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Leonard Venkhater

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Everything posted by Leonard Venkhater

  1. I was just wondering whether the paper had announced the wrong DH...then or now...
  2. Weird..According to the LT..he died in 2003, aged 54. It even records a tribute from Ronnie Clayton...
  3. I know we have the red button problem, but I reckon we could normally count on a decent away following in over 40% of our home games in this division...if you include the likes of Bolton and Wigan, as well as Villa, Derby Stoke and Brum etc. However, I guess we are likely to be formally on Sky for all our games with the biggest potential away support...
  4. No, only if someone placed that brolly in a strategic position....
  5. I was having a laugh really...but TM is just using his comments about goals in training to manage the situation. The inescapable truth is that TM clearly doesn't think he is good enough.....yet...
  6. Bruno Ribeiro was the Brazilian Denis Irwin....in training!
  7. Quite. You can't have someone maintaining a prestigious national post, if he is going to come out with offensive crap like that...unless, of course, he was managing the German soccer team in 1936....
  8. Hahahaha.. A million candles burning for the help that never came...
  9. So do I . Aint life a paradox, though, because I agree with Stuart as well...
  10. Love this. Absolutely fantastic. We were at the other end, so we couldn't see as much. The pause for a drink of water though...Class, Ritchie!!
  11. Good post. Opinions are what makes it work for me. I love reading through the message board after a match is finished to read the various emotions...My particular pleasure is when an FFS is followed by GOOAAAL or BOOM...
  12. It was alluded to on the lunch time news by a Leicester journo..without actually mentioning the V word!
  13. How many protestants does it take to change a light bulb? None...They live in eternal darkness!
  14. Oh come on! Surely, the point is that young children, for instance, or anyone else should not be stigmatised and actually blamed for their own disability...oops...now I am thinking you are on the wind up and I have fallen for it lol
  15. Some things you really shouldn't have to explain lol.. Anyway, have you ever wondered what we, the good people of Blackburn, must have been in previous lives to deserve Venky's? War criminals, child molesters?
  16. He shouldn't have said it..end of. Hugely disrespectful is the best that can be said of it. When I heard it, I just thought he was a prick! But I am sure that others capitalised on Hoddle's "pronouncement" for their own ends/to gain popularity/ publicity etc. I can't remember if he was sucked into the comment by some sort of set up.....but there can be no justification for him saying it(imo)
  17. Because the manager doesn't think he is good enough ...and plenty on here have seen nothing(so far!?) to make them disagree with that assessment.
  18. I just have an elephant's memory for pain! I had resigned myself to an undeserved West Brom winner yesterday....The courage of those last 17 minutes sustained us all through a terrible journey up the M6... Time later to reflect on the absence of another centre forward...
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