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[Archived] Segundo Castillo

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Deemed not good enough after two days by Ince, already getting rave reviews with the toffees, nice one!


Major global stock markets suffer losses because of Paul Ince. what will he do next ? Could he be blamed for global warming? Wait we dident sign zinedine zidane back in the day, dam you ince.

Assumed silly season ended on 1st of September?

This is just getting silly.

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Watched the 90 min of Stoke V Everton.

He did no more to impress me, than our own MF,

Lost count of wayward 20-40 yrd balls, Ok did sit well in front of back four, always available for the short passes, moved them on and made space for the return. IMO not 6mill, but I'm not David Moyes :D

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Deemed not good enough after two days by Ince, already getting rave reviews with the toffees, nice one!

Are you serious? I was actually thinking of starting a positive Ince thread as a result of his decision not to sign Castillo. Where are these rave notices?

He was absolute pants on Sunday. Too unfit; too slow; couldnt keep up with play. Andrews looks a better bet to me.

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On top of that what about Annan?

Where are all the people saying that Wenger is going to sign him and Ince does not know what he is doing! Obviously he did as the only club to take him on was another in the Norwegian league!!

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I'm an Evertonian

Castillo had a poor first half but really grew into the game as it went on

I think you've got to appreciate that he'd only had one day of training as an Everton player and doesn't speak English but is thrown into an away game with the new Wimbledon regardless. From what he showed in the second half he will be a decent Prem-standard player.

Not bad for a loan deal. :tu:

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Where on earth have you all got £6 million from? I'm sure the price for making him permanent is around 3 million, although I'll be damned if I can find that link now.

Edit: By the way...I think the choice was Castillo or Grella, not Castillo or Andrews.

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Not bad for a loan deal. :tu:

An expensive loan deal though, with a hefty price tag attached. I have no doubt he is already talking about joining a european giant and everton being his stepping stone, afterall he did with us even before he had come over for the trial.

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An expensive loan deal though, with a hefty price tag attached. I have no doubt he is already talking about joining a european giant and everton being his stepping stone, afterall he did with us even before he had come over for the trial.

I don't know how expensive the loan deal is, nobody does as of now. I don't think we agreed any hefty price for a permanent option either... or at least I can't remember one being announced at the time.

I think he'll be a decent Prem player from the little I've seen. A younger Lee Carsley. We won't be a stepping stone for him because Everton will be as good as it gets for a player of his ability.

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