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Everything posted by gumboots

  1. On cruise ships people are always washing and sanitizing hands. You learn very early on not to touch handrails or lift buttons with your hands if you can possibly avoid it. There is hand sanitizer at the entrance to every restaurant and once, when I went into a restaurant having sanitised my hands , the girl behind the plates(it was a buffet) wouldn't let me take a plate until I did it again. They are so worried about norovirus outbreaks that it wouldn't take much adaptation to be ready
  2. Think of it as a taster. If you like places, you can go back. We got 2 days in St Petersburg but only one in Copenhagen, Stockholm, Helsinki and Tallinn. We plan at some point to return to Stockholm as we didnt see enough of it.
  3. We went for Norway first time, then the Baltic including St Petersburg last year.
  4. Were not regular cruisers either. Done 2 in the last 4 years. Would like to do one more but who knows now.
  5. Sorry. I cant spell! Too used to writing Brittany. Britannia is a P and O cruise ship.
  6. Eaten at atul kochhar's Sindhu restaurant on Brittania. Was a bit underwhelmed first time but second time round was great
  7. No. I could train to improve my stamina and ability to cycle up hills but I still get panicky when cars approach from behind. The route from Fleetwood to blackpool wasnt busy. Just had to use the road a bit at one point but that wide sea defence prom is lovely and it was nice to get a bit of different air
  8. We did it the other way, from Fleetwood to blackpool and back. I'll remember your advice when we do it again
  9. We walk a lot but I find cycling hard. I do it but prefer flattish cycleways not roads.
  10. Too hilly round here and I'm not happy cycling on roads.
  11. Did have mushy peas bu not the rest. Cleveleys I think. By then my elderly legs were aching so much I could have been anywhere
  12. We've been to the coast, cycled 19.5 miles, eaten fish and chips and are just about to enjoy an ice cream before heading home. Life feels almost normal.
  13. I've said this for a while. It's certainly easier to keep your distance in cricket than in other sports like rugby. However, they do handle the cricket ball and pass it around between overs and in fact more often than that. Needing to wipe it between each ball bowled would cause real problems
  14. Its drill and replace. It's not bad but obviously weak so needs replacing sometime. They're obviously hoping to do repairs first before they do check ups as Kim had one of those cancelled and theyve not contacted him
  15. My dentist has rescheduled a replacement filling from May till July. Hopefully by then I can get it done
  16. And women havent known this for years too?
  17. I occasionally flick on the subtitles on French and German films, because I'm not reliant on them. I can understand what they're saying unless it's a really poor soundtrack which rarely happens nowadays. Having said that I dont like subtitles I'll probably watch Parasite when I can get round to it.
  18. I dont like subtitled programmes. I can read well enough but subtitles are rarely translations. Theres often a lot more said than they put on the subtitles.
  19. But very clever at getting out of a job she doesn't really want to
  20. Shes obviously a very clever woman.
  21. I'm brilliant at it. Do all the gloss painting in the house. Taught my husband to wallpaper too. My dad taught me. I had no brothers so did all those sort of jobs with my dad.
  22. My fence paint has finally arrived! The missing 2 panels can be done
  23. I used to enjoy listening to Hawksbee and Jacobs when I was driving home from work. I loathed listening to Durham. But their actual match coverage has always been awful.
  24. We watch through our sons subscription and he watches our Skygo
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