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Everything posted by tomphil

  1. They missed a 2 off the front of that unless they really meant 5 mill per season for the club the other 20 directly into pockets or down the drain.
  2. Previous system didn't suit many of them really so i just hope the manager has been building with this one in mind. Otherwise as others get fit again we'll be back to strikers on the wings etc. For years we've been crying out for something that's built around all the good players and the others fit in like cogs. Looks like it might finally be here !
  3. Biggest test for him is if he can leave alone whilst it's working. Hopefully this is now the core style and we don't have a revert to type.
  4. Tonight he needs a ten year after extension. In a few weeks he'll probably need sacking again. That's the way it rolls ?
  5. Think the fitness might be down to the short break this time so the players will peak quicker, mid season it'll really tell but its certainly done the likes of Holtby and Johnson no harm. Then again when you are basing the side on youth the one thing you should always get from young legs is graft, no excuse not to. Credit to the manager for getting it out of them and letting them have a go. We've said it before too many times but that suits what he has far more than containment possession based sitting back stuff that was turgid.
  6. Anybody critical of the debates and opinions on here needs to take a look at PNEs Twitter feed. What a bunch of throbbers they are. Over expectations are not unique to Rovers by any means ?
  7. I really wouldn't underestimate Dolan's impact in all this either. He's set the bar with his enthusiasm and dragged the rest with him imo. Similar impact dare I say to Bellamy albeit different level obviously.
  8. Great stuff doing just exactly what i want to see from this team and manager so far. Just bloody go for it this season there's nothing to lose balls to managing expectations. We'll finish midtable at worst so instead of tip tapping and rotating around just stick with the winning side. Have a right good go every game we've nothing to fear at all except ourselves.
  9. Save the nobber baiting this is Rovers remember, another 45+ yet owt can happen !
  10. I wish no ill on Gallagher but not having him available to be shoehorned in has made a big difference.
  11. The idiot middleman will no doubt be the holdup again or Vs have the do not disturb sign up again.
  12. Agreed and he seems to be hinting at something. If he only has one pot of money he'll be looking to tie assets down using it first rather than spend it on someone else. He's right in doing that it has to be said although frustrating that yet again it comes down to this. Just hope advice from somewhere to those above iisn't along the lines of hey get some compo and future add ons it's cheaper that way and still profitable.
  13. Good luck with that one when agents are involved drumming up future free agent interest, sadly.
  14. Maybe struggling now to get longer term contracts with big pay rises signed off owing to all the uncertainty. A way around it is perhaps in cases like NYambe give him a big re-signing fee out of this seasons budget in return for a more modest wage over the next few years ?
  15. The train of thought here might just be Mowbray was sweetening him up thinking one of our better mids may be moving on. A bit of a 'just in case' job. Might not have wanted to buy him straight off and find a place but fancied him to snap up late if Evans was snapped up or a big Travis bid came in. Just lining the ducks up as Jack would say but maybe not going to pull the trigger.
  16. This is it with football it's just ridiculous yet it's amazing how everyone seems absolved from blame. Manager and CEO/Owners gave him that it's not the players fault. Manager & CEO - he was captain and playing well at the time and other clubs were sniffing so we tied him down. Player - Hey it's not my fault they've dropped me, they offered me that and i signed the legally binding contract. The whole thing needs a major major reset but meanwhile in the middle.... Agents/advisors - Thanks everybody we couldn't do it without you !
  17. Hope so and yes the injuries won't have helped but the other bit ? Nah it doesn't mean a lot really, Hart for example ex Liverpool.
  18. 300k is a lot for a club our size and we didn't get him from a Prem club did we he's been around the lower leagues mostly. End of the day 30 thousand is a lot if you don't justify it although i don't envy his job recently.
  19. To me he's the only one who might have made a significant difference. It's all assumption though and I agree all of them fit and we'd have been a few points better off. Still don't think we'd have made it though because at the end of the day we still had a crap keeper and defence that leaked too easy. Cunningham would have given balance to it but the centre was still flawed. We still lost gam s with all those guys in early on. Agree the left back could and should be strengthened. If he doesn't it will bite his ass again.
  20. Hmmm but if the big money signings had done what they were signed for and stepped up it should have balanced out. Not sure we could hang our hat on being in the play offs off the back of Dack alone, fit or not. The main issue for me is when we had chance to just go for it with sod all to lose after lockdown we simply didn't. That's how he works and there is no reason to think this time would be any different so that's why i'd just like to see a fresh approach. We are bustling with youth now and with Dack to come back, a new keeper, possibly the solid centre half we've craved and Brereton another year on there's no reason not to have a go. It's not shit or bust there isn't that kind of pressure but there should be a little bit applied from above now with the backing he's had.
  21. What's the story ? Imo not much problem with the Hart thing although giving him another contract to loan him out again when it was clear he wasn't up to it is a bit odd. However i'm presuming he didn't cost much so if they were giving him every chance and it just didn't work out that can't be that unusual in football. Anyway what was the Jlowe story /
  22. Marginal gains, very welcome after relegation but now is the time to put the foot on the gas a bit more to show significant improvement because as we well know it can go backwards very quickly. We've nothing at all to lose in having the 'just go for it' mentality. At worst it's midtable again baring a serious injury crisis or selling players. No point tip tapping around now.
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