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Everything posted by glen9mullan

  1. Try and make it happen Duncan, although my health wont allow me to get massively involved these days, i'd hate to pass away, and not have had one final swing at getting the truth, that the supporters deserve. I do fear, there is very little pressure being applied, and know people are finding it hard to find the strength. There are still far more questions than answers
  2. Anyone can answer screened questions, or get away with not being asked questions by the media knowing local media fear being frozen out. Anyone can do the one to one, and tell people what they want to hear. Its not a matter of public record. I will give Shelfie, Agnew, Singh, Hunt, Myers there dues, nothing was ever off the table with those guys and no meeting was ever comfortable for them. Its interesting Sylvester , I quote "i just do as i'm told" remains at the club. I'd certainly have some questions about that, based on documented information i have in my possession!!!!!
  3. What i'd like to see is @Miller11invite Mr Waggott onto Rovers radio, and allow me the opportunity to ask unscreened questions, so everyone can gauge for themselves, where we where, where we are and where we are heading. If he is a straight talking, no nonsence type of guy, I cannot see how he would have a problem with this? We have a manager out of contract in the matter of weeks, players out of contract, thousands upon thousands of lost supporters and no real effort to get them to return. The match day expereience is no different now than it was during the previous regimes. We still have the community trust doing the wonderful things they've always done, and are a beacon of light to all. Prior to Mr Waggott, We had: Free tickets for schools, community clubs, disadvantaged children. I personally worked with children services to take a number of disadvantaged children to games. We had the rovers zone on match days, with lots of different acts weekly, we still have this but less acts. We had open forums covered by local media. We had players contracts sorted in good time. We had match offers, season ticket offers , and incentives to try and get people in the stadium. We had some pretty good marketing campaigns especially during the Alan Myers period. The club was engaging with all spectrums within the community and working with the council, I know as i attended these meetings . They were supporting things like Derian House, East Lancashire hospice and giving them advertising space to raise awareness. We had the legends match, full engagement with the former players association and events which brought back former players and celebrated success. The premier league winning dinner for example. Crowds were actually higher also. Many of these things we still do, but are certainly not as a result of the current administration. If it was not for the academy which Jack Walker set up, then squad wise we'd be in serious trouble given the majority have come through the ranks, given the pitiful investment into external signings, and given we continue to sell our better players, with the money not reinvested into the playing squad.
  4. Banana skin fixture, games running out, nothing less than three points here will do for us. A win and the season is rolling again, with players to return after the internationals. A defeat, then I think we have an up-hill battle to make the play offs. Tactically i cant see us changing from three centre backs. I suspect Dolan, Gallagher and Giles will start. With Khadra, Johnson and Pickering dropping out
  5. Not sure whats gone on, but this site and the effort that goes into running it, is a credit to those who run it now and have run it in the past. Giving their time for free, whilst giving all supporters a platform to discuss our common love. I think everyone wants what is best for the club, and there will always be a split opinion on what exactly that is. Everyone in their own way does what they think is in the clubs best interest from their point of view, and there is certainly no pot of gold at the end of the rainbow for those efforts and nor should there be. I can hand on heart state, at no point in my support of the club have I ever recieved a free ticket, a free meal, a free shirt or to that matter anything for free from the club. I can also state that I have sponsored matches, and paid for corporate for guest through business, as its good value and its another way of supporting our club. In terms of positive impact, if people are doing things, its great, but equally its important to share exactly what it is you are actually doing. After all its everyones club, and as stakeholders everyone has a right to know and not the priveledged few. Being secretive, or not straight up, loses people complete credibility, and creates more doubt than hope. It only galvanises the general consensus of "lip service" . Transparency, will get the buy in from many, anything less, and you've already lost the target audience.
  6. All those that have gone before him also gave far more than you bargained for. Keeping people on side is a tactic they master. They all had strong opinions regarding the manager, regarding change, appearing to be in agreement with you, whilst giving hope that there is a possible light at the end of the tunnel. The truth is, none of them rock the boat behind closed doors. Their direct contact with the owners is minimal, and I'd have a guess that i've probably had more direct contact myself than those charged with running the show at Ewood. I applaud anyone who has had an opportunity to say it how it is to the likes of Waggott, and respect their opinion on how they've found that expereience. For me the proof is in the pudding, and under his stewardship nothing has really changed, its just a different name on the door, protecting their own interest.
