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Everything posted by AllRoverAsia

  1. VAR will hopefully improve but is here to stay. TV wants it and they pay the bills. TV is interested in their international viewership not bums in stadiums
  2. Not really if looking at those particular points although it did make crowds difficult to monitor. Football was a point where tribal instincts flourished, and the same was occuring in the deprived ghettos of most British towns. Hooliganism had its roots in the Political and Social conditions of those times. There are dickheads in all walks of life, not just in Football, and still are.
  3. Get rid of the headless torso, keep the sheep...perfect
  4. A Life in Football http://www.bbc.com/sport/football/40782965
  5. Top player and a Gentleman. RIP Mr. Armfield.
  6. You could be right on the sentencing, depends his good his brief is. He will make a big play of protecting the two guys against thugs, one armed with a weapon - the bottle. Flanagan showed again what money can buy and he used a weapon in his assault - his shod foot. Personally I hope Stokes gets off with a slapped wrist and a commendation for bravery.
  7. Chickens don't do trees. More likely pecking away in the trash bins at the back of the Riverside.
  8. Have I got this right? The Rovers media & communications guy 'thinks' the music played when a goal is scored is outsourced? Keeping well clear of how that is actually possible IT wise and why ffs. Presumably it is handled by the same outfit who do all music and announcements at Ewood on a matchday. How is their identity not known to M&C Dept, how is that even possible? I am not asking for answers, just baffled why something easy is made so hard. I think it will be Invisible Suhail with a Transitor radio including casette deck, battery operated with one casette.
  9. Essentially I agree with you. However I believe VAR will improve, through the considered opinion of the VAR official, penalty awards and similar. It could also cover off-ball incidents that the onfield officials miss which are currently dealt with by delayed review. VAR is here to stay but must be improved and clubs and players forbidden from influencing its usage. In time there will be no onfield match officials, all decisions by IT and android players. There is a future for Jason Lowe afterall.
  10. Diving pratice, holding pratice, pushing pratice, intimidating officials pratice etc etc etc The new one is how to make a VAR signal such as a TV screen. Rampant in the PL where top 'actors' will have personal trainers but in the lower leagues too. Little wonder defensive heading training on crosses and setplays is neglected IMHO
  11. Fantastic by Roy. If he could just get his head around Test cricket.
  12. And the other a security guard, well countered by a single Cricketer without his bat but plenty of balls.
  13. I tend to agree if you buy a ST you commit to a least a season, the Club having budgeted accordingly. If there is still a large ST refund then I think SW fans will see an increase in matchday prices.
  14. The will be looking at who and how to prosecute..OR... how not to...... If it goes to court any decent brief will get Ben off or at worst a light non custodial. His side have the 2 lads as their star witnesses, the fact that the 'others' started their banter inside a bar and continued it outside when Ben, Alex and their new 2 pals were on their way to do some more clubbing. The fact is that one of the 'others' was armed is crucial.
  15. Could have restrained the pair to await police? I can see that working against bottle weilding retards. Ben was obviously acting in self defence Case dismissed.
  16. Whilst I hope that Stokes will be available I doubt it. Sadly I can't see how he can avoid being charged along with at least the bottle carrier.
  17. Not a go at you BDS but also need an animated gif 'confused shaking head' and 'head banging wall'....there may be others
  18. A @#/? World Cup winner, that's who Edit: Adding ING to FERK makes it a banned word. Odd.
  19. Interesting compilation. He has pace and a good finisher with both feet. Often played in with a good through ball, out paces defenders and finishes with a strong low shot. All good, including the excellent through balls!! Good to see a striker take penalties. Not a single headed goal, not altogether suprising as he's not the tallest and we are, currently, past useless on crossing the ball. At his height no point in pulling him back to assist in defending set plays so a real reason to keep him upfield and with his pace keep a few of the oppos defenders occupied and out of our area. Defend from the front! Looks like he could be a great addition/ improvement to the team/ squad.
  20. After a few major VAR errors, it will still be opinion based as correctly stated in others recent posts, PL Clubs will be pushing for timeouts and an incident review process similar to that in cricket. 3 reviews per Club per game as starters? A farce but on the cards with so much cash at state especially in the PL.
  21. VAR, Virtual Assisted Reality. I am very close to choosing Darts as my favourite Sport.
  22. Just as Boycott was getting stuck into the Broad dismissal he gets replaced by Vaughan. Was that coincidence or BT saving Sir Geoff from saying something too controversial. My immediate reaction was 'not out' and it has not changed. Cannot understand not reviewing the 2 snicks, disappointed by Root and more so by Bairstow and Ali had some sort of brainstorm. Majestic by Cooke and a great show with the bat by Broad. Only the 2nd time those two have had a meaningful innnings together in well over 100 Test matches.
  23. A Blackpool mate says the recent Ref change was due to a request by the current owners, worried that the Refs name would be chanted all match, with a few add-ons he supposed. I came across this link on old Oyston quotes viewed in light of developments. Some other crackers too.... https://amp.theguardian.com/football/2017/nov/12/said-and-done-football-diary-blackpool-karl-oyston
  24. The sale may take a while if offers "do not meet the Owners valuation", now where have I heard that phrase before. As I understand it Blackpool are dept free, not sure about the property company. No doubt any spending will be carefully limited prior to a sale. I wonder if the Oystons will entertain any offer that includes BST or try to keep them out as some form of punishment. This may drag on a while.
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