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Everything posted by RevidgeBlue

  1. Why do people keep repeating the same line? It's getting tiresome. It's EVERYTHING to do with the owners because they keep employing chances like Waggott and Broughton then take no action when they constantly fuck up. Absolutely zero accountability.
  2. It's unbelievable that he survived the O Brien debacle. He should have been sacked then but wasn't and look where we are now as a result- twelve months on and something similar has happened again. In that respect the Club have got what they deserved for the lack of accountability. He's DOF so this sort of stuff is his responsibility. People want it both ways, if Waggott does something awful everyone rightly wants to blame the owners because it's their name over the door. The opposite seems to apply with GB though even though transfer business is firmly within his remit as DOF. Everyone scrambles to try to absolve him for responsibility for matters clearly within his remit. His recruitment has been shite as well imo. (I know you disagree so let's not run through merits of individual players for the zillionth time.) Suffice to say I think we saw what JDT thought of it with only one of the six available signings starting the game on Saturday. Not convinced he'll go this time anyway. He'll probably attempt to bull shit his way out of it and come up smelling of roses for a second time. Say what you like but these O Brien and Mcguire type debacle have only started occurring since his arrival at the Club.
  3. Good to hear from you unleaded, was wondering where you'd gone and was hoping you'd post so we could get a flavour of what was REALLY going on. No surprise whatsoever to hear we've made ourselves persona non gratis with players and agents alike. I can't see a way outbof that until the regime changes completely. Having decided to restrict ourselves to loans with a view which will never be exercised however, how did we even manage to cock up one of those?
  4. Where have I said that? I was merely putting forward my point of view as to the likely culprit. Why would the owners specifically sanction a loan deal for Mcguire only to order it be sabotaged less than 24 hours later? In any event regardless of who sabotaged it or whether it was gross incompetence it's still ultimately their fault as they continue to employ these chancers and I doubt there'll be any accountability this time either.
  5. "Scapegoat" - right. Bit like saying if Waggott was fired he'd been scapegoats.
  6. Maybe writing his speech wondering how to make the transfer window sound like a success especially if Mcguire falls through and/or briefing Counsel to waste money on another unsuccessful appeal.
  7. Be an impressive accomplishment for our DOF if we go from 7th to relegation within 2 years of him taking up his post.
  8. Isn't the usual arrangement these days that outgoing managers are paid in installments and the agreement is that any arrangement is reduced or stopped altogether if they find another job?
  9. Well Waggott/Suhail specifically. I've no idea what's going on but it's not good for the reputation of the Club to put it mildly and if the Mcguire deal goes the same way as the O Brien one then it's the innocent players stuck in the middle you have to feel sorry for.
  10. Any sign he's unhappy like JDT? Not a chance, another one riding the gravy train with Waggott until the bitter end
  11. It seems pretty obvious permanent fees have been blocked. We just seem to want to flush our money away completely albeit at a slower rate on loan fees. Outward deals seem to go through no problem as well.
  12. Not sure if it's actionable per se BUT I was surprised any agents/players were still prepared to deal with us after we left O Brien hanging without a Club for ages. In the case of Mcguire, the guy has got on a plane from the US in good faith. Had the permanent deal he thought he'd agreed snatched away from him mid flight, then been forced to go and talk to a other Club. We've then somehow persuaded him to come back and accept a loan deal instead he's come back to complete the formalities and thought it was done and dusted. He's attended the game today and it appears we've fucked up again and despite more money wasted on a no doubt fruitless appeal the poor player will probably eventually have to get back on a plane several days later. Players/agents won't touch us with a bargepole at this rate.
  13. I know its not a popular point of view but I didn't really think the owners pulled the OBrien deal last year after giving it the go ahead in the first place and I definitely don't think that they would (having seemingly put a block on permanent deals for players, and therefore having specifically authorised a substitute loan deal for the same player) then pull the loan deal as well. For me it's either a case of colossal incompetence or someone worried about meeting their annual targets is deliberately sabotaging these deals. Either seem equally plausible and no prizes for guessing the most likely culprit if the second scenario
  14. I was going to take 20/1 a few week ago and didn't.
  15. Right then let's have Waggott running up and giving us yet another almighty kick in the knackers. Mcguire....in or out?
  16. The one thing that won't be reduced is his salary.
  17. Not that it matters but I think Silvester predates the Venky's regime. Could be wrong.
  18. I said when Mowbray/Venus were here. Its not a Football Club any more, it's just a place where people go to earn money. I think JDT would have liked to have changed that. Sadly it looks like the bustards have finally ground him down.
  19. Sorry to hear that Mike it's often worse than losing a relative at least, they're always pleased to see you. Unconditional love.
  20. It's more important where the move leaves us. Not in a good way by the sounds of it.
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