  7. I had a 2 and half hour call yesterday regarding a new documentary about Rovers. The past is certainly not forgotten, the story of Venkys ownership past and present will be told. Dooped, Niave, hands tied? This is fictitious account we are left with after weeks, months and years pass. What was their excuse when they was picking team? What was their excuse when selecting board members to replace our solid administration they inherited? Kentaro, Crescedo et al, its all very easy to pin all the blame at their door. They are massively culperable , but Venkys are certainly not innocent. I try and keep my head down nowadays, but its quite evident that many people have profited, jokeyed for position locally, have got too cosey with the club, hang on their every word, and in some respects put the efforts and sacrifices of thousands to waste. You look around the ground, and 95% of local sponsors are gone, the boards which separate the upper and lower tier no longer advertises these. We have a business development manager, who went from walking on protest, wearing venkys out t-shirts to then getting a job at the club and within a couple of weeks, requesting to meet me at the services to lambast the supporter base for making a stand. Sold himself out for a job!!!!! Time is not healer, thousands have walked away, loyal supporters for decades. We now have an element of support within our supporter base which is young youths, who can make going to a game somewhat intimidating. Many of these are not old enough to remember Venkys buying the club, or understand where the club was before Venkys. I, and many of you have lost family members, seen people who marched for the cause sadly pass away, it breaks my heart when I remember these supporters that they are no longer here, and the club they loved so dear continues to be a shadow of its former self. Venkys have been here a long time now, but the frailties and fundamental basics which they dont do remain. The acceptance of, it is what it is, or make do is painful to see. The years of taking our case to the highest authorities of our national game, the cover ups, the personal intrusion, has sadly taken its toll on my health. The years of not being there to support my wife in bringing our children up, and giving every minute of my time to stand up for those who had the courage to fight for our club, its future and threat of existence, is something I have to live with, I will never get those years back. Its a shell of a club now, absent owners, no one being held accountable and no one standing up for us. Accepting the issues, forgetting the sacrifices, you become part of the problem and not the solution. Watching Panarama this week and the Ambramovich story shows where the games at. £'s buy votes, they buy silence, they buy closed eyes. If your team is winning, no one bats an eyelid, its only when results are bad that people take a closer look. Supporters are taken for granted, not just by our clubs, but the administration of our leagues and governance. As things stand we are always just an hour away from going bust, our owners are unpredictable, our board are puppets and full of self-preservation. You cannot talk or negotiate with Puppets or ignorance. I've deliberately not spoken with Waggott, as there is not a single thing he could say, which would remotely interest me. Like those before him, he has the power of a broken light bulb and gets paid handsomely for being ineffective. He will give his lip service to those who will listen, and get many on board. They will quite like feeling important and sadly buy into his bullshit. For those of us more seasoned in the art of negotiations, (we had years perfecting it), they fear us, they fear an uprising , they fear getting knocked off their pedestal. This current crop are not as clever as the last crop, and would fall like skittles. I hope i'm still around to see the day, the town really does have its club back. Knowing the things I've learnt, seen and witnessed is a curse. Anyway it was not my intention to write a long winded post and this was not directed at you, or anyone else in particular.
  8. Was very angry at Half-time, it was that bad, it was difficult to think of a positive bar only being 1-0 down. Square pegs, round holes, no plan, no clue and a half which ended up with Rankin Costello and Lenihan playing out their own Batty and Lesaux spat, embarrasing. Johnson asked to play false 9, Khadra who wont pass, and us at sixs and sevens. Second half, 4-4-2, wide players playing as wide players, strikers playing as strikers and the first 15 minutes and we were like a side possessed. Closing down from the front, a desire to win the ball and a desire to not lose. This awful run has been crying out for us to ditch the tactics which have become oh so predicatable. Suddenly we change, the players see the picture, we find 50% extra and those who have looked lost at sea, suddenly are playing like ballers epitomised by Gallagher (like a ranging bull) and some meaty tackles from Lenihan, Van Hecke, Wharton, Travis. We've seriously got out of jail tonight, and need to have a real think about how we play going forwards. We've shown with players playing in their natural positions that we can create and score goals.
