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Everything posted by Proudtobeblue&white

  1. I was there! Designated driver. Emotions all over the place, bought Champers to drink when I got home. One of the best days........
  2. Dingles/Leeds...tricky one, Dingles all day long!
  3. Watching Brighton muller ManUre, takes me back to the days we did that....
  4. Absolutely underwhelming season yet again. Widest open Championship for years and we fall six points shy of Luton FFS. He needs to get in his car and never come back. Five years of bang average football. We should have been top six as a minimum this year. Time to go.
  5. Low blow. I have been there through thick and thin. I wasn't expecting glory today, just a performance, we didn't get one.
  6. Just got back from the game. I've been in self imposed exile for four years, since the 28,000, on coming back to the very mediocre Championship. Today only reinforced my mind set to not go back in the stadium again until the tw*t of a manager leaves (has he not resigned?), and the Wankers sell. Words fail me as to today's "performance". Needing to win, it was pathetic/abject . I'm not quite sure why the crowd didn't turn, albeit, I think most left after the third goal. What a fucking shambles....it was embarrassing.
  7. Don't rule out Spencer showing us another yellow, to make the red he so wants to give us, for reasons best known only to him.
  8. And breathe. Why do we never look comfortable, even with a two goal cushion?
  9. It wasn't specifically that, Gally now in the book, no Nobbers.
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