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Everything posted by USABlue

  1. Still too depressed, Brazil losing made it worse cos I would have fancied us against the frogs. Bloody football it really is a love hate thing.
  2. Amen brother. Glad to know it's still open, had a few tipples in there meself, not too far from where I used to live but the Crown was the closest, seldom drank there though as I recall the landlord at the time was a bit of a dork.
  3. You can't have forgotten Ciccio already can you philip. Uninspired by this one but he is definately the style of player we need. A big strong lad with a bit of skill. I said we should have got him some time back but no one seemed to like him back then. We have needed this type of forward for some time. Still need a quality player to play off him. Is Pongolle no longer with us? I saw mention on here that indicated he may be gone. Anyone clear that up for me.
  4. Not sure I'd have that done, if we play him with the wind at his back he'd take some catching. Not going to knock him but it hardly sets my pulse racing. Worth a gamble with the incentive based contract, who knows he may just work out.
  5. A plonker of the highest order but so were much of the Portugese, the theatrics of Maniche rolling around cluthing his face after he had been touched on the back was disgraceful, as were many of the Portugese tactics. Hey but as long as that behaviour is constantly rewarded it is going to go on. I was surprised even the Germans are resorting to it.
  6. As I had said before the tournament we would likely go out behind a dodgy decision. It always seems to happen. I think the sending off was harsh indeed but Rooney should know better, same ref that sent Beckham packing for a flick of his foot. He was just waiting for something. I thought originally he was sending him off for the push as I did not see the "stamping" on. If Figo gets away with a headbut which is later also OK'd by FIFA then Rooney should have stayed on. Anyway our fault our two Mega stars could not stick away the penalties. You could see the look of fear in Lampards face he was ###### himself. Same old outcome, I'd much rather go out of these competitions with a good old fashioned arse whooping than on the back of dubious refereeing and penalties. Gutted. Not sure I can remember going out with a fair beating in any major competition since the Hand of God goal. Oh yeah Brazil last time out. Adios Sven don't let the door hit you on the arse on the way out. Sad thing is we get McClaren. I hope the damn Blatter is ran out of FIFA too. Oh, also, I was proud of the lads for the way we played with ten men, wasn't Hargreaves great again.
  7. Not too bad first half I did not think, god I HATE these yankee commentators, I really appreciate the networks showing as much as they have but next time get some people that actually know the game. Any one have cell phone contact with someone at the game. We need the fans to do a cricket style rousing rendition of JERUSALEM, that will get our lads well fired up, make it happen someone I don't want our World Cup to be over. Ref is not too bad only thing I see is he is not calling and high feet, seems like anything over knee high has been called all tourney, not today apparently. Oh and do the Portugese have to fall down and feign injury all the time? Some one get "and did those feet" reverberating through the stands.
  8. Just watched the game, I enjoyed it, not a classic but quite gripping. Biggest disappointment for me is, when did the Germans become flopmeisters, minimal or no contact thety were all doing the C Ronaldo tumble, what the ef is the game coming to. Should we try it against the Portugese (masters of the flop) I think we should it seems to be working for everyone else. You should go on stage mate, I laughed so hard the last five minutes I almost had a coronary. Germany may be there but England. Fine line between madness and patriotism. We are not good enough, individually or as a team.
  9. I disagree but that's OK, it seems the same situation outside the box was cause enough for a whistle. Rooney shoulder charges, I noticed were illegal too. Still, I think that is done and we can move on heh? If my memory serves me correctly and if yours goes that far back, on more than one occasion Germany have bored their way to a World Cup Finals win on more than one occasion.
  10. That is about the best thing you have ever written, totally spot on.
  11. Agree Beckhams was poor but to call the free kick average is a bit harsh. It was a very good free kick. The most disappointing player today for me was Stevie, I expected more. Lampard was none existant too. Ecuador came to be physical and play spoilers almost worked. Why was the penalty not called when Rooney was sandwhiched between the two defenders, you could see on the one of thems face he had no other intention than play the man. The ref called an almost identical situation outside the box. These yank commentators are doing me head in. I hope the next game is cooler, got a feeling it will be our last. Still I said the same about this one though. God we are playing poorly.