  9. I just choked on my fish and chips, Giles, Mahrez, he really said that?
  10. Will sum this game up in a couple of words on how it was lost, "Tony Mowbray" Try and enjoy the rest of your weekend folks
  11. Its based on far more than last nights result. Since Xmas we've been very poor. His transfer business has been suspect. He has had a few seasons in the championship now, and even with a promotion the team would need major surgery to have any chance of staying up. He is not the man to do that, im thankful of his efforts and have defended him to the hilt, but after 5 years its time for a change
  12. Never said it before now, been patient, but sorry whatever the outcome this season its time for him to go, and take the idiots in the boardroom with him. We have more than enough in the squad to beat Millwall at home, but team selection and tactics meant 1 point instead of 3. He has done well in his time here, but cannot take us to the next level, and his interviews now are like a broken record
  13. Another flat performance, square pegs round holes and we are doing our best to blow the best chance we had of promotion in years. Points I took from game. Team selection. Giles - He is all left foot, showed against Swansea what he is all about, a good attacking Left wing back. What does Tombola Tony do? Plays him as a right sided forward (beggars belief) Gallagher - once again showed how clueless he is. Has no one told him his job is not to mark their centre back? He does not split the centre backs, pull players out of position, and I lost count the amount of times Buckley Rothwell and Travis, were waving their arms at him to move into space, run a channel or do what centre forwards need to do. He had run his race after an hour and TM kept him on, ridiculous decision. Formation - MIllwall came for a point, played for a point and IMO we should of gone back 4, played Lenihan at right back, and gone 4-4-2 with Dolan playing off Gallagher. At what point do we become less predicactable? Is that 1 goal in 8 games? Are we really a one man team. This shite talk playing down why we didnt need a striker, why we dont play a formation that warrants a striker is P45 territory for me. They blew the transfer window. Markanday was a long term prospect not a here and now signing. Never since Ray Harford didnt strengthen after we won the league have I been more disappointed with our transfer business. The fault lies with the Manager and the board, pure and simple, and the KFC representative they use, who is impersonating a football professional. Needless to say, very disappointed, they are bloody joke, the lot of them
  14. We were really at it today, unbelievable effort from all 14 players. Kaminski - Didnt have lots to do, but was calm and a key ingredient to another clean sheet. 7 Nyambe - feel for the lad getting the injury, hopefully wont be out too long and we see him in the blue and white halves once more. Was doing okay from a defensive point of view, although didnt offer as much as usual going forwards. - 7 Lenihan - Grew into the game after some uncharacteristic mistakes first half, was solid enough -7 Van Ecke - I'm running out of words for this lad "a young Vincent Kompany". Outstanding again, did play the odd stray ball, but more than made up for it with some outstanding tackling, interceptions and general play - 9 Wharton - Another comfortable game for Scott, with his central partners totally shut out a QPR side, and prevented them playing 8 Pickering - We've really missed this lad, solid game, kept his winger quiet and was a willing runner covering for 2 at times when Khadra didnt track back -7 Travis - another dynamo performance in Midfield. He is never going to be hitting 35 yard killer passes, hitting 25 yard worldies or dribbling past 4 players. However the way he breaks play down and throws himself about, winds the opposition up, and never stops running has him as one of our most important players. Was fantastic today 9 Johnson - He has'nt seen much football this season, but offers some more physical grit in centre midfield from a defensive point of view. Was solid today, and with Travis won the midfield battle. Will be a key player for the run in - 8 Gallagher - I'm one of his biggest critics, but today for the hour or so he played, he played well. Better ball retention, won some key headers, played the right passes and hurried the oppositions defence into mistakes. - 8 Dolan - scarey to think that was the Boy wonders first start since November, how we will never know. Was head and shoulders the quality on show at Ewood today from either side. They just had no answers to his trickery, speed or tecnique. Had Giles lifted his head and squared the ball second half, Dolan would of had a goal to top off an excellent display -10 Khadra - he has the tools, but just not worked out how to best use them. At times his skill is breathtaking but decision making lets him down, when he dont pass or runs down blind alleys. Missed a couple of great chances before scoring a free-kick that only a few around the country would of attempted. Its a big goal in our season, and in him and Dolan, we need them both on the pitch as at times the two were just unstoppable. -8 Zeefuik - took a few minutes to settle but then made some big challenges and won key duels. Full of heart and dont mess about. 8 Hedges - important he got minutes on pitch and timing was about right to replace Gallagher. Saw enough to see he has some potential, and was solid change - 7 Giles - Was unlucky to lose his place in side, another good shift, although should of squared for Dolan 7 TM - We hear QPR were poor today, but thats an injustice to how well we played and made them poor. He made the big calls in leaving certain players out, he got his changes right, at the right time, and ultimately we've got three points against a side who were in form and prior to kickoff sat above us. Without doubt this is our biggest result of the season so far, because the wheels have been falling off in terms of results.
