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windymiller7 last won the day on July 25 2022

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  1. Their clothes are quite good quality tbf! 🤔
  2. I think the highlighted bits are quite telling as to what they are/were willing to spend in total. Essentially, they were going to send over £26m, but ended up sending £14.9m. Not far off half what we were originally going to get. I think it's fair to assume that they have a total which is allocated to Rovers and with them having to put an equivalent amount into the bond account, we're only ever going to see about half of that figure now, at best. So, if we think of the magic £20m a year, that'll now be £10m a year or thereabouts. From where I'm sitting this means that unless there's a few more Adam Wharton's lurking in the U21s, we're f*cked!
  3. 120 according to the club website https://www.rovers.co.uk/news/2024/may/21/loyalty-points-scheme-information/ I'm assuming that, as usual they've f*cked up & put 23-24 instead of 24-25!
  4. Was just about to post similar. In real terms it's 4 years as they have a further 12mth option according to this which, unless tells lies like the Rovers equivalent, is likely to be correct: https://www.wearehullcity.co.uk/news/2023/april/mcloughlin-signs-new-long-term-contract/ No chance they're selling for £500k
  5. This pissed me off as well, it's been the same since we switched to Macron for some reason. Don't know if it's something to do with Macron or whether Swag just conveniently used this as an opportunity to introduce yet another tax (I know what my money's on & it's got FA to do with Macron!). It always used to be a nice softener for me after buying the STs I could then get my daughter's shirt at a reasonable price. For the discount you also only had to swipe/tap your ST, no code required. You can't use your discount on any Macron stuff - that's half the f*cking store! More importantly, it's really the only stuff people actually want to buy! Basically, you can get your discount on a mug, pencil, beach towel or 'Run JRC' T-shirt, fantastic, I'll start the car now boot up the laptop now!
  6. Yep! Danny Murphy is bloody awful! Pair that with a female commentator & I'm done! I'm not sexist at all, but there's something not right about a female commentator on the men's game. I expect a ban here btw & if so then it is what it is.
  7. Just read that Clive Tyldesley has been axed by ITV and his last game on commentary will be the last 16 game between Germany & Denmark. At a time where there are more and more (poor, imo) female commentators creeping in to the men's game, I find this a bit baffling. I actually didn't mind listening to Clive and actually really enjoyed his rapport with McCoist. Find this a bit sad if I'm honest.
  8. I like the idea but haven't alcohol companies been banned from advertising on football shirts? If I'm correct with that, does that extend to their alcohol free offerings? I was thinking the likes of Heinekin 0.0, Guiness 0,0 etc - could be a way of the big breweries getting back into sponsorship. On the subject of companies which The Vs have their sweaty palms involved with, didn't I read somewhere that Lavazza coffee was one of them? Would certainly look a bit more adventurous. I'm sure they'd have a few pennies more to throw at it & very few would know of the link.
  9. Dorset is a clown! All he kept saying after the initial squad was announced was that Wharton wouldn't be on the plane. Quite clearly has never watched the lad play.
  10. Yeah, a very underwhelming record since then, although a quick google did turn this one up for Hearts last season. Although I don't think there's anything in the rumours, it's definitely worth a watch! https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/sports/football/12803613/stephen-humphrys-scores-a-sensational-goal-from-his-own-half-to-secure-hearts-win
  11. According to this, there's also a full England cap in the mix as well. Wiki shows him as having 119 apps for Liverpool's first team so I assume all clauses have been met other than the England cap. Looks like it was only finally sorted whilst he was on loan with us. https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/4223896/2021/02/10/liverpool-told-to-pay-fulham-around-4-million-for-harvey-elliott-by-tribunal/
  12. Almost 12 mths to the day, I was on my mate's stag do & got talking to his brother (hadn't met him before - long story, long lost family) & whilst we were waiting for the champions league final to start I was going on about this young lad that we had at Rovers. I must've gone on about him that much that he DID remember the name - got this from my mate earlier on this evening : All I can say is, Steve Waggot, Venky's, go fuck yourselves!!
  13. Kinell mate, I know where you're coming from but ...
  14. Out of interest, has anyone tried the finance option yet? Just wondering if V12 are still being knobs again for those who actually DO have a decent credit score and might not fall into arrears.
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