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Leonard Venkhater

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Everything posted by Leonard Venkhater

  1. Exactly. I guess that was my point. Arrogant refusal to listen and denial. Throw in a potion of secrecy and there we go etc. The whole idea of "wrongly advised" victims, being merely "acted upon" by evil others just doesn't wash...imo
  2. I know one member of this very forum, who actually got to speak to Balaji at Wigan, asking him how SK was still in a job.
  3. The process, dear boy..of course not the damage. Arrogant, management by denial, appointing the wrong/dangerous people from afar, continuing to employ them, despite receipt of significant negative information, disregard for /blaming the complainants. Anyway, it's over here too...
  4. I don't buy that. They were told...right from the start too. Arrogance and refusal to listen, while the abuse continued. Sound familiar after last weekend over there?
  5. Certainly looks that way...but there is so much information that is unknown and hidden. Enjoying the moment but with some anxiety that it could all be dismantled in an instant....from afar.
  6. I feel really ashamed of this one and I know it's a mortal sin. Back in 2011, I never did any message boards/facebook etc and still relied on the LT and Radio Lancs(Jesus!!!) for my Rovers news. Of course, I was worried about Venky's, but I had no idea about any of the really bad stuff behind the scenes. I had challenged some people sitting near me during that famous Arsenal game, asking them not to boo during a match-we needed to get behind the players, needed the points etc. Later, I saw a guy selling one of those black and gold protest scarves. In my hideous, self righteous arrogance, I approached him and asked sarcastically, "If I wear one of these scarves, does it mean I will have to boo, when my team score?"(Eek) I am truly sorry....
  7. We were having a meal with another family in that same Hurst Green pub, the weekend he came back from Chelsea-with the decision apparently still in the air. We all saw him jogging past the window and began talking about whether he would go to Chelsea etc A few minutes later, my eldest left the room for several minutes. When he returned, his mum asked him where he had been. He replied he had just posted a note through Damien's door. Cue maternal messages about respecting Damien's privacy etc, followed by the inevitable question about what was actually in the note. He said he had written, "We love you at Rovers, Damien. Please don't go." Now this was met with a collective "ahhh" from all the females at the table. . A second later he whispered in my ear,.. "but if you are reading this, as a Chelsea b****, ....you can f*** off!" Years later, I am still not sure whether he was joking!
  8. It was Christmas and we were 2nd in the table behind Huddersfield. The sale was the prelude to a terrible run of 70 odd games, which included relegation to the third division.
  9. Premier League clubs just have so much money. The best we can hope for his competition between two or three premier clubs for him..in a couple of years. The worst case would be a promotion contender with parachute payments getting him in January to bolster their chances and weakening our own situation-a kind of Keith Newton scenario....What a collapse followed that bit of business! I remember Souey making a big intervention to Rovers board about Damien Duff .."All I am saying is don't let him go cheaply.."
  10. I happen to know that someone on the Riverside texted Waggott to complain about the brightness. This was about the time of the first Reading goal. Soon afterwards, it was turned down. Not quite as good as texting Shebby Singh with an instruction re substitution, but there you are!
  11. Like a Beckett play..Nothing ever happens.."Waiting for Waggott"
  12. Haha..Now there is the impact of managed decline!
  13. He is technically correct though. They were "losing at home the other night"...until they equalised.
  14. I agree. I don't believe TM would go for this anyway. Only one worry-at the back of my mind: what if someone else- outside the local team management structure -has decided to invest in this "asset"? I seem to remember SK didn't have anything to do with signing Rhodes. I know we have only got snippets, glimpses and partial analysis of what is going on here, but something doesn't feel right...
  15. It was me...I was exhausted after it..(still am!) trying to resist all his attempts to close me down and silence me..especially any mention of Anderson...
  16. Can't help it, but I worry about that....anything to do with Jim White and Rovers transfers..( "Owen's a good guy, you know..David, please don't give up on your team..Venky's, we're coming for you..")
  17. Dark?...jet, shiny black, I would say...if horses at all..
  18. Haha..wonder if Big Sam did similar due diligence with Coleman in respect of you know who?
  19. Howard Gayle had a bad reputation with some..Liverpool especially. Don Mackay got at least one great season out of him..
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