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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Always the case and we need the membership to point them out
  2. Took ages to recall my password!!!! The reset password function didn't work for me. On the front page we have "Looking for our forums? They can now be found Here" the Here is the link but as it's blue can't be seen against the blue background unless one hovers in the area.
  3. I’m sure in my sons’ case the tattoos were an act of rebellion. They both knew their parents to be 100% against this because it’s a permanent decision taken in youth and probably regretted in more mature years. Rebellion. Why? It seems to me it’s difficult for young people to shock their parents’ generation. As children of the 60s my wife and I have been there, done it, got the T shirt and probably helped with the book! I do believe the kids thought the tattoo was the shock attempt. In hindsight we should have never have asked them not get tattooed.
  4. If people wish to wear a tattoo it’s their choice and I’ve no objection. I don’t for a moment understand why one would want to make such a permanent and almost irresponsible - auto text I meant irreversible but on reflection the auto text is possibly more accurate- change to one’s body. Very occasionally I see an attractive one but the majority which I notice, many just go unnoticed, make me ask “why?” Two of my sons have thankfully discreet tattoos, both in their early 30s regret doing it.
  5. Players. It’s clear they can do the business.........when in the mood.
  6. I've got one in the garage.......somewhere - probably answers your question. You can do a better job with a rag. The secret to a clean chain is minimal lubricant and none on the outer surfaces. Start with a really clean chain. Remove it, soak in white spirit, meths or similar to remove all the crap. Make sure you get it all off. Clean the jockey wheels on the derailleur. Clean the rear cassette using a stiff brush to get all the way in. This is the crucial bit. Once everything is clean reinstall the chain. Find the chain joining link as your start point and rotate it to the bottom. Now lubricate the inside of the chain, the upper surface when on the bottom, rotate the chain round to do the whole chain. Apply the lubricant very sparingly to each of the chain rollers so it seeps inside. Only tiny drop is needed. Don't apply to any other part of the chain. Leave to dry then wipe off all access. The point is this, lubricants attract dirt which sticks to the chain spreading all over the chain rings, cassette etc. The point of lubricating a chain is to protect the moving parts - these are inside the chain rollers. Oil on the outer surface does nothing but attract dirt. To keep your now very clean chain in this condition wipe it after every ride with an old cloth to remove surface dirt and oil which has seeped out from the rollers. In summer I take the chain off every 6 weeks or so. In winter every 3-4 weeks. All weather and route dependent. Use an appropriate lube, usually dry lube in summer, wet in winter. I use Chain Juice Ceramic and Chain Juice Dry. A bit pricey but it's three years since I last bought a new bottle.
  7. On bike costs. That Merida is good value. If you buy quality it will last. I spend a lot on bikes. The oldest is 13 years old and still very good to ride. It's heavy and slow but still very serviceable.
  8. @Mike E very pleased to read your experience with Ewood Bikes. This is exactly what I would expect from them. If you become a regular customer you'll continue to get great service. I try to buy all the little odds and ends there. It will cost more than online but you are paying for advice and service. Regarding clothing you're to strike lucky on this. September 28th Aldi have their winter cycling promotion. The prices for clothing are very competitive and the quality is generally good. I used to buy a lot there but it doesn't suit my riding these days. For commuting, especially while you decide if you like it, you'll find everything you need at really good prices. I wouldn't buy a helmet there nor would I buy lights, tools etc. as on these items the low price impacts the quality in my experience. That though is a personal choice and knowing the Aldi reputation for quality these items may have improved significantly since I last looked two years ago. You can order online, if you go to the store get there when it opens. If what you want sells out try going the following day to an Aldi in an affluent area. It sounds wrong to say it but people in those areas are less likely to buy Aldi clothing. I often found the one in Knutsford, where I worked, had stock long after Chorley sold out. On clothing I suggest you are going to need and should be in Aldi Bib shorts or longs (full length leg) Merino wool base layer, vest at least, legs is cosy! Shirt with long sleeves at this time of year Windproof/waterproof winter jacket Gloves Glasses - I'll be in Aldi for those £4.00 Elsewhere get a buff if Aldi don't have them. Ewood Bikes stock very good waterproof socks at about £15. A small cap to wear under your helmet is very warm. A few tips on the bike, set the one you borrow up to fit as best you can. It probably won't be the right size but it's a good start. If there are no mudguards at least buy an "arse saver" a small plastic mudguard that slips under the seat and keeps your bum dry. Full mudguards in winter is much better. To begin with this is going to hurt. You are unlikely to do 14 miles in an hour. Probably best to allow 90 minutes to begin with for riding and getting changed at the other end. The shortest route may not be the quickest. When riding assert your right to be on the road. It would be worth googling what cyclists refer to as primary and secondary position. At the very least ride at least a metre from the kerb. This has three purposes; drivers are forced to overtake you correctly, if something goes wrong you have space to move in to but if you're already riding in the gutter there's nowhere to escape to and finally the gutter is where all the crap ends up and is often potholed. Avoiding the crap means fewer punctures. Lastly inflate your tyres properly. This means high pressure, I ride at about 105/110 psi in winter and 120 psi in spring and summer. Correctly inflated tyres is the best way of avoiding punctures - I once went seven years without a puncture, last one I had was two years ago. Carry a spare inner tube, much quicker to change a tube than fix a puncture.
  9. I'll post with some ideas later. Very much agree with all O2G has said. I cannot recommend Ewood Bikes highly enough BUT I have had people complain afterwards they only sell expensive bikes. Not true really but quality bikes cost money. Highly unlikely they will be interested in secondhand or even have one. The Cycle to Work scheme is a total no brainer. Ewood Bikes do it Unless you really can't afford one do NOT use an older helmet. I've come off at 25mph wearing a brand new £120 helmet and smashed it in four places. It would have been my head that was smashed. The helmet is to save your life not look the part. You have no idea what might have happened to that helmet.
