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Dolly blue

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Everything posted by Dolly blue

  1. Well done lad….but yer man is misery on a bloody stick 🤬
  2. Armstrong’s body language when things aren’t going his way is poor. If he were to be kept, probably against his will to the end of his contract , I fear little return in terms of goals and big return in terms of dressing room disruption . We’re between a rock and a hard place …….Thanks Waggott and co ….
  3. “ I’m trying not to read too much into the result “… is exactly the reason we are in this bloody situation… you’ve written Mowbray’s post match comment …I say , “comment “ because the man is incapable of “ analysis “ When , oh when will we ever learn 🤬
  4. …this is exactly the reason for my non attendance. I’m not about trophy hunting….I just want a club I can believe in and respect..from upstairs to the pitch. Back in the day you speak of we won very little but there was an honesty …..and the integrity of BRFC mattered to all worked for the club. …….we , on the terraces could feel that, we shared it and coped with the ups and many downs…I so wish for that today …even in league 2
  5. Very sad figures but what did we expect? We have a totally demoralised fan base ….. a club , without a heart , being “run” by 3 men without either brain or conscience… Today, I feel like my divorce has finally come through ….we’ve had a period of separation ….I’ve felt lonely, I’ve felt angry, I’ve felt hurt…but, once the decision is made…..I feel better…..I’m off to Stanley with a very reasonable season ticket, a manager who is a real football bloke and owners who do their best. I shall look for the Rovers result , I shall continue to follow this message board and pray that the day I return to Ewood won’t be too far away…but it will only be AM ….After Mowbray
  6. He is a dour man… he was a dour player….he employs dour tactics…..he turns bright players into dour players…..his communication is dour….…. So much to look forward to……..imagine a young player , thinking of signing , meeting him for the first time …😳😳 and during his time at Ewood things have gone from dour to dire …
  7. …another day, another page ..of what ? We’re making more noise ..the silence from Ewood is deafening …. We’re at least lining up possibilities , imaginary or otherwise , to replace the lost 9 or 10 …. We’re asking questions about kit, the ground and season tickets … meanwhile the wall of silence and incapability remains ..with Tony and friends hiding behind it …embargo ? …or just incompetence? …those fans who will support from within the ground …I wish you well…I will wait for change …long wait though it might be….I feel both pain and embarrassment..this level of contempt I never thought I’d see …and…over 60 years……I’ve seen a lot .
  8. Very depressing reading this morning ! Is it an embargo or is it not an embargo ? Is it another Boro boy about to arrive at Ewood ? Is the club shop open yet? Have season ticket holders been contacted by the club? Is there any announcement on this season’s kit? My, my….how we have fallen during the woeful ownership of Venkys and the chronic death spirals of Mowbray, Venus and Waggott…but what depresses me the most is that some “ fans” believe us to be lucky to be in the situation we are in …….“ We could be like Bolton or Wigan “… I hear them say 😡….…I WISH ! We have been dumbed down beyond belief .As things currently stand we are a heartless, rudderless club…with fans divided. Very depressing reading this morning ….…..anyway, let’s look forward to tonight and just hope that “ Boro Boy Gareth “ hasn’t borrowed Tony’s book on how to get the best out of what you’ve got ..
  9. I’ve followed the club through a hell of a lot of thin…way before Jack changed everything. ….and there was never any question that I would automatically renew my season ticket. We’d very little on the pitch but but there was a heart, a soul…a management that tried to put the club and its fans first….a level of decency and winning didn’t always matter… Rovers was our team…fast forward to today 😳 ….I will not renew whilst Mowbray , Venus and Waggott are in situ….I cannot support anything they do or say…..I will wait, and it might be a long wait….but, it is not the club I knew and loved. ….the “ real “number of season ticket sales will be interesting…
  10. So true Mark! I feel that what Downing said, and what he omitted to say spoke volumes of his “ displeasure “ towards Mowbray and all. It terrifies me to think of how he handles young players, academy lads etc if this is how he handles a fellow Boro lad and his own signing. Downing sounded exactly as I feel…..disillusioned with the club, disgusted with Mowbray and …..like him, I shall be hanging my ticket up when the players return to training….has anyone ever felt so disenfranchised from this, our club? …..and this is before Mowbray opens his mouth for the first time in weeks..I look in envy towards clubs who have soul …and they surround us whichever way we look.
  11. …I do agree Matty, that , “ this lot darkened our door”…..but, the reason I shall not be returning to Ewood , is the fact that …….. …….Mowbray darkens it further. If he were to go the ticket sales would increase considerably. Currently, there is no communication, no interest, no hope …as I’ve said before , on other topics I envy Bolton, Blackpool, Stanley, Wigan fans …they have had their shackles of mismanagement removed…ours remain firmly in place.
