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SINCE 1996
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Upside Down

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Everything posted by Upside Down

  1. I still don't like the fact both sleves are white.
  2. I'd rather go without the money than be complicit in advertising nicotine products to children. But hey, that's the price of having values I suppose.
  3. I'd be amazed if we sell 9000. The price is an absolute disgrace especially when the three closest clubs around actually took notice of the situation for many of their fans and slashed their rates to encourage people to sign up. All of those clubs showed a massive amount of respect for their fanbases when they did that and it payed off. At Rovers once again the people in charge showed total contempt towards the fans and have once again decided to use divide and conquer tactics as they double down on their totally brain dead strategy. The end result, failure.
  4. Formation wise I think he will try many things until he finds something that works. His philosophy seems to be more about making us hard to play against and causing problems to the opposition. Lots of intensity and attack. I really hope we can smash the Dingles and put them back in their place.
  5. Did they really come out with that? Un-fucking-believable.
  6. It's a very positive appointment and far beyond my expectations. I was fully expecting a complete dolloper who's whole philosophy was about plodding around endlessly until the reaper comes to collect all our souls. It'd be nice for Rovers to be taken seriously again.
  7. Maybe that was a bit of a generalisation but he certainly wasn't the galvanising figure that Souness or Hughes was.
  8. We've got some promising young players that could flourish with a good coaching setup and some top quality guidance. We do however need one or two players who have some real quality to help push us forward. I'm hoping the new setup will provide a good foundation for the younger players to take off from.
  9. The sooner the brainless oaf fucks off the better as far as I’m concerned. £400 for a season ticket. Dick head.
  10. We were all sick of Big Sam at the time but seeing what followed made him look like Pep Guardiola or something.
  11. I did very much the same except I didn't have any career at all. Unless you count being a dick head a career, in which case I was flying high.
  12. So just basic economics that a 10 year old could easily understand.
  13. They've sold over 12k season tickets already. Are you being serious or just taking the piss?
  14. What's that got to do with the price of season tickets?
  15. To make the necessary changes it requires brain power and effort. The people running the club have neither.
  16. Transfers will be an interesting one. We need to bring in half a first team at least. Hopefully the new setup have some good connections to some hidden Scandinavian treasures.
  17. But that's beside the point. They are still inaccessible unless you go through a signing up process. Putting them up so they were readily available without having to go through some rigmarole would massively increase fan engagement. Just like the season ticket fiasco something really basic has been totally fucked up by total morons.
  18. Why would you not put those videos on YouTube for free? The level of complete ineptitude on display at this club never fails to astound me.
  19. We've been so far beyond the cusp for twelve years we have circled back around and are on the cusp once again.
  20. What was mayall like? Was Clapton god yet?
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