  12. I noticed that too, Cole overlaps into position then Cole inevitably cuts inside ignoring him. How bad have we looked so far, fancying Ecuador to nick this one, but I did before the game and I have seen nothing to make me doubt my original thoughts.
  13. The coverage as in quantity is great, the quality leaves a great deal to be desired. Bit like the England team really.
  14. USABlue


    I think Mexico is only out because the did not go wide on attack, kept trying to come through the middle. The Argies looked classy on the ball, nice silky skills and touched but Mexico gave them all they could handle. My feelings are Argentina looked vunerable when Mexico went wide and whipped in the crosses behind them, I think that is the way to get to 'em. Next match should be a good one. That Messi looks to be one hell of a quality player.
  15. I would have waited until after the NEXT World CUp if it meant we avoided getting McClaren. O'Neill was the man for me and the man for the job. I simply do not see us getting any better under McClaren.
  16. This is already getting more coverage than the Germany Poland barney. Typical. Looks to me like the England fans are in defensive mode. Hope the World Cup can come off without fans being involved in a major incident.
  17. A young kid that put Mr Burns' name in the news for being adventurous, showing balls. Not playing him though is just the same as only taking 22. Should have tossed him in when Owen was injured then we could all say, yes in fact Sven does have some rather large Huevos.
  18. I must say I think the US coverage of the World Cup is poor. The production is terrible, the timing of the camera angle changes shows how little the people understand the game. The commentating is god awful, Marcelo Balboa is getting right up my nose. For an ex international he is ignorant about the game. Alexi Lalas repeatedly saying Kasey Keller is the best goalie in the WORLD ticked me off too, he may as well have had stupid tattooed on his forehead. To me they are doing a poor poor job of selling the game to a mostly soccer apathetic public. Your thoughts ex pats and yankee fans alike. Am I right or have I just been brought up with quality football commentary and being a little harsh.
  19. Me too Rev. I was baffled with the Gerrard move, looks good for Sven that he scored. We can now pay dearly for his decision to not keep on Defoe. Beckham stunk again tonight, I thought he was crap against T&T also, way too many wayward balls, and free kicks yes he set up Crouch but that was a bout it for me. One sweet pass to Rooney all night does not warrant a starting spot for the next game. We move on but I am no more confident than I was. Flatter to deceive, as is almost always the case. Robinson looked clueless in the sticks. Ecuador beating us easily will not surprise me in the least. Our fitness seems to be a concern to me, best get Mark Hughes out there.
  20. The phrase Oxy Moron springs to mind.
  21. I thought the U.S. did really well. I had actually picked the US to win this one long before the WC started (had not realised Arena is not that good with his tactics though) Missed the first sending off but I thought the second was a joke. I did not see any real contact, just an Italian rolling around on the ground after he landed. Are those ear pieces really for the refs to communicate with linesman or does Blatter bark down instrutions to the refs. America should have done better after the Italian sending off, to me it was time to hold possesion and be patient, stroke the ball around make the cheats chase it. The officiating in general has been pith poor, as far as letting things go the refs are blowing for the merest of things (Blatter's Instrutions?) However they are consistant with it so I'll give them that. In FIFA's effort to promote the beautiful game, in my opinion, they are somewhat spoiling it with too many stoppages. Good tourney though so far. Also, did anyone think the USA's disallowed goal had an air of Cisse's "pulled away foot" about it. One of the first things FIFA should do after this tourney is switch the offside rule back, I said it before and I will say it again, it is a difficult enough decision to apply correctly as it was but this active inactive just allows too much discretion and opinion by the officials. This rule as with all rules should be clear concise and black or white, it's just got too much of a grey area for me. Interesting last games in this group then lads and lassies, anyone can win, anyone can go home.
  22. Agree, but let's remember it on a differnet Forum. Footy here, not the holocaust thank you very much.
  23. I have heard twice now that Keller is the best and also one of the best keepers in the World, where do they come up with that crapola. I thought that is what the US should have tried to do yesterday, go wide, try to get round the back and whip in low hard crosses.
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