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SINCE 1996
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Everything posted by J*B

  1. Not sure where to put this but it looks like our Xmas do is in Dublin (judging by the photo of a plane previously, lots of Guiness and those Irish hats) Bennett has posted an Instagram singing the Smallwood song with the entire squad.
  2. If it’s any use after watching the extended highlights, Tomlinson is my current favourite Dingle.
  3. I’m more concerned about posting links to Facebook groups showing every game on here!
  4. My American correspondent reliably informs me it’s working really well tonight. Please remember we cannot allow discussions of how to watch the match!
  5. There’s some sort of ban on any food coming from a cow in India. They’re about to get richer.
  6. Side note, Eddie Chambers has released a video of Anthony Joshua's DMs on Instagram in which AJs account says: "Bitches talk. Real ones move in silence. You done to much talking. U are bum. Disgrace to the superior black race! @#/? u" The twitter rumour is theres a media blackout on it, with reporters told they'll lose their access if they write about it. AJs camp are saying he was hacked. Not sure where I stand just yet. Dillian Whyte said the entire 'stay humble' thing was a farce and AJ was a horrible guy in the build in to their fight. If you hacked AJ why would the only thing you do be private message Eddie Chambers?! Equally... what is that spelling? It's terrible!
  7. I was listening to the Costello & Bunce podcast this morning on the way into work. Quite interesting really, Costello was talking genetics and science in Athletics and bringing it back to Frampton saying the human body reaches its 'absolute' peak for around an 18 month period sometime between 26 and 32. You can be really successful for a longer period of time, but you can only be at your best for a maximum of 18 months. He was suggesting this was the case with Frampton. It would relate back to Haye quite well. His body is clearly absolutely terrible, its falling to pieces. He must have retired first time knowing his body was failing, the performance against Bellew should have confirmed it (like when Hatton came back), theres absolutely no reason to carry on other than he's desperate for money. I feel bad for the fans that have got duped into thinking the fight against Bellew was a one off and he was going to come back stronger. He's falling to pieces! TB is open and has said he wants a final payday then to retire. Hearn said the numbers for Bellew vs Haye 2 outweighed any other fight, including Parker, by 40%. I'm not surprised he's waiting for Haye if thats the case, the current Cruiserweights are monsters and will be unified after the Super 6, AJ and Wilder both smash him all over the place and I don't think Hearn can justifiably give him Parker while Whyte is around. If its one last fight take the biggest money and run.
  8. Falling down the stairs?! The guys a fraud, he's everything I can't stand. He spent all his money trying to look like something he isn't and now he's totally skint - doing anything he can to try and get back to where he was. Like a gambler chasing his debts. Fighting in MMA boots, training on a yacht in Miami... i'm so glad Bellew trained in a stinking gym in Rotherham and ended his career.
  9. Notifications should be working now... i've had to change some of the colours to a poxy great colour, but better than notifications you can't see. Can't win every battle and that. For reference the standard theme that you should be using (automatically) is JB_BRFCS_NOV2017 at the bottom of this page.
  10. One of the things we've been looking at doing is getting local businesses involved in BRFCS. We've got a brilliant market - this website gets hundreds of individual hits each day from Rovers fans around the world, but mostly in the Blackburn region and mostly Rovers fans that are going to games. Theres two ways we could push local business. The ads you see on the top and bottom of the website (currently being ran by Google) and the Podcast. The reality, is the ads you see on the website currently (mostly filled with large retailers) are probably unaffordable for smaller, local companies (although could potentially become affordable if a larger company was interested, or a group of smaller companies put their ads on rotation). These adverts have a value on them based on what they currently earn the website - if I decide to remove them then the gap will need filling. A more realistic way of advertising, is podcast sponsorship. Its an upcoming market, which is growing quickly. We could put it out to anyone via one of the podcast sponsorship bidding websites - but we would love local sponsorship, even if its on a podcast by podcast basis and even if it generates less money than selling the space to an American razor company. We can provide stats to anyone interested in sponsorship in either format. Send me a PM if you would be interested. We will be able to strike a deal!
  11. Cant watch Robot Wars after they let Storm2 win it despite being too big for the pits! Ridiculous.
  12. J*B

    Reporting Posts

    Reports are increasing - but seem to be only coming from a handful of people. Which is fine, but it would be great if everyone used the report function.
  13. Blackpool FC officially put up for sale by the Oystons. Congrats Tangerines.
  14. I can't believe that the WBC have sanctioned Breazeale vs Molina (thats rank #6 vs #12) for the mandatory. Incredible that its been allowed and no wonder Hearn and Whyte (#3 - only behind Ortiz who is a proven drugs cheat and banned - which is another story) are pissed off. The UFC will continue to rise where, other than McGregor and GSP are forced to fight each other or give up the belts, until boxing catches up.
  15. Looks like their entire world is crumbling around them. Shame.
  16. That’s the theme everyone should be seeing. I’m confused why you weren’t!
  17. Its when you get a notification whilst browsing - its bloody annoying and i'm trying to find out how to change it! Dislike button is just a way of trolling people so won't be coming back.
  18. Rumour has it there’s still upwards of 100kg of Pedigree dog food hidden in the Riverside for Steve Keans dog he doesn’t have.
  19. My dogs been through enough, I wouldn’t want to put her through league one football.
  20. Go on then... Thoughts? Any comments from iPad/iPhone/Tablet/Android users?
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