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Everything posted by JHRover

  1. Unfortunately even if he doesn't sign an NDA he's unlikely to reveal the gory details of what's been going on here. If he did he'd send potential future employers running for the hills. But I think actions could speak louder than words and walking out of this circus within days of another joke of a transfer window would speak volumes. Only the most deluded and deranged people would try to spin positives from that one.
  2. I hope he resigns and announces to the world the reasons why. Might make one or two in the fanbase wake up and would draw the architects of our problems into the spotlight.
  3. I think the people making 'strategy' decisions down there are arrogant enough to think that this route is going to comfortably keep us in the Championship. I don't think it will and this season is proving that the gap really isn't that big once we get on a bad run of form. It really doesn't take much to go from a play-off chasing team to a relegation team, especially when you've taken a wrecking ball to your squad. If we did go down I don't think the owners would care. I don't think they would have cared in 2017 had Mowbray not quickly jumped on a plane to India and sat down and persuaded them to 'go for it' and get back up. This time around that won't happen, they will just double down on their approach but this time reduce outgoings to compensate for the reduced income in League One and on it goes. Numpties in the fanbase will just blame Broughton, JDT or the next manager. Waggott and Pasha clearly aren't judged on results or performance, rather their ability to deliver the owners' agenda which is continual cost cuts.
  4. This is always the case under these owners, Indian court issues or not. The way they run things it will never change. We always rely heavily on loans in important positions. This results in a never ending cycle of players coming and going every transfer window. They have adopted an obsession with using the academy and the 'development' model. By its very nature the whole purpose of it is to develop players for sale. Therefore we need to create spaces in the squad and first XI to accommodate the next 'project' and move people out the other way to justify its continuation. The contracts - we now have a strict wage ceiling which essentially means that the moment a player reaches a level of establishment in the Championship he isn't going to renew terms with us, because he knows he can get more elsewhere and we aren't going to budge on that. Some might call that prudent, I'd call it stupidity as it means we either see players walking for nothing due to failing to renew their deals or it means they wander off to rivals usually at a lower price than they should just to solve the issue before it reaches a crescendo. End result is we are constantly going to be waving off our experienced proven players and having to try to replace them. I don't think anyone really benefits from this, other than agents who can make a good sum shifting their players in and out on a regular basis. Come the summer our position will be horrific, even if we survive in the Championship. Make no mistake the Wharton money is gone, as is the Kaminski and Phillips money, and they'll already be plotting the next departures. They'll be hoping that Travis pushes for a permanent move and Ipswich or an other offer cash. The only problem on that front is that if JDT walks the next manager might want him here, and they won't be able to play the 'bust up with the manager' card again straight away. Then they've Szmodics whose value will be at its peak and he will be getting fed up singlehandedly digging us out of the mire in games and knowing what the owners and execs are up to so suspect he'll be next up, they'll sell that one on his age making it a perfect time to sell. Pats on the back all around except we are on a one way ticket to League One, fortunately for Waggott and Pasha league status and position doesn't matter and isn't their 'department' so it will be a shrug of the shoulders and more cuts/sales to plug the gap.
  5. The McGuire permanent fee is obviously not being paid, we've agreed to a ridulously high fee option to get him on loan for the time being. There is no way on this earth that as a Championship or League One club we are paying that sort of fee for anyone, even if he comes in and blows the league away with goals. All it does is put him in the shop window for a rival to hijack the signing.
  6. Lets be honest, we have no strategy other than to sell and cut costs and then try to fill up the squad with whatever cheap loans and frees come available. Jettisoning two academy graduates who know the club inside out and have been here since boys, one to Palace and one to Ipswich, and signing John Fleck on a short term deal really does sum it up.
  7. Come the summer they will have forgotten all about it or concocted some new excuse why we have no ability to spend. My bet is they will just revert back to the tried and tested FFP stuff, so despite having money we can't spend much of it because it would affect the cycle / wage structure too much. Meanwhile Hull City are showing what can be done when you've an ambitious owner who wants his side to get promoted. Polar opposite to the mob running Rovers.
  8. Manager wanted 3 experienced signings. We got 1, pushing age 37. £22 million in the bank, wage bill cut. No money committed. Job well done for Waggott and Pasha. Bonuses coming soon (as long as we scrape to safety).
  9. Stage 2 or 3 of local media layering excuses for the owners failings Are we a professional club or not? Shouldn't go into such deals if the requirements are too difficult to cope with.
