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Everything posted by Doaksie

  1. Clutching at straws here, but is this the best time to lose with Mowbray's reluctance to see the frailties of the defence. If we're to see a quality centre half appear this week, then this one may well become a distant memory in time.
  2. Ripped jeans are presumably all the rage on the continent?
  3. I think that's very telling. The better players that clubs want to keep - their value will increase in the closing days, as clubs put a premium on not being able to source a replacement. The lesser players that they want rid of - their value decreases as they become desperate to shunt them out. It lets you know definitively what market Tony shops in. I can't recall the last time we bought a player that the selling club wanted to keep - Rhodes I guess?
  4. I just can't understand the logic in advocating the faith in youth in defensive positions so strongly, but if you play in an attacking position it's a 'man's game' and we need experienced players. Joe Rothwell becomes a young, inexperienced lad at 24. It seems to be the opposite way around to me?? Experienced bruisers at the back please Tony, and unleash the youth in attack.
  5. Precisely. Every game against the top 6, he'll have a good chance of starting. I can see Bennett, Evans, Travis and Downing across the middle. And I'm being generous slipping Travis in there.
  6. I think Downing is filling the Conway role precisely, obviously on the opposite flank. Not so much a left back, or even wing back (of a 5), but a defensive minded wide player to see games out when required. For some reason as wingers get old and slower, the consensus seems to be they suddenly become better defensively. He'll be no more a left back or wing back than Conway was.
  7. And poor Steve Kean was forced to resign when he had us flying in 3rd in the Championship too....
  8. The scouting network has made it's way to Brighton. Once Madame bankrolls the Eurotunnel tickets it'll be all systems go on the European adventure
  9. Just seeing the new away shirt now. Is the blue sponsor on the away shirt a p*ss-take? Why couldn't that have been replicated on the home shirt. Would have improved it immeasurably. Couple of beautiful mock-ups on here today, but they need to offer these 'out there' alternatives to try and grab sales from one off away shirt purchasers I think
  10. Only 33 minutes from Davenport.... ominous. Hopefully that's precautionary
  11. Race? More like a gentle jog I would have thought.
  12. I knew what this would be before I clicked the link. You have to wonder if these statues go through any form of quality control before being presented to the world. Or even a gentle tap on the shoulder, and a nod to a picture maybe. They actually do a disservice to those they are purporting to idolise.
  13. He doesn't surpass Craig Bellamy's influence, but I remember Eyal Berkovic proved a little shot in the arm in our 2001 promotion for Souness. Just what we needed when the pressure was increasing, and we were finding it harder to unlock defensive teams. Was unplayable against Grimsby in the run in. Had the Turkish saviour not arrived, I think Berkovic would have signed permanently, and perhaps played a bigger part in our history.
  14. Just came across this on YouTube, and managed to find this thread. Very good watch, and some nice Rovers stories. Well worth a watch
  15. Pretty much my thinking too. I just can't see any way Waggott will sack his long-term friend. The man who got him the role. A problem many highlighted at the time. Hence me asking. Likewise I simply don't see Tony walking while we still remain in the Championship. I get the frustration and Tony does seem to be slowly unravelling, but I just can't see a scenario where we have a new manager before the start of next season. This familiar problem won't go away under the current ownership.
  16. Who is in charge of pulling the managerial trigger? They need to start having a serious think about next season and beyond.
  17. It's usually our job to let teams shockingly out of form find some again. Wigan were abysmal, but we maybe needed that to stem the tide. Magloire didn't do much wrong, but I felt Nyambe held the defence together very well. Good night for a change
  18. Wigan currently defending like me with the six year old in the back garden. They couldn't do much more for us.
  19. I'd say Tony was busy tonight sizing up a leash for Chapman. He'll be tethered down until next season with Rothwell.
  20. Baitt Assombolonga.... Somebody been editing his Wiki?
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