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Everything posted by SIMON GARNERS 194

  1. Two VERY erratic footballing sides and a hard one to predict...this one wont be on my accumulator this weekend! Spurs have some real talent in attack with Defoe and Keane and yet again the question is will our defence cope??? We really need the win in terms of points and for morale both on and off the pitch around Ewood,cant help but feel every home game now is like a cup final....should make for an exciting game. P.S. How's about bringing a friend along.....we might even see the rare occurrence of 20k home fans for this one with a bit of luck after recent improved performances...here's to wishful thinking anyway 1-1
  2. £35 and £19!!!,god help their crowd if they are ever near the bottom again....their support would disappear faster than ours has done at those prices!
  3. Will they charge 'away fun day' prices like the robbing gets did last year?
  4. Methodically and with quiet confidence Hughes is slowly turning matters around.Players appear to 'want to play for him'...I do believe we may have seen the last of players leaving due to falling out with the manager and thank christ for that!!! Managerial style totaly opposite to Souness in so many ways.
  5. FANTASTIC RESULT...WELL DONE THE LADS!!!!! Made up for the weekend now!
  6. Rovers Alliance? our good natured 'friends' from the Turd of course,preparing the welcome as we speak................ http://boards.footymad.net/mboard/load.php...&mid=2142784912 Back to the Fulham game,another draw at best I'm afraid...our defence is appalling.
  7. Cole left the club on good terms with the fans and only left because of differences with Souness...I believe his move was forced against his will. Only had Praise for our fans and did not go blubbering to the media. One game doesn't make a player great but memories of the best day out ever in Wales still burn bright.
  8. If all you saw/heard was the lad acting like a fool and no racist chants then for christs sake speak the truth and DONT be intimidated. Still no concrete evidence that racist remarks were made........
  9. Watch what you say Mr Sullivan,even if you were only speaking the honest truth ........... http://www.thesun.co.uk/article/0,,2002390...4541635,00.html
  10. I'm starting to get a little angry at some of the 'storys' appearing, this from AOL news....... New Soccer Racism - Crisis Deepens Dwight Yorke: Subjected to racist taunts during the match at Ewood Park Soccer chiefs moved to stem the tide of racism threatening the beautiful game today after soccer yobs shamed football again. Sports Minister Richard Caborn backed FIFA chief Sepp Blatter saying players should walk off the pitch in the face of racist chants from supporters. The call came after Blackburn fans disgraced their club last night, subjecting Birmingham striker Dwight Yorke to a tirade of monkey chants as he warmed up for a Premiership game. And the grim episode of terrace racism comes only days after England players were subject to identical abuse in a friendly international with Spain. Police and bosses on both sides were investigating the claims this afternoon. And a further racism row erupted after former Blackburn and Chelsea star David Speedie reportedly launched into a racist joke at a charity dinner for Darlington Football Club Supporters’ Trust on Friday. More on Racism in Football One time Scottish international Speedie allegedly backed Ron Atkinson – who resigned from ITV after racially abusing Marcel Desailly – and peppered his speech with racist language. Darlington FC’s Kevan Smith, a friend of Speedie, said the player would be ‘upset to be called racist’ but diner Steve Rose said he would be writing to the Trust to express his disgust. Last night after the match in Blackburn, Birmingham manager Steve Bruce said he had been disgusted by the chants and added: “It is sick. They racially abused Dwight and you cannot accept that. “When you see what happened in the week and how everyone was sickened by that you can imagine how Dwight feels. It is unforgivable behaviour.” The last week has seen the spectre of soccer racism return to the game on a level not seen since the 1980s. Incidents have included: * Spanish fans screaming monkey chants at England’s black players Ashley Cole and Shaun Wright-Phillips * FIFA President Sepp Blatter saying he would sanction the team walking off the pitch in similar circumstances * Spain coach Luis Aragones branding Arsenal superstar Thierry Henry "a black s***" - and refusing to apologise * Blackburn fans aiming racist filth at Birmingham striker Yorke * Pupils in a Leicester school copying Spanish yobs and hurling abuse at a black teacher Supt Warren Turner, of Lancashire Police, confirmed that a supporter had been ejected from the ground following an incident of a "racist nature" at Blackburn and added: "Police in conjunction with Blackburn Rovers are conducting an investigation into what exactly happened to see what is the appropriate action to take - whether it is a criminal matter or something that the club will deal with.'' But Blackburn fans have hit back at the allegations saying the ex-Rovers player had been singled out because of his poor performances when he had played for club. One fan, Simon Leigh, said: "My view is that he was getting abuse about being lazy while he was at the club." TIRADE OF MONKEY CHANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT WAS 1 PERSON DO YOU HEAR, ONE BLOODY PERSON!!!!
  11. 'our PC society being so far up it's arse the molars are rattling.' Nice one AS!
  12. Me thinks good old chief superintendant wants to make a name for himself....what an ideal opportunity for an easy catch infront of a nation wide audience. BRAVO CHIEFY! BRAVO!! Racism is wrong but this whole episode is turning into a farce FFS!
  13. Ste B, read my comment(PAGE 9) concerning Mrsjansens scurrilous post about bringing the name of other clubs into it. Low and behold look what happens... a stupid slanging match.
  14. OH DEAR! here we go..your fans are more racist than ours!
  15. Quotes and opinions are changing by the minute, looks like the media may be about to turn on Sullivan for having the balls to speak his mind.
  16. Reading the comments of Sullivan the only thing I can say is full respect to the man for his honest and non-biased opinion..
  17. it's the guy with the jacket on and what looks like a Burnley scarf round his neck, certainly not a Rovers scarf, With respect,Please,PLEASE,PLEASE.....STOP AND THINK BEFORE YOU BRING THE NAME OF ANY OTHER FOOTBALL CLUB INTO THIS MATTER FOR CHRISTS SAKE!!!
  18. 1.The majority of the Ewood crowd was booing him for his lazy, lacklustre performances at Ewood...nothing else. 2.There was definitelyNO mass racist abuse of him from any section of the Ewood stands.It would appear TWO individuals at most made 'possible' racist comments to his face. 3.The comments from Bruce are offensive to me and every decent Rovers fan, he's literally accused us all with his thoughtless comments and has dragged the good name and reputation of our supporters through the mud!!!!!.
  19. Cant understand why any Rovers fan would bare a grudge against him...good luck to the lad.
  20. No real increase in the crowd today even with the cheap tickets,its plainly a catch 22 situation...unless the team is winning and winning well it would appear the floating supporter will not come full stop.
  21. If true, well done nobheads, as if the club needs anymore bad publicity!!! What must Reid,Bothroyd and Johnson think.
  22. Fantastic game for the neutral,heart attack material for the Rovers fan. Very impressed with Reid again, the lad is coming on in leaps and bounds. Gallacher and Thompson made a massive difference to our side with their introduction.....MUST start next game,Dickov a tireless worker again. Quite simply the defence is our Achillies heel, more than any other position on the feild of play we must strengthen here asap come January our it could well cost us our Premiership place. Fantastic comeback but is yet another draw good enough?....you know as well as I do the answer to that What the hell was 'ONE LAZY B'STARD' trying to do by jumping in the Blackburn end?
  24. Back to the bottom we go.....by christ we need to start winning,starting tomorrow and fast or else!!!!! I'm looking at what our threadbare 'strikeforce' could possibly be and I'm shaking my head
  25. Another dewy-eyed page of sentimental dross in the Let again tonight. 'Hughes out','not going to Ewood again'...same old,same old. Our Tony's gone and the end of the world is nigh for some.
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