and said parties as I am not part of said group and it was apparently agreed by all that everything should remain confidential. However I am led to believe that looking forward to next season and beyond there are genuine grounds for optimism and that certain changes have already been made behind the scenes which potentially could also be very positive. I'm not quite sure why the Club haven't actually announced these changes yet but I am presuming they will be doing so in due course. These changes with potentially a good deal more to come would also tend to suggest that when people say the owners don't know what's going on at Ewood or simply don't care, that is very much wide of the mark. However as with everything we'll have to see what actually unfurls in due course and see if these green shoots of optimism are justified. In the meantime, I'd urge everyone whether as an individual or as part of a particular fan group to keep up the pressure and contribute their constructive views and feedback.
  15. Ridiculously so. I've only seen 12/1 so far, even that I would say is a lump on price looking at it objectively and without a Rovers hat on.
  16. We needed an out and out striker way more than we needed cover in either full back position!
  17. Can't really explain why they're still here. There is a non-sinister reason that I've heard put forward and it may be correct but if true it flies in the face of common sense and good business practice.
  18. I'd be very surprised if that was the case unless Waggott has ditched Mowbray in a belated attempt to save his own backside. I would find it far more believable that the Coventrio have fallen completely out of favour with the owners.
  19. Not sure they are but after their usual train wreck of a transfer window it's going to be a long old season.
  20. For you to say that I think speaks volumes. Plus, how are the only two guys we've actually spent a permanent fee on going to get on the pitch? They can't both play at LB unless the guy from Lincoln is somehow going to be shoehorned in in midfield. To say it's a shambles doesn't do it justice. Just the usual running round at the last minute desperately trying to see who's still available, bringing in bodies for the sake of it in positions where we already have cover and completely ignoring the priority areas most in need of attention.
  21. 14 goals in seven seasons. Those two goals could prove vital in our efforts to stay up this time. 🙄
  22. Don't suppose there is one. Mowbray probably won't give a **** as he probably knows he won't be here next season even if he does manage to see this one out.
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