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    Ewood Park

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  1. http://www.rovers.co.uk/page/NewsDetail/0,,10303~1958086,00.html Blackburn Rovers Football Club is shocked and saddened to learn of the death of supporter John Steven Taylor, a season ticket holder from Darwen. John, 30, died in hospital in Staffordshire in the early hours of Sunday morning after being injured in an incident in the South Stand occupied by visiting supporters at Rovers' away fixture at Stoke City yesterday. A statement issued by Staffordshire Police this afternoon reads: "The man has been identified as John Steven Taylor, 30, of Avallon Way, Darwen. "A Home Office Post Mortem carried out earlier today showed the cause of death was due to a head injury. "A 25-year-old man from the Preston area who was arrested in connection with the incident remains in custody and is currently helping the Police with their enquiries. "Staffordshire Police is appealing to anyone who may have witnessed the incident or have videoed it on a mobile phone to contact their Major Investigations Department on 01785 233600." Rovers' Chairman John Williams said: "This is a tragic situation and our thoughts are with John's family at this deeply distressing time."
  2. I didn't know No.39 had moved! Both still open as far as I know, not been 'down town' for a few weeks.
  3. Went there the other week, the place is dying on its arse as the pub downstairs is now shut of sorts. They must have had a shed load of chili delivered that day as it overpowered everything and I like hot food. The fact that my credit card got 'done' two days later made me wonder as well. The Little Elephant in Darwen is better.
  4. The Little Elephant in Darwen is a Thai restaurant, I've been on a few occasions, not too bad, menu is a little on the bland side. Don't know if the one upstairs Judge Walmsleys pub in Billington is still going - Siam Palace. Diep Le Shaker in Dublin is a fantastic Thai restaurant, plus one of the managers there is a Rovers fan Free cocktails for me!
  5. Not exactly the case, under the strange UEFA rules Bentley would be considered a product of the Academy because he came through Arsenal's. It isn't all cut and dried to be honest.
  6. Do you mean for your computer to remember your newly changed key? Or how to change the key? If its the latter, you do it on your router. If its the former, best to delete the profile. In XP, call up the Wireless Network Connection directory (under "Connect to" on the start menu), select from the left panel "Change the order of preferred networks" scroll through all the saved wireless points you have, and delete the appropriate one. Then just do a new scan, connect to your network and key in the new WEP encryption key. No idea how its done in Vista, but no doubt it'll involve clicking on a lot of pop-up warnings though
  7. I overheard a journo filing his post-match copy over the phone: "Morgan Gamst Pedersen"
  8. Allied to the fact that Gretna play their home games at Fir Park Motherwell.
  9. Your router will tell you what speed you are connected at. I have an 8mb connection, but there is not a cat in hells chance of me ever getting an 8mb connection with current ADSL proceedures as I live too far away from the exchange. You need to be pretty close to an exchange to get anywhere near 8mb. As is the nature of ADSL2 connections, they fluctuate, I range from 1mb to 2mb, currently my router states I'm connected at 1504kbps
  10. He's had a thigh injury all summer, torn muscle. Back in light training
  11. Zura isn't injured, he was one of the players who travelled on Saturday but didn't make the 16. Off the top of my head the others were Emerton, Rigters, Gallagher and Olsson.
  12. I'm certainly not aware of a Darren Potter having played for us.
  13. Looks like Sensi Soccer! I'm intrigued as to how the gameplay will work with the wii controller. Throwings make sense but everything else?
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