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[Archived] Shaw wants Singh Sacked.


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Source: http://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/blackburn-director-derek-shaw-calls-1508938

sorry if this has already been posted, havent seen it anywhere.

It's impossible to know who to believe. We know who's hymn sheet Nixson sings from and that article lays the blame for everything at the door of Singh but others will firmly say different. I would suggest Shebby is a loose cannon who hasn't a clue what he is doing and will only continue to make a bigger mess BUT i would also suggest that the skullduggery and hidden agendas come from the other side and if they stick around whether SS does or not then things will still get worse because their only motivation is looking after their own/others shady interests.

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Just a thought. Since when have venkys called anybody to india to then sack them? If any of us were in a job where we then had to travel over seas to get sacked, would we get on the plane?

Every football fan should look at what is happening at rovers. One day it could be their own club. We are an example why non football folk should stay out of the football business.

We are an example why the fit and proper owners test is pathetic. We are evidence that the Prem / FA authorities are pathetic and waste of space. Who only care for themselves, not the clubs or the game in this country.

The history of Blackburn Rovers of the last two years, should be written down in a book. It should come with a health warning for all football fans. 'beware, a simular circus could come to your club'. Rovers fans are one small voice. Fans of other clubs, need to be taught about what has gone on and is continuing to go on at rovers. Why the prem / FA etc have allowed all this to go on is just unbelievable. I would even add the LMA to that list. Why they have not spoken out on how any manager could be expected to work at rovers in the current situation, beggars belief.

The saying is true, the lunatics do indeed run the ewood park asylum.

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I can only imagine what that guy has on Venky's, Kean and Singh. Absolute dynamite.

I've never understood this. If bad things have gone on (and I wouldn't be surprised) wouldn't the board member with knowledge be culpable? If so, he could cause himself severe legal and financial injury by speaking out.

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1.5 million to that @#/? Kean as a reward for him screwing the club over ...... BRFC losing 2m per month........ Crippling loss of Premier League income...... and now we have a club in turmoil and at war with itself!

Mrs Desai is learning a very very expensive lesson for the foolishness of the decisions she has made! As the old adage goes "A fool and his her money are soon parted."

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Just a thought. Since when have venkys called anybody to india to then sack them? If any of us were in a job where we then had to travel over seas to get sacked, would we get on the plane?

Every football fan should look at what is happening at rovers. One day it could be their own club. We are an example why non football folk should stay out of the football business.

We are an example why the fit and proper owners test is pathetic. We are evidence that the Prem / FA authorities are pathetic and waste of space. Who only care for themselves, not the clubs or the game in this country.

The history of Blackburn Rovers of the last two years, should be written down in a book. It should come with a health warning for all football fans. 'beware, a simular circus could come to your club'. Rovers fans are one small voice. Fans of other clubs, need to be taught about what has gone on and is continuing to go on at rovers. Why the prem / FA etc have allowed all this to go on is just unbelievable. I would even add the LMA to that list. Why they have not spoken out on how any manager could be expected to work at rovers in the current situation, beggars belief.

The saying is true, the lunatics do indeed run the ewood park asylum.

It has been written down in the Rovertaken book problem is that sort of ended its story around summer time since when you could write a couple more books

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Singh should be sacked. Admitted on five live, they do not want a manager, but a coach. Singh does not want a manager as he wants to run the show himslef.

more free advertising for the Venksters on national radio..Venkys have suddenly parachuted themselves back into national limelight despite us being in the Championship thanks to the events of the last few days...

Football fans all over Britain must be thinking WTF was that complete idiot Singh

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