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Everything posted by roversfan99

  1. Kaminski Brittain Hyam Ayala Pickering Travis Wharton Hedges Dack Brereton Gallagher Subs: Pears, S Wharton, Morton, Dolan, Markanday, Buckley, Mola Scott Wharton has been poor this season so of the 3, I would drop him first. If Hedges and Gallagher miss out, Markanday in and Dolan in with Brereton pushed central. Bring Carter and Leonard into the squad if necessary. No Hirst and no Vale,.
  2. I still wouldn't let Dack go, he unlike most of our attacking options has something about him, he should be used more. We definitely need to send Hirst back and loan out Vale now we have stupidly signed him long term, we need a couple of strikers and an experienced midfielder.
  3. Had Mowbray shrugged his shoulders and said, well we will be inconsistent, he would have been lynched. Ultimately there are so many things that he did wrong last night. Weird, imbalanced tactics, poor and late use of subs, incorrect first 11. We have had a very good start to the season and there are loads of positives but there are still big question marks. Getting back into games, managing 3 game weeks, regular games where we are uncompetitive, strange and imbalanced tactics at times, a total lack of competent forward options under a manager famed for his striking ability.
  4. Ha! You have been very consistent in thinking that Hirst and Vale are of the quality required. Is this belief at all in any way reducing? Vale has never shown anything, he is slow, he is weak, he doesn't ever look like scoring, and worst of all, he doesn't even work hard, there was once in particular last night when Brereton pressed and was trying to usher Vale to press with him and he didn't. He couldn't score regularly in non league, do you think a loan spell would be good or he should stay in the first team squad? And Hirst, wow. He is so weak, the ball goes up to him and never sticks. His control is embarrassing, the ball span up twice from his touch yesterday hitting his hand! Any thoughts of sending him back in January and getting someone else? On a wider scale, do you have any concerns that away from home midweek, we are so poor? Whether it is a case of Tomasson messing too much when we have 3 games in a week or a question of character whereby midweek away from home, we struggle? And also, do you have any concerns that when we concede, we don't comeback? Tomasson has an exemplary record when we go ahead which he deserves plenty of credit for, but equally, can he change things when we go behind? He often makes poor subs and makes them too late, again the case last night. The jury firmly remains out on spending the money spent on Szmodics, and Dack is far better, but no way are them 2 players alongside each other. Szmodics has some use, Hirst doesn't. It makes no difference either way, not helpful at all I agree but equally not harming anyone. Just rather sad of whoever made it to spend their time making the account.
  5. He commented post match that it is just inconsistency and to expect it for a while. It wasnt, there were numerous incorrect decisions made by him today.
  6. I dont think he was having a go at you for not attending more away games...
  7. Absolutely appalling performance and it says a lot that we repeatedly lose midweek away from home, probably when most character is needed. Tomasson got every decision wrong, the starting 11 was bizarre and imbalanced, this Brittain inverted wing back shit needs to stop, he doesnt look comfortable. Special mention to 2 strikers as bad as any we have had to witness in these terrible Venkys years. Vale is absolutely appalling, he cant perform in non league never mind at Championship level, who came up with the idea of giving him a long contract? And Hirst, if he was genuinely the first choice striker target then I would to see the others on the list, no redeeming features and he controlled the ball with his hand twice which says a lot. No more matchday appearances and send him back to Leicester. If Gallagher is injured at the weekend, Brereton should play central. There are some gems in our fantastic academy but due to our shit owners we have an over reliance on it at times. We needed another experienced midfielder. Garrett every time he has featured has got people excited because he wildly lunges into every tackle but red card or not, it was totally needless. On the ball in his first 2 games he was sorely lacking.
  8. Weird team and dreadful performance. How did the Vale contract get suchba positive reaction, hes appalling and struggled in non league. Has nothing in his game including effort. Get Pickering on for Morton, put Travis in midfield, Dack for Szmodics and Dolan for Vale.
  9. I dont get Brittain on the left, Travis on the right and Pickering on the bench, nor do I get Vale starting to be honest.
  10. Hirst's shirt is on the pictures after all, surely not in the squad ahead of Dack. Markanday and Buckley arent involved.
  11. 12 o clock on New Years Day, an absolute disgrace.
  12. I wonder if he will ever successfully transition into a sitting midfielder, was never totally convinced that he would go back as smoothly as people expect. You look at Wharton who always takes the ball deep, well balanced and doesn't dally, Buckley maybe doesn't see things as quickly.
  13. We would definitely need a considerable chunk reinvesting, although there would be no excuse not to have targets lined up ready to press the button on upon any sale.
  14. If we got offered £15m in January, which is extremely doubtful, but we would really have to strongly consider it. Of course, the majority would need reinvesting, but that could create a really strong team for more than 6 months, and still help us short term too.
  15. As exciting as Adam Wharton is, seems a bit premature to suggest that he could go to World Cups at this stage! It certainly isnt in our best interests for Kaminski to go to the World Cup with the stupid timing. Might peak a bit of interest but not worth potentially having Pears in net at any point. He is 4th or 5th choice I think so hopefully he will miss out.
  16. Tough selection, Brittain has to come back in as a natural right back but Travis, A Wharton, Morton and Szmodics into 3 positions doesnt go. Ayala is also pushing for a start. Dolan was our worst player at the weekend so he drops out. I think Adam Wharton will drop out as he is very cautious about playing him too often. Maybe it makes sense to have him as a sub tomorrow and potentially back in at the weekend, 50/50 between him and Travis. There is a hint in the LT of consideration for Brereton to be rested and he has looked shattered lately. Hopefully he can play in these 2 games and be left at home when we play West Ham. Kaminski Hyam Ayala Wharton Brittain Travis Morton Pickering Szmodics Gallagher Brereton Subs: Pears, Carter, A.Wharton, Dack, Markanday, Dolan, Mola
  17. Pickering is quite intelligent and he also links up with Brereton well too down the left. Unsure if it has been mentioned but Brereton played an outstanding ball in the second half, Gallagher messed up a very presentable one on one following it but the pass was excellent.
  18. Something like that cant be ranked at all I don't think, all subjective.
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