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SINCE 1996
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Everything posted by 1864roverite

  1. EVERY single premiership club has suffered in attendances. Rovers are not alone. manure,chelsea,arsenal,city,brum,sunderland,barcodes etc etc. Football has hit bursting point and something will have to give. Its plain and simple, they either cut it or many clubs will go out of business. For those who survive then its the birth of the European League. The survivors, chelsea,manure,liverpool and arsenal. hangers on possibly everton and city the rest of the clubs will be forced into a retreat, the rebirth of the football league with 3 divisions and a 4th division of 2 seperate leagues encompassing the non league clubs. SKY will see the result of their investment when they are ruined by the latest efforts to rid them of their monopoly on football. Football will face only one option. A complete regeneration of the beautiful game.
  2. I have heard nufc barcodes have sold less than 3k tickets, looks like the football slumps has really hit home when we dont see 7k mad black and whites bobbing around Blackburn half cut. not only will the Rovers coffers suffer, the pubs between newcastle and Blackburn will be 3/4 empty
  3. Huddersfield to feel the force of the Ewood Youth 3-0 Rovers, 8900 crowd
  4. gee thanks Den now what happens ???? hope your well by the way
  5. There is no point in giving in. Football has priced almost every hardworking supporter out of the game. Lets look at the recent facts, manure and chelsea cant even sell out for a game they would have sold twice over 2 years ago, the wages have spiralled, the cost of putting on a home match has spiralled and it really is unbelieveable just how much it costs for a day out at football. just a quick summary 3 pints (drivers !) £5 ticket £23 (adult) £8-£15 (junior/oap) programme £2.50 Pie and hot drink £4.50 says it all when you consider that just an adult is £40-£42 for a Saturday afternoon. away game on your own add approximately a further £35 and you fast approach £100 for a day out. JWilliams is right, football across the board has to adopt a strategy to keep the supporters coming through the gates. I dont see any reason why the Premiership comittee cannot look into knocking at least 30% off the price of a match ticket, I dont see how they cannot look into a standard fee throughout the league for football fans. Their could easily be a tiered pricing system behind the goal £23-£25 main stand upper £25 main stand lower £25 It should be the same for every single supporter. I certainly cannot see any justification for chelsea charging double prices for away fans or even charging £45 for a home ticket. It is purely scandalous and a rip off. its time to take action or football is a dead duck
  6. nice take Scotty, I fully agree with you. Rovers and others do have to think ahead and seek survival. Yes that 40 point mark cant come quick enough. Rovers this season - wham apart- have been a far better sight than the last 2 seasons. They are effective, they work, they harry, they fight (literally), they run non stop. The only thing we lakc is a constant front man who can bang the ballin the net. The reason and sole reasons for falling attendances is NOT 4-5-1 or poor football, its the rocketing prices of watching it. Rovers have good ideas with the prices, but please £48-£50 for chelsea away, your 'aving a larff, Look at the other grounds, fans are simply being priced out of the game. I wonder how it would compare across the league home fans v away fans prices. I listened to J Wiliams take on attendances and he is right. Football has hit the brick wall, it must have when fergie, whinger and moanalot come out and say how sorry they are for the fans having to pay massive money to watch their teams. I wonder how sorry they would all be if they had to ask their players to take a 30% drop in wages to assit supporters in attending football grounds.
  7. for all you ex pats out there some advice sing and shout as loud as you can 2-1 2-1 2-1 aussie wimps and whingers now deserve every little bit of stick they get, they have eraned it. I would like to say what a great set of sportsmen they are, they took defeat on the chin, lauded up the England team and then in true fergie style said... "we are still the number 1 team in the world" sorry boys it should have been WERE you were a truly great team with truly great players now your has beens, replaced by the bet set of cricketers this country has seen for many a year. so long and farewell, see ya next winter
  8. A right royal week finishes with a Rovers win 1-0 (although I have dreamt a 3-0 Rovers win). The aussies sack Ponting as skipper McGrath announces his retirement along with three or four other elder players Flintoff made a freeman of Lancashire Chelsea lose in Europe Manure and fergie take some of the aussie sportsmanship and actually congratulate their opponents following two losses in the week and........ Monday morning Sourness gets sacked !!!
  9. can anyone count how many hamstring injuries Rovers had undeer sourness and co ? yet agin another nufc strikes with the dreaded hamstring injury Hope shearer and own dont chase the long ball
  10. not much interesting in Preston apart from the road out of it
  11. lets be real about it ? 20k fans in the ground were made up of the schoolies, shoppers and the unemployed, they weren't real footie fans. A fiver a head saw to that ! As for St Mick, well he wont see 4 seasons at Newcastle, he wont save them this season and he wont win a trophy with them. His heart is at LFC and that is wehre he will be playing his football next season. The odds are that NUFC will move up the league, he does guarantee goals of that there is no doubt. The problems newcastle have is NO defence and NO midfield. Emre and Parker are class players, nolberto is past it. Shearer (god bless) is past it, cant jump, cant run. So IMO nufc will still struggle. The graveyard of visiting strikers is looming large, odds on Owen to break his leg at Ewood ? Fat Fred has done nothing more than paper the cracks. Souness still out before xmas
  12. i think it will be very tight. Rovers can adapt to any team away from home. Villa are way too inconsistent to be a top club anymore despite their signings and cash splashing. I just cant see Kuqi notching so if Rovers are to win 1-0 I would expect our goal to come from the threesome of either MGP, Emerton or Savage (pen). otherwise a staunch 0-0
  13. I have read all the post match snippets and I have to say there is good and tripe amongst them. I like scotty was very disappointed that we didnt take all 3 points. It was a game we dominated and I doubt very much that Spurs will suffer such domination throughout the rest of the season. Rovers are NOT the same team as last season JOHN. This Rovers team is well organised, is fit, is not afraid to put the foot in, is not afraid to put the head or any other part of the body in, is a team that will fight until the last second, is a team based on basic footballing skills, is a team that has a high morale and is a team that is TOTALLY different to that of one Sourness. Rovers are a totally different prospect and they will be a team that the big boys will not want to face. Granted, with Kuqi alone up front we will struggle but we are still making chances. Once the injury front eases and the team sort out the silly rash tackles Rovers will move onwards and upwards. 4 Points so far is good. A result at Villa will boost us no end with the break coming up. If you want to witness a different Rovers, all of you who contemplate going take the plunge, you will see a very very well organised outfit.
