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Everything posted by American

  1. The question was mearly streaming. It didn't specify audio or video!
  2. Phil, I used to agree with you until I realized one thing - What is it that makes alcohol any better? Are you saying we should ban alcohol? Plenty of booze related deaths happen all over the country. If anything, drugs like the wacky tabacky are safer than alcohol and also closer to how they are found in nature. (And I don't do drugs, I just don't think we should pick and choose what we allow people to do.)
  3. Lee's maths skills get the mediawatch treatment on F365:
  4. With the way they started, he might get some games now.
  5. 1. Chelsea 2. Liverpool 3. Man Utd 4. Spurs 5. Arsenal 6. Newcastle 7. West Ham 8. Blackburn Rovers 9. Everton 10. Aston Villa 11. Middlesbrough 12. Man City 13. Bolton 14. Fulham 15. Wigan 16. Portsmouth 17. Sheff Utd 18. Charlton 19. Reading 20. Watford As much as I want Reading to do well, they just haven't strengthened enough this offseason to avoid the drop.
  6. Philip said Utd would finish 5th last season...
  7. Flopsy's comments coming from a man who seems to follow Phil around thread to thread and respond to every single post he makes...
  8. Interesting chapter in "How Soccer Rules the World" (named "How Football Rules the World" in the UK), detailing the potential for abuses the Italian refereeing system had, and how Juve likely flaunts the rules and will never get in trouble for it. The book was written 2-3 years ago.
  9. Many reasons, high inventory they want to get rid of. They know the item will get people in the door who will go buy higher margin items while they are there. Stores like that don't worry about the long haul, they work on the assumption that people are generally suckers, and we are.
  10. Please. I'll take anything Roger Waters has done since the split over anything Gilmour has...
  11. We've got one over here called ING that offers a much higher rate for a savings account than most banks. As for your rant, I'm with you on that. If you don't like the fees, don't overdraw or pay late. I'd be ashamed to admit that my significant other had over 2,000 in fees, myself. I'm embarrassed to have overdrawn 3 times in my life.
  12. Ah, I remember a youth group trip to see if we could find the Jersey Devil! The legend has it the JD is a ghost.
  13. Paranoia by the Kinks to match the mood of the fans... My wedding song is the obvious choice, though.... Me So Horny by 2 Live Crew
  14. Fine, I'll take American sports where players routinely show up early and stay late to get in extra training. Guys who are told to do 10 reps of weight and do 20 instead. A true leader goes above and beyond what the coach tells him to do. Only one person to blame for being out of shape, and that's himself. He knows his body better than the coach does.
  15. They are too far from Wales to attract the real talent.
  16. How is it not rightfully due with Lampard? He didn't have to take the day off. Plenty of people come in to "catch up on work" on off days. Before the biggest tournament of his life, he should have made damn sure he was in the best shape he could be. If I have a big project due, I'm not going to blame the boss if he managed me incorrectly if I wasn't prepared. It's his responsibility to HELP me prepare, not to prepare me. The blame is rightfully lain on the man who took 20 some odd shots without hitting the target. If he was that crap and out of shape, maybe he should have passed more.
  17. Love the ad at the bottom for "The Art of Dream Stalking." I have one, not sure the details, but it involves me running through mid-air.
  18. Maybe he knows something about the potential sale?
  19. The players are responsible for their fitness. He wasn't in shape, nothing was stopping him from coming early or staying late to make sure he got in shape. I'm a huge fan of Lampard, but this whole thing smacks of him using SGE as a scapegoat for his incompetence.
  20. 1864 - How did England do in last year's World Youth Championships? Oh yeah, failed to qualify... The problem with the system as it stands is that the top players fail to improve once they've left our youth system and gone to MLS. They do well there for a couple of years, but they do need to be pushed by taking the next step. 4 years ago, you could write an entire article on Yanks abroad with about 10 players, now I see articles for each country. Convey went to Reading and he has improved by leaps and bounds over the past year or 2. Donovan stayed in MLS and sucked. I'd take England's failure over the US' this year, but I'd take the US' failure over England's 4 years ago, as we at least went down fighting, and I'd take Klinnsman over McClaren any day of the week. So, tell me again about how MLS is full of older players. I noticed you conveniently ignored it when I called you on your ignorance. While I'm on a roll, I'll push this back on topic: Waggy and Mr. 6 - How have all the wonderful younger players we got rid of after you pushed their being given playing time done for their new teams?
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