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Billy Castell

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Everything posted by Billy Castell

  1. That's the 'cycling safety yellow' kit I was on about. I remember seeing Coventry vs. Rovers when they wore that kit, and the other Rovers fans (I was in with Coventry fans) looked like they had hundreds of stewards and police in with the crowds. I could mention one way of getting around this, but I wouldn't want to offend. Put it this way, the players could do a few show tunes, and 'jazz hands' for the half time entertainment :ph34r:.
  2. The ability for the state to abuse it's power will grow alarmingly if the ID cards were as high tech and intrusive as the Labour Party wish. Personal details from the Census are already being sold to the highest bidder,what do you think will happen to the extra info? It is a slippery slope is this, and the next step in 10 or 15 years time will be the ability for the police to arrest those without a card, or actual DNA sequences recorded on a database. Maybe I have been reading too much George Orwell, but the proposed ID cards in the hands of the current government make me insecure and slightly paranoid. Still, if its all to be computerised, it'll no doubt go absolutely tits up soon enough.
  3. Now I've gone off on a different path, and find myself listening to classical music. Just got my 4 disc Beethoven CD with all his symphonies, and a Tchaikovsky CD.
  4. As an Englishman, I'll be decent and say well done to Scotland on a good result. Unlike most Scottish people it seems, I can be magnanimous enough towards those from the other side of the border. As for England......................what do you expect when Smithers takes over from Mr. Burns?
  5. Silvoy Primus? Any relation to ex-Barnet man-mountain Linvoy Primus?
  6. I've relegated Milan, Juve, Lazio and Fiorentina on FM 2005 in light of their scandals. And Milan and Juve have lost their entire squads and backroom staff to free transfers. I know it's an out of date version, but Blasi of Juve is a very good RB in FM 2005, and is cheap as he never plays.
  7. Bring back that delightful rusty orange shirt, or the 'cycling safety yellow' from the mid 90's. But don't go as far as signing Gerorge Donis and Gary Croft again.
  8. Would anyone else be tempted to make Burnley and Man Utd our feeder clubs through the data editor? I have FM 2005, or whichever year was the first it wasn't 'Championship Manager', but no new versions.
  9. I hope there is a good enough replacement for Bowen if he does go. Maybe a coach already at the club can be promoted. Not sure Kevin Bond is able to apply at the mo....................
  10. Galloway is a massive nob, who would marry himself if he could. How anyone so vain, arrogant and 'one-eyed' can be able to be elected is amazing, and a damning indictment on the British public. He opposed the Iraq war not because it was not in the national interest, or that it was badly planned or that innocent people will get killed, but because his employer personal friend was going to be removed. Giving Galloway airtime on a radio show will only encourage his view that he's 'the true leader of opinion', to the detriment of residents of his constituency.
  11. Kick the crap out of them and break their drums. God, I'd be positively homicidal if my seat was near that constant BOOM BOOM BOOM. No tune, no sense of rhythm, just noise. If there was a band like in the French rugby games in Paris, then that's OK providing they don't play The Great Escape. Tuneless noise is not conducive to good atmosphere.
  12. I always find Tori Amos an annoying ginger bint. Can't see why everyone raves on about her, but there you go. I've ordered that CD anyway, along with a Tchikovsky and Beethoven CD, thus trebbling my collection of classical CDs (the other being some pieces by Rachmaninov). Classical music should not be so readily scorned.
  13. I have Sensible Soccer as well, and it is a pretty good game, except that on the normal or hard setting only 3 players can shoot, and you can't seem to be able to stick them all up front. It's disconnected at the moment, as I can't be arsed to rearrange all the cables for ariels, DVDs etc to get it up and running.
  14. All the EA Sports games have been little tweaks here and there from one year to the next since the days of the Mega Drive or SNES. FIFA '95 on the Mega Drive was the only version I had, but it might as well have been '96, as there is probably so little difference.
  15. You know, I've not listened to Talksport in my life. The last time I tuned in was when Baker and Kelly had their show when it was Talk Radio. I get the feeling that there are a load of self important tabliod numpties who still tow the 'dirty Blackbburn' line after that FA Cup semi final. However, this is my favourite sports show on the radio.
  16. I think so. I remember a rejigged Enjoy the Silence being released, with a pretty good animated video. Thanks.
  17. What was the name of that Depeche Mode album that came out in 2004 or 2005, which was remixes of some of their hits? I'm trying to find it on Amazon to bump up the price for free delivery.
  18. Well done to Emerton for turning his form around and not fading into oblivion at some dead end club like Wolves or Fulham.
  19. I'm going to be controversial........................and praise Cotterill. I think he's done a pretty good job at Burnley, and they're an outside bet for the play offs (although not promotion). He did a good job at Cheltenham, and will do a good job at West Brom .
  20. OK, I grant you that season at Boro. But did improve under him the next season? I have a vague memory of them being crap the following season. Wasn't he at Leeds as well,and played a part in their meltdown. Mind you, I think Jesus Christ himself would have difficulty. But yeah, using the best English centre forward in history as a wall to kick the ball at was a great tactical masterstroke wasn't it? No doubt his outstanding tactical knowledge has let him win countless trophies. And if he is such a tactiacl genius, how come England have been playing the same as they did under that 'useless Swede' Sven? Ferguson is 50 times the manager the Cockney Crook is, and he has the trophies to prove it. Venables has dined off an overhyped reputation because of his easy manner and cheery smile.
  21. No he isn't he is sh_t and lucky to have media friends. Euro '96 was mixed to say the least, as despite being at home only 2 of the 5 matches were won in 90 minutes, and that the team bottled it on penalties. Prior to that, he wasted Shearer in his stupid Christmas Tree formation, and was one of many over rated managers for Spurs. After Euro '96 he nearly made Portsmouth go bust, turned Boro into a tedious team that could manage 0-0 at best and then retired for a bit knowing all his chums in the tabloids would peddle the crap that he was the best English manager for ages, and that he should have been manager instead of Sven.
  22. Funny you should say that, I did read somewhere that Ashley Ward, Keith Gillespie and Marlon Broomes were returning but I can't find the link.
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