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Everything posted by USABlue

  1. Why are you having a go on here at Rovers fans who are exiled. Surely you must have some suspicion that, were we still home we would be at the games. Why don't you save your venting for those that CAN attend games and don't the ones right there in your own backyard.
  2. I agree 100% I bet if we could ask any of the Liverpool fans who perished they would want the games to go on.
  3. No doubt we will have to listen to the Sky commentators bad mouthing us for not allowing Liverpool to play another day. I can hear it now.
  4. The history books may only show who won and lost but that game will live with me in my memory forever. I was proud of our team, we could just have easily hung our heads and took a good hiding. We did not, the game was exciting and full of entertainment. It also has had the effect of some of the media Rovers bashers turning on their heels (that in itself could be priceless) I think perhaps jim is just locked in to the memorable game with spurs in the 60's. Lighten up jim yeah we lost the game but we have also won on several fronts.
  5. I was thinking Kuqi should have been brought on immediately after spurs scored. We sorely lacked the ability to put any pressure on the spurs defence from an airiel standpoint.
  6. I watched the game over here nad after the usual crap they like to talk about Rovers the commentators were actually very complimentary indeed about us. It was a heart wrenching loss but I thought a cracker of a game well worth the money. Proud of the lads, a bit more"lady luck" and we would have had it. I think a few more games together and the Pongolle and Bellers partnership could reap some reward, there was several times yesterday where little flicks and dummies almost came off. If they manage to click it could be good stuff.
  7. You;ve been following Rovers long enough to know how it goes Alan. WBA and Everton are testament to the fact that even under new management some things never change
  8. Will the game deffo be on, no chance of postponement is there? No stumping up for PPV if it's not going t be on?
  9. Smart move by Rovers, or Mr Williams. I am a bit worried MH may not go for it though. If he does that's great, Hughes is rewarded for his efforts and we line up a better comp package for the dreaded time the "big clubs" come knocking.
  10. Philip, are you intentionally being naive here? A respected journalist has no obligation to be accurate. Just to sell papers and impress his "peers" with fancy dan scribe styles and sensationalism.
  11. What time is the kick off, UK time. Match is on PPV here but I want to see if it is live or tape delay.
  12. You were probably confused by some of the nuts talking bollards
  13. jim, you respect this journalist? and here's me thinking you had a dislike of anyone who would call football soccer.
  14. Looking forward to this one, I think it will make for a cracking game. I fancy plenty of goals too. PPV over here, not gonna miss it.
  15. Respected and Journalist in the same sentence, I'm having a hard time getting my head around that one. Obviously??? How so?
  16. I remember early morning reports of bother from the Argyle fans, went to the game with a bit of trepidation, all was quiet on the way to the match. Got on the Blackburn End and could not get near my usual spot A lot of very unsavoury looking characters, it seems the early morning invasion was a call to arms for every hardcase in Blackburn.
  17. I am surprised this one has not been mentioned it was one of the biggest turn arounds of emiotions over the course of 45 minutes I can remember, (err barely remember) 2-0 down, Beamo sky's a penalty and we think it's all over. From utter dejection to totall elation.
  18. Now that I have got back in my chair after falling out of it laughing, good report Mr Fleming, loved the line above. Keep it up and the LET may just be knocking on your door. Lucozade, hard men, classic stuff Bob.
  19. HAs to be my best ever Rovers day out. Started about 8ish in the morning and went till closing with a brief nap in between. Great day out and yes that added time seemed to last forever. I remember the golf balls flying too.
  20. Don't remember the scousers having such a sense of humour when we sang about Cisse.
  21. I liked the Cup results over the weekend too. Bolton, WHam and City all now have another game to play.
  22. Good for him, always happy to see our ex youngsters doing well. Well, most of the time.
  23. Really really glad to get that game out of the way. 1864, did you actually see Toogs pass that set up Peter for him to cross for Bellers second. He can still do it, just not as often. I thought he did bloody well tonight. How long's he been doing that step over though, don't recall seeing him do that before he did it several times tonight. I thuoght Pongo showed some good touches, started on the right and did well but went to the left and did little. Quite a few "almosts" There is potential there, I think. How crap was Pedersen tonight? I hope he's still got a knock or I'd have in on the bench.
  24. Hope we don't score too early I've seen us do that against "lesser" opposition before and we take the foot off the pedal.
  25. I'll have to tape it but I am not sure I dare watch. Got that horrible gut feeling the script for this one is already written. Sunderland will be giving 100%, from what I have seen they always have this season. We had better match them and then some.
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