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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. Is he only just now addressing the classroom issue ? Has the building suddenly sprung up another storey on realizing he'd missed something off ? Snake oil salesman, where was this effort in trying to get fans back in after promotion ?
  2. Very very easy to do when you have the inside of a club all to yourselves and ownership thousands of miles away.
  3. Natural materials ? Hmm wonder if Mr Get Real and Flitcraft are pitching for it ?
  4. That applies from top to bottom here and it's either the void between here and India that allows it. Or that middleman who seems to have carved out a nice comfortable niche for himself. Still waiting after all these years to know what it is he really does and how much it costs. Why does he allow the manager to run a charity, players to be paid whilst getting fit to further their careers elsewhere, allow frequent signings from Mowbrays old club, stand by whilst results are poor and the manager runs his mouth off in the press, allow the stadium to turn filthy and the so called CEO to run around Brockhall with a tape measure and calculator ? Just what does he exist here for and why does he hide ?
  5. He keeps saying this but he's coaching his team to go sideways and backwards at the pace of a turtle. There is no attacking football or defending by pressing it's just going through the motions. Easy street football, i'm really wondering now if he is deluded or just an outright bullshitter who knows he can get away with it.
  6. I think he was a panic signing to be honest, not played since last Jan. Turns us down for big money elsewhere, that breaks down and he ends up here, defenders are coming and all that. Looked fragile when he has played. Probably getting himself fit to go elsewhere in summer. This place is still a vehicle for agents and players imo. That will never ever change under this ownership.
  7. So the suspicion is Williams is being protected for his own good so he can further his career elsewhere ? AKA Galdwin & Smallwood who benefited from Mowbrays genteel humanoid approach. What is he running, his own football charity ? If there's even a grain of truth to it it stinks, again. It's a tall order but would be in no way surprising. Mind you now it's been mentioned on here i wouldn't be surprised to see him back sometime soon. There's a habit down there to react or comment on what comes out on here.....
  8. I know it was a good few years earlier and the pull of the Prem but he got McCarthy, Santa Cruz, Bellamy, Savage and Samba in for about the price of Brereton & Gallagher. Football is crazy but it does show he was a good judge of player in his time here. Throw in Nelson and Bentley etc, hell what a manager !
  9. He knows we aren't getting the 20 million for Armstrong to make it worthwhile. He knows there won't be much left selling for a more realistic price after everything is taken out. He knows he isn't likely to get much if any of it so why is he playing this card now ? The owners for their part have stood firm so far and kept these players. Presumably so he can mount some kind of attempt at a play off spot. To me this is classic Mowbray putting the player first as usual. He needs to be gone and we need a real points driven manager not a players fairy godmother.
  10. So the suit is pushing for selling half the training ground and the manager is now pushing to sell players. Makes me wonder many things.
  11. Best we condition ourselves from now on just to shut our ears and get on with it. He's going nowhere unless Mrs D pays any attention beyond the balance sheet. There'll be no Coventry here he'll brazen it out if we don't win again all season. Sell a few players - the line he's pitching now - then he can hide behind another rebuild job. Can't expect us to go anywhere if we sell our best players after all. Sacked from Celtic, Boro and Coventry in last 10 years but untouchable at Venky Rovers. We need to just see out the season now and pray summer is kind to us. Then it'll be give him 10 games/christmas/the window rinse and repeat. Sooner or later if we don't kick on we'll implode again you just know it's coming. I said his fabled journey could well be one that sees a lot of the players under him sold. One wonders if those with their stamp on them get any benefit.
  12. So he's moving the goalposts again i see, he's beginning to sound like Lambert did now. Same soundbites except this guy has supposedly been building a top 6 capable squad for the past couple of years. And has had backing that would see some other more clear thinking managers knocking on the door of it now regardless of covid/injuries. All he's doing is trying to get to the end of his contract by bluff and bluster. No way in hell should he have to lose the next 2 or 3 to be sacked has he not registered the last 5 defeats in 6 or something ? He's well on his way to making himself public enemy number one now. Some going that considering how popular he was. This is what getting far too comfortable gets you.
  13. Good old Derek Shaw got his way with the Appleton appointment and we ended up paying compo. Although Crappley - like that other toss pot who'd never heard of his agent - claimed self representation. I think we all know that's bollocks and Shaw was another on the tantric christmas card list. Nice work by the Preston shyster whilst he was here he upset Blackpool, got his puppet into Rovers and all on the back of costing the club 2.5 million for Bergs 5 mins in charge. Then he sued the owners on leaving, also hung around like a bad smell until Rhodes had left. Another deal he was thought to be heavily involved in when JR was prised from Huddersfield. Fair to say i don't send my best regards to that scumbag.
