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SINCE 1996
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Everything posted by 47er

  1. Read some comments somewhere on the net where some fans exulted in what one of them called a "wonderful window'! Wonder what they think of it now? One even called on the LT to sack the reporter who used the word "banned" in relation to JDT's non-appearance at that press conference. Mental.
  2. Don't forget---before Pears got injured we were pleading with JDT to drop him!
  3. 177 for 6, not an even day today. We're in trouble.
  4. JDT is a strong character, he won't put up with rubbish. I think its highly likely he's resigned, I can't see any other reason why he'd be banned from a Press Conference. Shudder to think of the consequences if so.
  5. We've developed a trait of giving them away or not getting much back for them though haven't we? Kaminski and Rothwell 2 cases in point. Sort of defeats the objective! "there are more"---and there are many who were hopeless. Its not as rosy a picture as you paint. Overall our squad has declined in quality and there's probably more to come. Picking out the odd gem isn't getting us anywhere. There is no plan.
  6. Yes local football news is vital to the survival of a local press. They daren't risk that relationship. Gone are the days when the Club would be (justifiably) criticised. We do the job on here now!
  7. I think that's true but I don't think they are paid to report it that way. They just know that if they don't, their access to the Club will be curtailed.
  8. Most of us knew we'd sell Wharton and never see the money which would largely go on everyday expenditure. Its cruel the way some people's expectations are continuously raised, dashed and raised again. You'd think they'd get it by now but it seems not. If we'd spent £22.5M this January on top Championship players we'd be flying but it never happens. Its not meant to happen. The Club is not that important to the Owners like it is to us.
  9. You've had a problem with the site for years, That's why you keep going off and coming back! Why bother if it upsets you so much?
  10. Well you're brighter than I am! Or more gullible. I see no plan at all other than continuing to exist on a day by day basis.
  11. Bloody hell, Venkys have form eh? Delfuenso!!! Seemed to go the whole game without touching the ball!
  12. You may be right but short-term is all we ever get under this lot. We need a plan with a schedule like Brentford and Brighton but there will never be one. Staggering along from season to season is all we can expect. Last season we should have finished in the top 6 and would have if Hedges hadn't stuffed it up at Preston. That's how close we were. So, build on that in the summer and we had a real chance to go up. But we didn't did we? We had the same rubbish transfer window as usual. The squad was weaker in August than it had been in May. And so ended the enthusiasm that was building. But we are weaker now once again. This is a consistent running-down of the Club and It has to be negligent or deliberate. Long-term, maybe less. I think we will go down unless things change drastically. Nothing so far gives me hope that that will happen.
  13. So far this season we've converted a very low % of the chances we have created so I feel exactly as you do.
  14. Welcome to the Ewood Park Field Hospital. Good company guaranteed.
  15. Guessing we'll be hearing from you at the next window?
  16. We don't hear from you often, but when we do its invariably stuff like this. I can't make sense of it. Whether £22.5 is decent money or not can only be seen by supporters as a good deal if its reinvested in the squad and we move rapidly up the table. That's not going to happen, its never happened and we've lost a key member of our squad. Stop defending these bastards. They paying you or something?
  17. Getting rid of players who bleed blue and white and replacing them with loans. What could go wrong?
  18. Shouldn't have shoved Travis out the door. Hard to believe we won't need him before the season's out. A purely financial decision by the owners who couldn't care less whether we get relegated or not.
  19. Well he always does, we're always hysterical etc. I miss him!
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