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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. Rovers guaranteed a penalty or 2 when he comes back get the training in now.
  2. you can tak ethe boy out of Blackburn but you cant take the Blackburn out of the boy there lies your answer TND
  3. Having predicted a loss for this game I am Roverjoyed at the result Thats 3 points closer to the 40 point barrier and its anothr win in the bag. Hats off to Rovers for the comeback, now its off to the newest stadium in the Premiership, I wonder what odds for a Rovers win ?
  4. is that not a bit like saying the washing powder is responsible for the lads not playing too well either ? The players will play football if they have the ability, no matter what facilities or whatever. BRFC has the unenviable resources of many a team and the academy have a facility that is on a par with manure and liverpool, it sthe people that run it and bring out the skills in individual players.
  5. Just arrived back home. Lets just say that result is a freak of nature ! A totally crap game were we were clearly second best in EVERY department, we go and score in the 92nd minute and its a wantaway Lucas Neill that notches a fantastic finish. IRONY at its best. A few subtle observations on a night Mark Hughes sent out a Rovers 11 to win a game and to top the group. I couldnt figure Rovers formation out early doors, they were just simply awful as a team. It didnt improve after the break. Rovers couldnt win any second ball, were second best in the tackle, were slow and lethargic and couldnt string a series of pass going FORWARDS. Across the pitch we were fantastic, ditto going backwards. McEveley was crap, same for Sergio and Gallagher. These three potential youngsters had the chance and not one took it. The Axe was uselss in the middle, he gave far too many easy balls away and could easily have seen red. Bentley was shocking until the last 3 minutes. Thats the negatives out of the way. A big plus for young Nolan who I thought did quite well despite his inexperience. I actually felt sorry for Todd who looked comfortable until he went off injured. I wonder how that leaves us for Saturday ! Derbyshire did his bit and missed his golden chance in the first half to make himself a Blackburn End hero. Savage was clearly the MOTM. Andre huffed and puffed and got himself a yellow, does this mean he misses the away leg ? Lucas Neill's finish was well, simply the only highlight of a drab dead rubber of a game. The frogs had clearly come to get a point although they had the better chances. My overall view of them is that they lived up to their usual standards, diving cheating froggies ! It is no wonder they are despised by The English. Did anyone in the Lower JW stand notice the bust up between the managers ? What was all that about ? Crowd of 12k plus was a bonus on a cold damp night, we all had a nice cheer at the end with Lucas's celebration. Yes cobber we saw you score but your still a plonker if you think you can have your bread any better elsewhere and become a world star. So what did Rovers do tonight to sit amongst Europes second best tier of teams ? They sit proudly as another of England table topping teams but have they caused any ruffles ? Me thinks not and thank christ we will miss the better teams in the next round. Our European record this season reads like never before, played 6, won 4 drawn 2. Unbeaten away at pretty hostile places, can the Rovers mystery tour continue ? A nice handy draw would go down well, with not too far to travel. bring it on Friday Captain Mike I can confirm that YOU ARE MAD
  6. Born in Norfolk Street in Mill Hill in the late 60's, a long stones throw away from the ground. Grandad was season ticket holder number 1 in the Old Nuttall Street End. Brother in law played for Rovers 1972/73. Lived around the corner from Stuart Metcalfe and John Kenyon. Have lived and breathed BRFC since 1971. Have been here, there and everywhere following the blue and white shirt. Have been reported missing from home and then found by Police coming away from The Old Blackburn End many moons ago ! Have never missed ANY important game for Rovers and only missed 1 home game since 1990 when my sister got married, that was Spurs and I ruined their video when Mr Shearer scored to secure the points ! I have blue blood coursing through my veins and was brought up to despise ALL things in claret and poo cause they stink like poo ! Oh the list is endless, but as someone else quite rightly points out I AM ROVERS TILL I DIE. There is one guarantee in my family expenditure, my season ticket is always paid for by my lovely wife as she knows best
  7. sorry for all Rovers fans travelling to the Madjeski Stadium an embarassing 3-0 defeat
  8. nancy drew 0-0 away at Nice yesterday and have got a few injury problems, maybe they might snd theri own reserve team
  9. the date of that prediction was 28th October 06, I have now had chance to reflect on the above prediction and my new prediction is not as confident, 2-0 Rovers
  10. Anyone would think they were world beaters They will also be fighting off relegation as they are a poor poor team like us. Savour the win barcodes but your club is a poor neighbour to ours you muppets
  11. Mr Gallagher had a choice of using pure common sense or making a complete arse of himself, HE chose the latter in this game. His performance was totally unacceptable and will result in him spending time in the lower divisions. The linesman was spot on everytime he called Mccarthey offside as he is just so god damned lazy, he did however get 3 decisions wrong in calling MGP offside.