  12. Whilst aspiring players form a queue to sign and play for Pep ….who, in their right minds ( aspiring or otherwise ) , would have the slightest interest in signing for Mowbray .. they only need to look at what “ he’s done for “ Nyambe, Rothwell, Travis, Chapman, Davenport, Gallagher, Brererton, Bell, Lenihan, Wharton ….Tony, the forward thinking manager …who plays to players’ strengths and develops their careers …..Mowett would be great for us ….get the idea he’s a decent bloke too…but , he doesn’t deserve Mowbray.…. Don’t tell me he got Dack and Armstrong right…. Law of averages….I get a golf swing right sometimes.
  13. …so the season ends..I don’t envy Manchester City, Manchester Utd, Chelsea , Leicester ..the main protagonists… …but I do envy Blackpool, Bolton , Morecambe …( and even Wigan) not because of their promotions but because they have found themselves again. They have spirit, soul, unity, future , hope… they are free from their shackles of debt and incompetent owners….whilst we are ….what we are ! …being led by dynasores , funded by those who don’t even know our identity. Their fans will look forward…whilst all we can do is look back …many of us …” in anger “
  14. ….I feel really pleased for them. I remember the day when we marched together, in pouring rain , to share our mutual dislike of our owners….… …..they are rid of their shackles, we are still bound. They are rid of their management…we remain on the journey to nowhere . I actually envy Blackpool and Bolton…. They are clubs reborn …we are either dying or dead….. oh for a manager with the guile and hunger of Critchley
  15. Progress ?…. What progress? The squad has gone backwards The pitch has gone backwards The ground has gone backwards The respect of Rovers fans towards the club has gone backwards The sale of season tickets has gone backwards ( if and when ever they are announced ) …..Progress? ….we need a gear change…and it will ONLY be achieved by the removal of 3 men who have taken us to this depressing point .
  16. When you look at Rovers’ retained list it fully illustrates Mowbray’s inability to plan , to think, to develop. I’m not sure where we on “ this journey “...but we are currently without leaders, without hungry young men, without players with the ability to play out from the back ( his idea of progress ) , without structure .... ...we continue to sink..and eagerly wait for return of Ayala ...and maybe Bennett running the dressing room....so much to look forward to ....😳
  17. I can do playing kids......I can do skint.....I remember in the days before Jack’s real money he used to pay for the club postage.....what I can’t do is Mowbray. I have to admit this ( never thought I’d ever get anywhere near these words) ....I hope Ewood is silent, empty, morgue- like ......and remains so until he goes . I believe many will be sharing my view.....we cannot, must not go anywhere near a season ticket......until that wonderful day dawns and we are Mowbray free.... it will like coming out of lockdown and I’ll be joining the queue at the ticket office.
  18. As for where he lives....I couldn’t give a toss, as for the retained list ...I couldn’t give a toss.....as for potential signings ...I couldn’t give a toss.... ....this is what this man and the current regime has done to me . I have NEVER felt so low with regard to my feeling and love of the Rovers....it’s even lower than SK and Venkys new reign 10 years ago. ....like Dick Turpin.....at least he wore a mask...but now.....we’re robbed in plain sight of our club and our future., the pathetic excuses given for our current predicament... The whole community/ town continues to suffer ..... I used to say “ it’s the hope that kills you “ ....now I feel It’s the HOPELESSNESS... that’s killing us .....
  19. ...we don’t! We’ve got one of them in the dugout......
  20. ...it compares incredibly well ...particularly when you factor he has had to sell no one ! Plus the dreadful transfer fees paid for Gallagher and Brererton...and the utterly wasted wages on Ayala, Downing, Pears, Douglas .....we didn’t fail because of budget....we failed because Mowbray managed the budget .....
  21. Same old, same old..LT and Radio Lancs disgust me....platitudes, crap.....not one “ journalist “ has the balls to challenge the “ shame of Ewood Park”. There are non do blind ....and what can we do , as real fans to whom the club matters ?.... Absolutely nothing....it’s the helplessness that kills me....so, if Mowbray and his pathetic back room team is still at Ewood , as soon as it it permissible to enter the ground....I shall buy a ticket for The Jack Walker Lower and “ talk to him “ very loudly for 90 minutes ( and added time ) ...when / if he goes my season ticket will be purchased. A sham of a man leading , what is currently, a sham of a club ...OUR CLUB!
  22. To be fair....I would have liked Bolton to be promoted....and, over the years nobody has disliked them more than I have .....the reason being ... they hit the wall, they were ruined by dreadful ownership, they were left with nothing .....but pride in the shirt, a local owner, a decent, progressive manager and 15, 000 gate next season ( Covid permitting) gives them a soul ....something we , at Ewood , can only dream of...
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