  14. think he might just last until then with manure next up for toon then the England matches Rovers away cant come quick enough for him. He might just think that his old stoming ground may help him, trouble is it will, Rovers 2 -0 winners
  15. 1996 was a long time ago mcm t'were the best goals in recent times
  16. just to clear up a few points tnd gave emerton 7 as he was part of a winning team and if he showed as much effort in the first 67 minutes as he did in the last 23 he would probbly have got 8 ! alank the FINISH was world class, the cross was excellent. This does not take away the fact that Kuqi is a championship player at best. His air shot, failure to get on at least 1 out of 7 good crosses into the box and his failure in the composure stakes in the penalty area confirmed that. It is just my opnion, I am certain that many more would agree.
  17. possibly first back after the game. My view from the Blackburn End. Strating with the negatives. Poor crowd of just over 16k, granted it was fulham and they only brought 300. Just what does BRFC have to do to get a decent crowd through the turnstiles ? I was very disappointed with the home turn out on a glorious afternoon of sunshine. Poor fulham team, snotty referee, inconsistent linesmen and a general lack of appreciation for some of the Rovers players efforts. Onto the ONLY negative about Rovers. Quite clearly, and there is nothing against his efforts, Kuqi is never a Premiership player. He lacks quality, composure and seriously cannot read the type of ball necessary in the Premier League. I know its early days but he should have got onto one of those crosses. The Rovers display was quite pleasing considering the collapse at wham last week. The most pleasing aspect of the team was the efforts and non stop running of Lucas and Robbie, even Reid kept the middle somewhat neat and tidy. Those missing Rovers supporters missed two of the best goals seen at Ewood for many a year. The passing that led to that glorious shot and finish from MGP was simply world class. The second goal was class from a class player (and yes I have been one of those to maon at Tugay). What a fantastic finish to win the match and secure the points. It was worth my season ticket just to see those two goals alone. The team. Brad 8 - nothing much to do and had no chance with the fulham goal. Neill 10* - yes 10*, simply awesome and deserved a goal. Matteo 8 - great effort by a much maligned player. Nelsen 8 - typical effort by the Kiwi, makes the defence much more solid. Todd 8 - though he was at fault (along with others) for the goal. Savage 9 - great to see a fit Robbie on the pitch. Quite simply does not give up but please pal keep your gob closed. Reid 7 - lost a bit of touch in the second half but looks comfortable in midfield. Tugay 8 - a class performance and goal but went missing early in the second half. MGP 9 - fantastic finish DO NOT MISS MOTD/Prem First. Emerton 7 - enigma. Just too much pussying around instead of straightforward passes and runs. Kuqi 8 - for effort but clearly lacks the quality needed. Hope it goes for him as his effortless running is impressive. #Tactics were spot on# fulham are a big team who spoil the middle but they retain an out in malbranque and boa morte as Rovers found to their cost last season. So its a positive start at home. Its 3 points from a game we lost last season and it will certainly improve the team morale before the visit of the high flying spuds on Wednesday. I cant see any different formation, especially after the news that Bellamy may be out for longer than first thought. Rovers need to address this and please please please, fairy god mother, give MH a stash of cash to bring McCarthy in. With him in the team Rovers can pursue a European place. Good start and its such a nice feeling coming home from Ewood with a smile on ones face
  18. ozz you going to the waters edge ? Nice word in panacea, not heard that since my last French lesson with Olive !! I think it is just a welsh thing in the way he speaks, after all they are nice people but really they are not that intelligent (only joking welshy people)
  19. but on the other hand its the type of game that could bve given an extra thought about promoting the club. Its the holiday season kids are off school Rovers should have let under 15's in for a fiver, students and unemployed for a tenner and the same for the elderly generation. That kind of marketing might have upset some but it may well have guaranteed a couple of extra thousand in the ground. With that any type of positive result would have had a positive reaction with spuds around he corner, bolton nigh and the sacking of sourness on the horizon
  20. didnt take the option of the last day as overtime drew me to work fantastic days cricket credit must go to Ricky Ponting and his players credit must go to the England players for their efforts credit must go to the ground staff for the pitch credit must go to the two umpires who were simply fantastic (take a note muppet referees of the premier league) credit must go to BOTH sets of supporters, FANtastic Heres to Trent Bridge
  21. simply woeful comfortable start 1-0 up comfortable second half we threw it all way dickov/emerton = very very disappointing
  22. wots all this sad attendance lark ? lets stick with the scorelines 2-0 Rovers payback time
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