  12. The long long dark spectre of a hard winter has settled over Ewood Park, after todays result it just doesnt have the energy to move away and will remain over Ewood until a full 90 minute work ethic is re-established amongst our team. I cannot recall such an inept first 45 minutes when we committed suicide against a poor Newcastle outfit. Moving on to the second 45 minutes, we saw a dedicated Rovers 10 men outfit come to the party, score a fantastic goal and then nearly snatch a draw only for the curtains to be closed by a breakaway 3rd goal as Brad sat on his arse in the Blackburn End goal. My Leyland, blue eyes spectacled view of today is as follows. In the first 45 minutes LN played like he no longer wanted to wear the blue and white shirt, he was simply awful along with MGP, Nonda,Mccarthy,Gray,Bentley. There was no effort, no energy, no interest, no nothing despite the encouragement of Savage and Andre and the prodding of Tugay. It got so bad that even Tugay invited the invisible friend to try and help him out. Add to this yet anoher woeful piece of refereeing by gallagher the inbred halfwit when he decided that from the left wing position, henchoz had denied a goalscoring chance. It was as shocking a decision as Rovers first half performance. So, the second half. Whatever the tea lady gave them worked. A fantastic goal by MGP gave Rovers the kiss of life and frightened the living day lights out of the biggest club in England with the most fantastical support ! Oly two saves by our old goalie Shay prevented Rovers from levelling. The likes of LN,Gray,MGP and co were transformed, even Todd and Derbyshire entered the cause. Lo and behold, it was not to be and the 3rd breakaway goal killed off Rovers spirited second half challenge. In a week of what could or should have been, Rovers have seen fit to fritter away 6 points. Those points would have seen us safely mid table on 22 precious points and a platform to attack the Christmas period with blue and white verve. How different it is going to be. From somewhere, Rovers need 7 wins to ensure Premiership survival and the big bucks that come with it. We have 9 games left at home, games that only show Arsenal as the outstanding game. Things are going from bad to worse, and I cannot see Rovers getting out of the rut they have placed themselves in. Its not the tactics, its the lack of the work ethic that was so evident last season. There are only 5 players trying and carrying the other 6. So, we now move to Wednesday and a game against the girly named nancy lorraine. I know we are through but Rovers should forget about trying to beat them and play the reserve team to rest our overworked stars. Reading away is a far more important a fixture. Finally, a mention for the so called best supporters in the league. You may well have had 2900 fans at Ewood in a sparse 19200 crowd, but believe me, I have seen far better. I would, at best describe the majority as simple football supporters. Winters here boys and girls, its gonna be a long hard trek through to January
  13. It was only last year when a seriously depleted Newcastle side raomed into Ewood expecting an annihilating Rovers victory, they walked it with ease 3-0. This season sees a massive 6 pointer already and this game has a serious pointer for the rest of the season. A win is a must for all blue and white. On the plus side there is NO Shearer, a spectre of hate for Rovers since 1996. NUFC have almost as many injuries as Rovers. We wont see 8000 mad Geordies taking over Blackburn and the pubs as they havent sold more than 2000 as it stands. On the negative side, we see a weary Rovers side with a massive European game looming Wednesday, a team on a downer with injuries all over the place, a team low on confidence, a team that cannot pass, run or score and a team that appears to be totally different to one that played just a few months ago, and finally, a team that has seen its home record shattered compared to last season. I cannot see a Rovers win that is needed unless someone kicks the front men up the arse. 0-2 Hughes seeks consolation with Wednesday in mind and then we see a mid December plunge into the bottom 3, get the easiest draw out of the hat in the EUFA having whooped the frogs 2-0, a Russian tycoon and oil magnate takes over the club and injects 500million, burnley go bust and sell the land off for affordable housing and jsut for good measure it snows Christmas Day
  14. I think we at Blackburn Rovers FC have a little more to worry about than the smugness of one Alan Pardew and co Lets get our own house in order first ! Oh, yet another club in crisis due at Ewood Park, a club that wishes itself modelled on ours in the way that it is run and in the way that is successful. bring em on
  15. really?????? is anyone else surprised ? this is BRFC look at the history, Rovers have akways come up trumps to assist clubs on poor runs. distraught ? I am what does that mean? well ###### off big style night night
  16. thats all we need right now if we can come up trumps with a victory tonight and then with a seriously weakened Newcastle up next there is a good chance we can manoevre up the table quickly and breach the 20 point barrier pre Christmas
  17. rom Preston Blue, (at the game) the match is very poor
  18. I think we are certainly guaranteed that LN will see red following the yellow card. Rovers will continue to acrue the records for the most off sides in Benni ! We wont keep a clean sheet tonight, you can feel it
  19. Barca winning 2-0 so it looks like bremen are coming into our cup
  20. coudnt be bothered with a new thread about real re scm money making franchise cheats but has anyone else heard the red faced whinger on the dive of ronaldo that wasnt a dive ? what a complete muppet he has made himself look again
  21. A lot of Rovers fans seem to be unerestimating the threat of Charlton Athletic at their home ground. Although I would expect a Rovers win this place has never proved a haven for Rovers wins over the years, even when we have been comfortably ahead ! I would be happy with a 1-0 scrappy win but can see Rovers struggling to cope with both reid and rohmedal
  22. blue and white at home black and blue away = this is some kit that I would enjoy wearing
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