  14. Well i think i predicted us to produce that backs to the wall bounce back win in the last 3 now. So in this i'll assume we'll be on the wrong side of another narrow defeat. Good possession stats, create next to nothing, miss a good chance, pull one back late to make to 'acceptable'. 😬 Reading 2 Rovers 1
  15. All we want is someone with a winning mentality who can organize a balanced first 11. Can't win all the time everyone knows that but runs of winning only 1 in 6 or losing 5 in a row should be unacceptable. A complete change of mentality is needed as we just seem to have a shoulder shrugger. You win some you lose some attitude and a real excuse maker, all we ever hear is the good points of the opposition we should fear and every sob story in the book as to why things don't go better than they should. It's rubbed off on the players that's clear. They know a bit of effort in a jumbled system and lose narrowly it's ok with the performance based manager. What kind of way is that to try and get in the top 8 and stay there ? It's blindingly obvious on several fronts why we instantly fall away all the time. Attitude.
  16. Like has been touched on many times and even has its own thread they can't even keep the ground clean. Or maintained to a decent standard !!!! Been a downgrade on how they maintain the pitch since the Prem days and god knows what else has been neglected. Again the twitter & facebook sheeple need to look beyond empty promises, need to really base their opinions on fact and what they've seen with their own eyes. Why will this be different and what has prompted it to be so important all of a sudden ? To me they just wanted to get the planning passed then either flog the land for cold hard money. Or maybe get it on the balance sheet to borrow against in the short term. Also need to realize Waggot is a corporate salesman, that's his job that's what he is. He isn't a Rovers fan or a high end football director he strikes me more as a box ticker, trouble shooter yearning to finally do something radical to justify himself to Pune. I don't think he's corrupt or in cahoots with anything shady he's just doing what comes naturally. Trying to come up with money making schemes etc.
  17. I do think this 'All he's done for the club' spiel is getting a bit worn out now. It's like a tagline for his groupies. End of they day they need to wake up and realize all that can be wiped out in one season. He's the most experienced Venkys landed on with the HSH roulette wheel and that is the main reason for his steady hand behind the scenes. On the pitch he's done nothing the inexperienced Bowyer didn't do and he is the best backed manager here since Hughes. Discounting the evil one of course. All this helps and i wish they wouldn't lose sight of the fact that this is what he's paid to do. It's why teams have managers he isn't doing anything countless others don't do at others clubs. For this he'll be paid somewhere in the region of 500k to a million pounds per year. This club and these owners and our fans have been very very good for Mr Mowbray and family. It's a two way thing so quit with the stupid worship and judge him like managers are judged. Results and targets.
  18. It's what happens in the stadium that matters and we all remember the reaction to that first home game in lge 1. That was the best thing that happened that season otherwise i'm sure he's have persisted with that stupid formation. Again just set up to shoehorn people in, then we'd have fallen behind from the start. Promotion might not have been as straight forwards then. The rocket the fans gave the players acted as a reality check but like a few have said that's been missing too long now. There'll be pressure on him when there's fans back in there make no mistake. Superfans turn quick as well once they've reached a certain point. Twitter/Facebook etc is great for spreading whatever propaganda might suit the narrative but it an't the real world. That's still a harsh one where a spade is a spade and crap is crap.
  19. The club lead by this manager and CEO are just setting themselves to sit in the middle of this div. Developing players with our development performance related coach and his staff. What that really means is shoehorning people in wherever and having systems of play to accommodate rather than the strongest 11 consistently. Passed off as having to set out to try and stop the opposition so we can dominated possession and win games. It is the sum total of this lots capabilities so we have to operate at their level because he's a nice guy and we might get worse. That in reality is what this is they won't upgrade to try and go up a level so we have to operate at the level of capabilities of those in charge. Doesn't matter that his squad is capable of better because trying to change it is too much bother, too expensive and all the rest. I'd say the owners are in on it but when they are allegedly slapping 25 mill on Armstrong they clearly don't want to sell. So it's a bit odd that we them seem so desperate for cash they are going to try and sell fixed assets ? Something isn't adding up again at all down there this has all the hallmarks of when silly prices were first slapped on Rhodes. He eventually left for very little real profit. Who's beavering away in the middle of all this i wonder ?
  20. Same here, chippies in Brinscall and Withnell always the trusty chip barm. Hardly a long way from Blackburn.
  21. When has he ever done that ? Who puts balls in anyway ? Absolutely full of shit. He's world number one at saying what we didn't do and what we couldn't do ! If he spent more time working on our strengths as a team and less crapping himself about the odd good player in the opposition we might get somewhere.
  22. Bob Saxton of the 2020's except backed by billionaires, a Cat A academy, 15 million pounds worth of strikers and loans from top Prem clubs. Come on what do we expect really ? He's had to play kids and reserves all season hasn't he because the entire first team is injured 🙄
  23. That crackpot always goes against the grain i think every Venky manager he's found more than one reason to keep.
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