  15. It was bordering on desperation people thinking Gallagher would come good. He has been a waste of £5 million, and it does not surprise me he signed a new deal. Probably couldnt believe his luck he'd been offered one. I don't buy into this, playing out of position. He has played centrally plenty of times. How many times as our tallest player has he got on the end of a free kick or offensive corner in the oppositions box? I'd be writing out those P45's for the clubs administration. Totally blew the transfer window, and the fault lies solely with them and TM. The players are giving their all, but with no goalscorer its a thankless task
  16. Didnt deserve to lose, before they went down to 10 men we were on top, but the result is all that matters right now. Another defeat, another game without a goal, and unless we find a plan B, a season that's going to peter out very quickly. Waggott and Mowbray are fully responsible for not signing a striker when the sold Armstrong. No one could of really predicted that Brereton would suddenly become prolific despite the bets on him. However it was obvious with international committments, possible suspensions or injury to him, that we did not have someone to carry the mantel in his absence. Gallagher although one of his better games, never looked like scoring and i really do not know the answer with the players we have available. We cant magic the striker that we didnt sign. Markanday cannot be pointed at as that striker as he had no first team experience and is injured. The whole team needs to chip in with goals, but the likes of Rothwell, Travis and Buckley are never going to be prolific. 2 goals since Xmas is just poor, and we dont look like scoring. I don't see how we salavage the season with our current options. Very disappointed tonight
  17. Hard to stomach that by 5pm Saturday we could be out the top 6. Must not lose game tomorrow
  18. I got that impression too, that its a long goodbye.
  19. Wife did a video of every Gallagher touch in our last game, to haunt me over the weekend. Its that bad, i do wonder what game some people are watching. Poor positioning, poor ball retention, and I generally think he'd struggle in league 1
  20. Which ever way you look at it, BBD out for weeks is a disaster. I don't really care for this "but we play wide strikers" We've been massively foundout since Christmas. Teams know if they sit off, and give us the ball in wide areas then we are as sharp as a plastic knife. Good teams know how to mix it up, change things when its not working. We are one dimensional and more so now that we dont have an able replacement for our 20 goal plus top scorer. Not signing an out and out centre forward in January was criminal. The stats dont lie, our goal to game ratio has seriously dropped off. Our season has been built on being tight at the back and hitting teams on the break. Once the opposition figured that out and gave us the ball, its pretty much nullified our threat. The 40/50 balls we put in the box against Swansea showed why we needed a plan B. An Andy Carroll buries 2 or 3 of them and we bag three points. Massive pressure now on the two young boys Khadra and Dolan, I wont add Gallagher to those two, as he just aint good enough, and anything he does contribute is a bonus.
  21. Sheff Utd bang in form, but will probably play into our hands on the counter attack. I'd play both Dolan and Khadra as their pace will contribute to a good away win. That being said, if Tombola Tony lines up negative and benches either player, it be a tough night especially as "couldnt hit a barn door" is guaranteed to plsy
  22. Bad weather, dodgy pitches, are a great equaliser for shock/surprise results. Prestons efforts to get the game on today, didnt exactly go to plan getting mullered off Reading. They probably have a quadmire of a pitch too. Looking around the country, Preston are not the only team to suffer a shock result However disappointing it is, the ref called it off, late in the day, but its his call. I'd much rather have a semi decent pitch to play on, for the run in as home points are going to be key to our play off hopes. I dont think Rovers could of done anymore to try and get it on, and given he put Dolan on the bench, i'm actually relieved it was off.
  23. Frustrating it was called off, but had it gone ahead and the pitch been totally ripped up, we'd be cursing more further down the line. Other positives, Brereton hopefully fit for the re-arranged game, and we have a few further days rest ahead of three tough games
  24. Think wigans 2 x free tickets for every season ticket holder against Sunderland is fantastic. Rovers always seem to forget their season ticket holders, yet initiatives like wigans are easier to attract future paying supporters, given the person they are going with already has the bug. Bring a friend if just 25% took up the offer would boost the atmosphere, and if just a few percent of those then bought future tickets its a job well done
  25. Also had he not got in the way first half and touched ball Brereton is on side and we head back with 3 points
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