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Everything posted by Crimpshrine

  1. Ennis would have had a fair proportion of his 4 year contract paid up. I bet we didn't make any profit at all
  2. One person makes a mistake. I don't buy it. Where is the procedure put in place by Broughton, peer checking, printing off verification for filing. All sorts of methods to ensure mistakes like that don't happen when the stakes are high.
  3. They want to go and visit Mickey Mouse to get a few tips on how to run a business
  4. This managerial change is perfect timing for Waggott. Unpopular sale of Adam Wharton, more transfer cockups, terrible form on the pitch, protests looming, toxic atmosphere, Venky's court hearing postponed. Anti Venky feeling growing. Massive pressure on the CEO. Change the manager and many fans will be in 'give him a chance ffs' mode. Pressure off for now. Retire in the summer. Crafty bugger that Waggott.
  5. Absolutely spot on. Please don't protest or boo at matches as the players get upset. He is really clutching at straws.
  6. Procedures were put in place. GB promised it would not happen again
  7. But Broughton stated that all procedures had been revisited after last year's cockup and promised it would never happen again. It's simple - click send, check that it has sent, print off verification get a manager/peer to check the verification. Not click any button and go for a cup of tea.
  8. I bet Cheston probably volunteered to be the sacrificial sacking. Not far from retirement, probably got a massive payout and will be nowhere near the club when it goes into admin. Very convenient.
  9. People will still be saying this in another 13 years time. Venky's don't care about the club and never will. They need to go now.
  10. It feels to me like Wharton really didn't fancy the Palace move but Rovers have been pushing him as hard as they can and, possibly, using 'emotional blackmail' regarding the club's finances. Despite the personal financial rewards, I don't think it's a good move for Adam and the only people to benefit are Venky's.
  11. So depressing. We have billionaire owners but we are seen as a soft touch by the likes of Luton, Brentford and Crystal Palace.
  12. I can imagine the club are putting a lot of pressure on Adam Wharton to accept a move to Crystal Palace even though it's probably not his preferred option. "We need the money, The owners can't provide any at the moment - you will be saving the club" I would just love it if he refused to go. He will get better offers in the future.
  13. I'm sure it will all be spent. HMRC Player wages Waggott wages Suhail Wages Rent payments on what used to be our own training ground. Other creditors
  14. The intersting thing about Brockhall is that the price they paid was based on it's vlaue with planning permission granted. As far as I know, there is no planning permission for building on the training ground. I wonder if this has been looked at suspiciously in India like the purchase of the Neville mansion ? Another reason to question their intentions and stop them sending money over? According to the court documents from last time, the investigations into Venky's overseas activities are at a 'nascent stage'. Who knows what they have unearthed in the last few months
  15. Belgian third division player with 2 appearances this season - there may be some truth in this one
  16. The figures never seem to add up to me. We know that a winding up order was threatened in April was because they had missed Tax payments. I believe they were already on a 'plan' because of previous missed payments. Presumably, they have now caught up with HMRC payments for last year and it may have taken a fair proportion of the £11 million to do so ? So maybe the reported £20 million per year has been masking the HMRC shortfalls? What really annoys me is the arguments given for being allowed to make that £11 million payment - preserve investment and avoid damage to their reputation - nothing mentioned about preeserving a historical sporting institiution that is so important to the community. Any investment they have made has already gone - simple as that. So the key factor to Venky's is their own reputation! Here's hoping the judge does us all a favour this time around
  17. There is always the chance that the financial investigations have uncovered more evidence since the last hearing. There were objections to the ruling last time, I'm sure there will be this time also.
  18. You may have known about it but I would guess 99% of Rovers fans didn't. The MoU between the club and the Trust requires the club to be open about important financial issues. This winding up order falls into that category and has never been disclosed by the club. It feels like important news to me.
  19. Interesting that the arguments put forward for being allowed to make payments were to avoid damage to Venky's reputation. No mention of the future of Rovers and preserving a historical football club. All they care about is their own reputation and that's why they keep paying the bills. No other reason
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