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Everything posted by matt83

  1. Technology enhances practically every other sport. VAR makes football unwatchable.
  2. These games are utterly pointless. 4-0 is par anything more and it’s still only Andorra anything less and it’s still 3 points. How the likes of Andorra, San Marino, Gibraltar, Cyprus, Malta, etc, don’t need to do their own mini qualifiers to get into the regular qualifiers is a mystery.
  3. So Wilder v fury tonight. Well tomorrow morning. In recent times with the heavyweight belts mostly being in our time zone got used to not watching boxing at 4am. Might try get an early night then get up. No way I’m lasting out through the undercard (such as it is) these days. In the second fight, and even the first one to be fair, fury showed he’s miles ahead in terms of boxing quality but I reckon wilder will get a lucky punch off in this one. Just don’t want to hear excuses from that clown Wilder if he loses again.
  4. Thinking about new owners I saw a headline saying “Blackburn billionaires in multi-million pound deal to buy…” was hoping for local football club. But was just a load of bakeries. 🙄
  5. I don’t think many will get shifted. Their biggest failure was in the pricing and that’s still not been resolved as they needed to be in kilter with original season tickets on a price per game basis to avoid pissing off the few that bought one in the summer. So the Jack Walker stand is still over £20 per match. They’ve tried to address the walk on price but haven’t gone far enough. Accepted the midweek games will be a graveyard but not done much. They’ve done something but even considering the low expectations I have of the club they’re still a million miles off acceptable.
  6. I was just reading a few of the posts above. Then noticed they are from 2018. 3 bloody years ago - that itself is fairly depressing. I think it’s fairly safe to assume everything that was attempted then was totally ignored by the club or failed. For all the effort these lads from the trust, etc, put in during their own time it always amounts to nothing. Same crappy owners, same crappy manager, same crappy ceo and the club making the same crappy decisions for 11 bastard years.
  7. I agree. But you think it’s a bad bit of business now just wait until we let him walk for gratis just as he looks like a footballer. Or sell him only to realise forest pulled Swag’s pants down with a sell on clause.
  8. Well I certainly do to be fair but I’ve never made grand statements about moving aside if I became a burden on my employers.
  9. I personally think he knew a lot more about the training ground fiasco than he was ever prepared to admit but in terms of lying he isn’t in the same league as Kean. i suppose that sums up his reign here not as bad as Kean. He’s most definitely someone who has shown his true character when his back is against the wall and the Tony nice but dim facade cracks. Ultimately Tony Mowbray will do whatever is best for his own bank balance.
  10. I must admit I’d like to see the chelski’s knocked off their perch. But as we all know - foreign ownership. No guarantee it’s a Sheik mansoor could easily be the Venkys.
  11. Agreed. Who marks a 146th anniversary. 99% of the time they’re guilty of not thinking at all then someone does do some thinking they come out with almost childish ideas. Still I’d take their half arsed thinking over their usual doing nothing. What a club. * perhaps they’re keen on marking 146 years as they don’t believe we’ll see 150. I have my doubts with these clowns running it. The debt will be £300 million by then.
  12. Says where we are when fairly basic initiatives are met with surprise that they’re able to do the bare minimum. None of this is anything that anyone on here hasn’t thought of and suggested. But there is an improvement from totally incompetent to the most basic level of competence so long may it continue.
  13. Want to lose £20 million a year and never lay a glove on the play offs. Who are you gonna call…
  14. Yeah. I can see him walking into ewood like this.
  15. Commentators always did tend to slip into calling batsmen batters before the world went uber woke. My grandad used to get annoyed at the tele when they said batters. I think Nasser was particularly bad for it. I can picture him chuntering away “Batter!!! It’s not a bloody chip shop.”
  16. Let it ride. Good effort though. My mate has £10 at 1000/1 think he said but not sure when would have put that on. I also know a nob end fan who put £10 on at 500/1 after the other lad made his bet as didn’t want to be left out. He now looks out for rovers results, well goal scorers, before their games. I did my best to convince them at 8 career league goals he wouldn’t get into double figures. Potentially talked myself out of £10k there for the sake of a tenner. Oh well.
  17. Hopefully Moggasurus’ ultimate undoing will be his rigid belief that any player can play interchangeably in any position. He’s had Gallagher at right back before now. Anything is possible with that clown. When we were playing the same side, in the same formation and players in their correct positions. I very briefly thought the manager had finally learnt but swiftly thought nah not a chance. Few weeks later and it’s the same old Mowbray.
  18. We’re just mid table makeweights under Tonebola. Personally I wasn’t remotely exited in 6th after beating Cardiff nor will I be overly bothered when we’re in 18th. That said even in 8th I still maintain relegation is far more likely than the playoffs even though don’t think either are happening.
  19. Well if Mrs Desai has a sweet tooth her famous lemon drizzle cake could very well sink Blackburn Rovers Football Club.
  20. If he is going to India let’s hope he has to self isolate for a couple of weeks both ends. If there’s any crumb of comfort to back to back defeats it is at least he won’t swagger into Pune like he’s cock of the walk.
  21. Or owners. Or ceo. In short we’re done for.
  22. Disappointment to come vs Coventry first. But getting whammed defo right way to go.
  23. Standard Mowbray stuff really. Could be at the start of a big death spiral but then win 5 in a row. All pointless really. I also have little sympathy with those getting a little giddy after the Cardiff game. There’s nothing to be positive about with Mowbray at the helm.
  24. Someone I work with had money on a bet. Think he stands to win £10k!!!!
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