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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. Don't waste your time taking it on, these spinmeisters are trying to make it all about tonight. It's pure bull designed to deflect and spin it back on fans 'over expectation' or reaction to a game we 'should' lose anyway.
  2. He became far too comfortable that's why it's now uncomfortable for fans.
  3. Yes some of the figures banded about are a bit far fetched. I think what they'd draw back from after all the costs etc this might cover a new pitch but that's about it. That won't matter to the filthy vultures in the middle driving it forwards though.
  4. Performance manager - lose 0-1, 1-2, 2-3 he's happy because they aren't wallopings and he can roll out some faux stats about touches in the box. Development manager - lose but happy a few kids have got another few mins and Everton and City will send him some biscuits for playing their kids. We can see what he's trying to do here, progress isn't it.
  5. Unlike Kean or Coyle some will make new excuses after every game for this guy no matter what he does. He's clueless, never been that clued up but he's had enough about him and at his disposal to get by. Now he's lost it completely and he needs relieving of his duties, as much for his own sanity as anything else. The way he babbles on and the things he does he's really just like a coach not a manager.
  6. The mans motivational instincts are non existent it's purely driven to prepare for defeat to cover his own backside. Pathetic to be honest and whilst a lot of fans might agree with what he says that's not the point. Mowbray talks defeat before we've been defeated, stating the obvious afterwards is expected. That's just a football manager thing but iv'e never heard a guy forensically dissect the opposition and run through what we are scared of before we've even had a go at them like he does. It's just a side who were 8th a week ago going up against one who are 3rd. A February midweek championship match not away to Man City in the champions league for crying out loud. Absolute drip.
  7. The Brentford model is all well and good but i doubt they had a starting point like we have now. I'd wager they went that route because they didn't have what we have so we are downgrading whichever way it's dressed up. Plus you need the right people doing it, just because they might shoehorn everything together doesn't mean Mowbray and his clan will replicate what Brentford do on the pitch and in the league. Chances are it won't resemble that and will more resemble what we see right now ! The agents involved with BRFC will be happy though that's assured.
  8. Don't know what was going on there i think maybe Mowbray just didn't rate him and wanted extra room on the books/squad for something else. Either way it benefited Wharton in the end because he came back more rugged and experienced than he would have been. Like i said i can't fault TM when it comes to getting youth involved (even if he's no choice). His use of some of them though and his own signings leaves question marks. Plus we know from experience he isn't a right good judge of defenders.
  9. I think someone is taking the piss. One thing Mowbray can't be criticized for is integrating youth into the 1st team squad. Some would say that's his main aim here rather than a top 6 challenging first 11. Using them correctly is a different argument and a fair one although it applies to seniors as well with him.
  10. I don't know about pissing it but a lot of managers would love having this to pick from. It's another thing that separates us from similar positioned clubs and gets left out when people whine about midtable budget justifying the position in table. That facility and what is available from it now can be like several million worth of incoming players others don't have.
  11. And i think we'll be doing exactly the same this time next year. Although probably in a quest for points to stay away from the bottom pack after a few departures in summer leave him with more problems.
  12. Most of the regular fans, even his critics, hold him in high esteem for promotion and turning around then stabilizing the club. I know i do, as well as his general conduct over most his time here. It was a refreshing change seeing someone humble, honest and only appearing to be driven by his love of being a manager. He's in grave danger of all that going out the window recently as this season his interviews have gone increasingly bizarre. Now at the point of being an arrogant ignorant self preserver. It isn't the fans or medias fault hard questions now need asking this has been coming a while. Promotion, stability, some good signings and the odd impressive victory have covered over a lot very frustrating stuff. It always catches up in the end but it seems he isn't prepared for it.
  13. Totally agree i think if big Baz's lad was sat in the directors box most home games at least there'd be a presence. He could see for his own eyes some of the plodding and rotating and lack of urgency. You certainly don't want owners meddling but asking the right questions in presence is no bad thing. Mowbray has been one very lucky fella here in that regards by the looks of it. He didn't get away with it at Boro for as long.
  14. He's a crafty worker is old Tone there'll a new spin on this one that'll get lapped up. In a word 'kids'... Then suddenly everyone will be fit when the beach is in sight and all his seniors will be back in !
  15. The penny will never drop on that one with Mowbray for whatever reason. I agree i could well see a far better performance with him out and some real balance in the team. It shouldn't take him coughing up blood to be left out altogether but that's where we are at. Soon as he's ok he'll be back in the same position.
  16. Balaji's son as far as i'm aware but there could well end up a group of the younger generation involved one day who knows. It was his son who got the star treatment here a while back and the 5 star performance.
  17. If we don't win tomorrow night i can still see us spanking Coventry. It'll be all set up for that and a classic backs against the wall performance against a side we are better than.
  18. I reckon he might well be running it now or having a hand in it. Remember when he came to visit for a game not long ago ? Remember the front foot in your face performance and tactics Mowbray employed that day ? Tactics we've rarely seen since, they know what they are doing down there, stringing everybody along.
  19. Hell fire he's getting arsey now with the press it won't be long before he's having his own PR man stood there. I thought he was answering that quite well till a nerve was touched. Surely the relevance of the question is going off the stats he's boasting why the feck aren't we scoring and getting results ! Touches in the box aren't chances or shots, half of them at least are just that...touches.
  20. That's what iv'e been thinking all along he sees himself as a development coach first and foremost. Hence all the messing about with the side constantly, it's been obvious for years. So is there actual pressure from above to do this over assembling a strong settled side and having a real go. Or is this the slow build plan he's sold them and he's doing it off his own bat ? Great comfort zone to be in because the ready make excuses are often valid. Been saying for ages a top 6 tilt is way down the list of real priorities here. This seems very much Tony Mowbray and pals own football factory. What's the real journey though, promotion or a well stocked squad to start breaking up for big money then go again ???
  21. Looks like they might have had ideas of getting in on the act of owning and running the club but it fell through.
  22. We are very similar to when GB had been here a few years, it all went south pretty quickly. I think we all know though even if he'd stayed he was going backwards. Next step now is vital but there won't be one, as you where. All the off field stuff is about to be the major distraction away from the on field stalemate. That'll probably run through next season as well.
  23. I'd wager not many similar clubs in this league already have the set up these lot are proposing to downscale. The aim is supposed to be eventually re-establishing in the Prem that line is always trotted out. What happens if that came true and we needed more room to expand ?
  24. They might well be so sold on his slow build to top 6 and promotion sales pitch that they genuinely think he'll deliver it. Therefore terrified of selling any player or upsetting his cosy old pals set up. So they'll go along with this instead of questioning the 12 million he's pished away. If only we could get half that back this might not need to happen. Not that it does anyway.
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