  10. I've seen people praising Broughton's modus operandi of trying to get players in on loan with an option to buy in a later window. The trouble is that this is just a typical Venky regime stunt. No cash now, give us a favourable deal and then we -might- give you millions later depending on how the player does and what our circumstances are. Obviously a case of we haven't got two quid to rub together so we'll kick the can down the road for another 6 months and either go elsewhere then or maybe the owners will take some interest by then and actually allow some money to be spent. Making it up as they go along.
  11. In Venky land it just buys them 6 months to avoid spending the money and then when we get to the summer we don't exercise the option and the money disappears.
  12. Next one is his girlfriend wanted to live in Sheffield rather than Blackburn That one's a popular option from the book of excuses, blame the player or his Mrs for wanting to live somewhere else and we are powerless.
  13. If Venkys were serious owners they would advance the money for signings now on the basis they recover it a day or two later when the Wharton cash arrives. Absolute worst case the Wharton deal does fall through. They are still sitting on £30 million of assets with him, Szmodics, Carter in the summer and can (and probably will) sell the lot of them then and recover the funds with healthy interest. They are once again claiming to be powerless victims of bad circumstance which just isn't the case.
  14. The Wharton deal 'close to collapse' line being fed by Bayes is part of the Venky cover up operation. I wondered what form it would take and when it would come. You know when it is coming from Lancs Telegraph/ Radio Lancashire that they are getting their information from the Club and therefore isn't to be taken seriously. The name of the game here is that Waggott and the rest of the regime down there will now know their overlords have stuffed us over again and will be preparing for the inevitable furore from the fanbase and media. So the solution to head that off is to deflect blame away, this time to Palace / Wharton. Poor old Rovers doing their best but plans being placed in jeopardy by external factors which threatens our own business. What a surprise! Not our fault!
  15. Disagree. You take the Venky coin and sit back in silence or make up excuses to defend them then you deserve criticism
  16. I think JDT resigning now, rather than after the season is done, is the only way of a very loud and public message getting sent to the owners and the boardroom, and people waking up to what is going on here. Anything else just isn't going to cut it. We can moan and groan but for Waggott and the Indians it will be business as usual and a job well done, unless JDT causes them a big problem by walking and shining the spotlight on them.
  17. Of course not. Broughton might not be perfect but has nothing to gain by derailing deals. He will be doing the best he can with an impossible situation working for charlatans and liars. As with O'Brien he will have been led to believe that funds are being made available, he will have done the hard work in getting the deal ready and the player on board and then when it comes to parting with the cash the owners fail to deliver. Each and every time. Of course nobody employed by Rovers is ever going to admit this because if they did they'd be out of a job and probably not employed elsewhere in football, but anyone thinking logically about this knows where the blame lies. It makes no sense for Broughton to line it up then scupper it, just as it made no sense last January supposedly for the Club Secretary to suffer temporary amnesia and forget how to do his job. It's just lies, bullshit and smoke and mirrors aimed at shielding the Indians from any blame for what are their decisions.
  18. Well not many that we know about, I suspect there is actually a very long history of similar stunts that have occurred at this disgusting club over the last 10 years or so that simply don't get into the public domain. This one has because it is a player from the US and there's a decent fee attached, and the previous manager rarely recruited from beyond Yorkshire. But same scum owners and same shady characters running it on their behalf so expect the same nonsense has been going on for years.
  19. Not really When did we last sign a decent permanent cash signing in January? Under Mowbray the best we got were a few reasonable loans.
  20. How about the owners advance the money, knowing that the worst comes to the worst Wharton doesn't go, we then have to sell him or another in the summer or we get the Raya money and they get their money back? In the meantime we get presumably a top target for the remainder of the season to help us out in dire straights. That's generally what clubs, particularly those with wealthy owners, do. They don't sit and wait for the funds to land in their account before doing business, just as they don't cut their squad back to the bone with FFP. You do it as a cycle, with a back up plan for the future if things don't go the way you expect. Here they just make it up on a whim from one day to the next.
  21. Hopefully now people start to re-evaluate the O'Brien debacle and realise that the scumbags in India were ultimately behind that one not happening too.
  22. We've opened the flood gates to bids for everyone and everyone. Don't blame clubs for trying it on, we're obviously in the business of selling and cutting, We will be judged by our actions, which is why clubs will try it on and why ambitious people will dodge us.
  23. What's more important - Rovers having enough proven capable players to call upon for the rest of a tough Championship season to secure enough points to survive / be successful... Or Travis not being 100% happy at not playing as much as he would like? The Club comes first, professionals knuckle down and get on with it. You always manage to do this - turn every significant departure into 'player X being unhappy and wanting to leave' as a justification for every sale/cost cut. Will you ever hold Rovers responsible?
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