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Everything posted by LeftWinger

  1. I think most people would agree with you on that. The league has to be priority - but as we don't have to choose - let's just win both games
  2. Le Tissier is the best penalty taker I've ever seen. Only ever missed one! Scored 49 out of 50. Don't think any other regular penalty takers can boast a 98% record!
  3. Sounds like an excellent idea for a new channel 5 show!
  4. http://www.25-88.com/clean_your_monitor/brush.swf Probably not best to use at work - although no-one cares where I work Brilliant for cleaning the inside of your monitor screen PS. Not suitable for children!
  5. 1. If the game against West Ham was a five a side, how would your team line up? My choice would be: Friedel, Mokoena, Savage, Tugay, McCarthy 2. Who have been your best and worst players so far? Best Player: Emerton - Since moving from right wing to right back, he's gone from being our most useless player to one of the best. He manages to be more of an attacking threat coming from right back, and other than one goal against City has been faultless. I can't think of a better full-back in the division. Worst Player: Gamst - Totally lacking confidence, desperately needs a goal. 3. From a less than spectacular start, you seem right back on course (Sunday's madness aside)! What has sparked the transformation? I think Rovers main strength under Hughes has been the incredible fitness levels of the players. Now the players are reaching the match fitness levels expected - the results are coming. Sunday was a still a good performance - including shots blocked we had over 30 attempts on goal! The new back-line is starting to gel a bit too - it's essentially a new back four. Our right-backs moved to left back, our right-winger moved to right back, and we brought Ooijer in - who after a terrible start is finding his feet. 4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of Mark Hughes? Hughes is supported by an excellent coaching team. Together they use a lot of new training techniques - and as a result we have a very fit team, strong and fast, and a good team spirit. Hughes has a certain aura about him too - I think even though he's a quiet man - he's someone the players want to listen to and learn from. He's also proved to be shrewd in the transfer market - Nelsen and McCarthy being the stand out signings. As for weaknesses - their hasn't been many showing so far. If I was being ultra-critical, Sparky sometimes can leave it late to make substitutions - when the game seems to be crying out for a change. 5. Which combo forms your best striking duo? At the moment it's McCarthy and Nonda - but Roberts has looked good coming off the bench. Roberts and Nonda are powerful and quick, and McCarthy is a pre-2000 style Dwight Yorke player - dropping off the main striker. Think Nonda and Roberts need a goal or two to really get going.
  6. If he continues to mark players at set-pieces like he did yesterday he'll be lucky if anyone wants him.
  7. My team would be: Friedel Kane Todd Henchoz Gray Gallagher Mokoena Savage Peter Roberts Jeffers If Savage is fit it makes no sense leaving him out when he's suspended for weekend anyway - rest him then. We really do lack right back cover after Emo and Neill
  8. Serves him right. I hope having watched the replay - he realises that the referee had no option but to give the second penalty. You can't not give a penalty because you gave one three minutes ago. His abuse of the referee was totally unacceptable IMO.
  9. Don't know how fat Sam can complain. Out of the two given the first was harsh, but the second was blatant. Emerton should have had a penalty in the first half, and the above foul on Roberts wasn't give either. That and the fact that we had a goal disallowed and they won - what the hell was he complaining for?
  10. It was awful marking. He was poorly positioned when the corner was being taken - then totally lost him. I've seen better marking in Sunday league football.
  11. Why is it totally different though? Both insults are meant to cause offence. If it had been the other way round - ie. McCarthy using racist language at the defender - would the defender have been so upset?
  12. I'm not condoning the racist comments but...why take the comments so seriously? What makes anything said to McCarthy any worse than Rooney etc being called fat?
  13. Didn't watch Newcastle last night but was surprised to see Duff playing at left back. How did he get on? I'd never have thought he'd make a left back - a waste if you ask me.
  14. Must be his first language judging by his bumbling English ramblings last night
  15. Anyone watching in Preston? I'm assuming it's on in Assembly - but it's closed till 4. I'm gonna go and watch it in the Angel probably when I come out of work at 5.
  16. I think the next step is to create the thickest football XI. So far we've got McAteer, Ferdinand and Rooney as strong contenders.
  17. Nugent - not a chance. He'd only move to a Premiership club surely!
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