  10. No there is nothing wrong with people being outraged. My point is people have criticised Radio Rovers for years and never praised it for providing a service to blind fans. Now the service has been withdrawn people are outraged over something they simply previously didn't care about. This is simply moaning for the sake of moaning.
  11. You are mixing up two different points here. You asked what does this mean: "On the Rovers website it says that the £18 adult price applies to 'season ticket holders and 1875 members'. Otherwise it is £22 for 'general admission'. My point was it's clear from the above the £18 price is for ST holders and 1875 members. I don't see how it can be interpreted as anything else. As for the benefits of buying 1875 membership? I didn't remark on that. As far as I can recall as an ST holder I paid £5 to join and this was refunded to my "Club Cash" account so the effect is zero. If you're comparing the benefits of being an ST holder with an 1875 member these are clear. Taking the Doncaster game as an example. The Riverside match day price was £20, 1875 members paid £18 and an ST holder £13.90. What exactly one gets for being an 1875 member I don't know but as an ST holder the £5 credit to your Club Cash means it's cost you nothing. It's my understanding an ST holder and 1875 member the main benefit is the highest level of Club Cash is awarded to your account on both ticket and merchandise purchases. I don't understand your difficulty with this.
  12. I can't help but think you're overthinking this. If your quote is directly from the Rovers website the meaning is absolutely clear. Both ST holders AND 1875 members qualify for £18 tickets Plain English should always be applauded.
  13. I agree with you RB and, yes, the club should be providing those who need it with a commentary, especially if there is an audio stream available. Modern technology should make this relatively simple. Rovers have a tremendous record in providing for the disadvantaged and one must hope this is not the thin end of the wedge. I would hope, but don't know, this action could be challenged under the Disability Discrimination Act? My point though stands for years Radio Rovers has been derided on BRFCS and never praised for the service it provided to the visually impaired. Personally I had never thought of this aspect to RR. I can't help but ask myself how many others would be in the same position and are currently amongst the outraged?
  14. I'd question if it was ever intended as a vital service and I do mean question as I'm not aware if it was. Clearly there will have been fans who were unable to attend through ill health, mobility or sight issues etc. who listened. I understand this but I don't recall Rovers ever promoting RR in this way to the wider community nor do I recall fans praising it for such involvement. Like many things at Ewood the closure could possibly have been handled better but that comes as no surprise.
  15. My overall impression is Radio Rovers has been largely derided on here for years. Now it's gone people are unhappy. I don't get this. To my mind Radio Rovers did well to survive as long as it did. The audience had clearly declined hugely to possibly hundreds? It had become insipid, formulaic and so entirely predictable, by both the presenters and interviewees, listening for the occasional gem was too painful to bother with.
  16. The only football I watch is Rovers and generally only at Ewood. No other football at all. Never on TV, never on the radio, never read the sports section. Nothing at all. My interest died years ago. Why? See Neymar story. Simply put its disgusting. It doesn't need any fancy analysis. It's simply disgusting.
  17. "Played a blinder ...... obviously taken good advice somewhere" With respect it sounds to me as though you approve of multi millionaires doing everything they can to avoid tax while ensuring their millions are signed over to a spouse who can't be touched. More like morally bankrupt.
  18. As I've already mentioned this in the movie thread I won't rattle on. I can thoroughly recommend the Cafe Bar at Home Manchester. Excellent food, some good standard pizza, burger meals plus other very unusual imaginative dishes. Three of us had mains, deserts, drinks, coffee for £55 - in city centre Manchester!! Very, very good.
  19. Had an absolutely fantastic cinema experience yesterday. We went to Home Manchester which combines the old Cornerhouse cinema and Library theatre. The building itself is stylish, relaxed and nicely busy with an eclectic mix of people using it. We had lunch in the Cafe Bar for £55 including drinks, coffee, three mains, three deserts. Two of us had Bhuda Bowls, the other a burger. I had an African BB with fried halloumi and wow, just wow, superb food followed by a white chocolate and rhubarb eclair - to die for. The cinema itself is very comfortable, great seats, only £7 and while there is advertising it doesn't suffer from the awful screen advertisements one might see at the local Vue. We watched the Korean film The Handmaiden which is based on The Fingersmith by Sarah Waters. It's very clever with a twisting plot which kept me engaged throughout. The settings, locations and shooting were excellent. This was the first Korean film I've seen, it's described as an erotic psychological thriller - both would be accurate!! I couldn't previously imagine making a day out of going to watch a movie but I'm sure we will return many times.
  20. It's about perception. When I worked I was often struck by the poor standard of English in business emails in particular but also in other documents. Poor use of language is sloppy.
  21. Possibly Mike but one would imagine the original policy of being prepared to step in should the club fail, be available for sale etc. is well established by now. I would view new directions as additional to this rather than a change of direction.
  22. The article refers to medium term priorities all of which are policy since day one. A number of other initiatives or priorities were mentioned during "campaigning," for want of a better word, and I would have included these in this message. I'm not expecting overnight change just puzzled as to why new initiatives don't warrant a mention?
  23. I'm disappointed by this article. I had understood from the pre-election discussion the intention was to move the Rovers Trust in a new direction. This is same old, same old. Yes, it should be proofread.
  24. @Michael Doherty Marvellous post Michael and one which should give fans some faith in the direction the Trust will begin to follow - I hope.
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