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Everything posted by WacoRover

  1. Whatever happens, and whoever gets the jobs at Rovers, Blackpool & Burnley, there will be lots of second guessers afterwards. The winners/losers, we won’t know for sure for sometime. And, of the three clubs, Blackpool roster may be the most similar to its current state when the new season begins.
  2. I don’t want to look for it in the preceding 255 pages, but somebody said our manager will be named on June 6. So, hopefully, Monday is D-Day.
  3. If it’s Ainsworth, I think his zeal and love for Blackburn Rovers would shine through. He would be a beacon of light to players and fans alike. True, we may not win anymore than with Tony, but loving your club has to be better than the image of head in hands, shrug of shoulders, etc.
  4. Gav, you’re probably right. But, I’ve backed off my doom & gloom post of earlier. I have no reason to, I just wanna stay somewhat hopeful. There’s enough doom & gloom in this thread already 😆
  5. It sounds to me, that any decent candidate who could’ve come in and had a chance for success, and at his own reasonable terms, was shot down (Maybe they got the sense there was no money to work with, so why bother?) The players have to be aware of this, and wagging their heads. I am no prophet, but considering the last 12 years, there is not a chance we promote anytime soon. I’m not even sure we stay in the Championship after the upcoming season.
  6. I don’t know anything, but I think the chances of getting a great manager at our club, with this bunch running things, are slim and none, and Slim is here in Texas. We will get a slap-dick, who succeeded years ago at a Championship or League 1, or not at all. I think the odds of getting a young, up & comer with great ideas and personal magnetism, are 100 to 1. More likely we get more slack-jawed stares from some yokel in the mold of Mowbray.
  7. Knowing what we know now about our new mgr & incoming players (which is essentially nothing), would we gladly take a top-half finish during the 2022-2023 season?
  8. Probably true 😅. But, couldn’t you say the same of either Manchester club? Besides, even though my son got his Masters at Reading, he’s always been a Liverpool fan. Three years ago, I went to Anfield, the day before I did my tour of Ewood Park. It was impressive, but I’m a Rovers fan.
  9. Not me, I have nothing against Liverpool. My team is Blackburn Rovers, but I don’t hate every other football team in England, simply because they aren’t Blackburn Rovers.
  10. I’m also very hopeful of this, but we have no way of knowing. Yet. I want to hear Carvalhal say, “I am honored to be at Blackburn Rovers, which is a massive football club”😊 then I will believe it.
  11. Yes, I hope we take a look at him. I like Ayala, but he spends a lot of time out of action.
  12. A name not suggested by anybody (until now)… he has a great football mind, teacher, knows player personnel, & he’s always been a winner, Pep Lijnders. It won’t happen, but he will get a “big” manager gig someday.
  13. Great post, I’m not sure I could make an appearance on a rival board as quickly as yours. Burnley did well for a decent period of time, and still one of the toughest defending teams to play. Y’all can be proud of your club.
  14. Truth. They had one of the oldest squads in the PL this year, if not the oldest.
  15. Dingles had a nice run, I don’t feel bad for them
  16. It’s funny how managers are… Ted Williams was arguably the greatest hitter the game of baseball produced, in the modern era. But even with all his skills, in four years of managing the Washington Senators/Texas Rangers, he won only .429% of his games. Leading one manager to opine, “it’s not always about the X’s and O’s, but about the Jimmy’s and Joe’s.” Our new manager can only do so much with his skills; here’s hoping he will be given a budget to buy a couple decent players! 🍻
  17. I was wrong about Leeds, too. Thinking about available mgrs… Lampard probably will need a job. In a relegation fight, he has to start Branthwaite, who gets a red card, lol (no, I do not want Lampard)
  18. Isn’t it true, that despite the fact Shearer’s only time to hoist a PL trophy was for Rovers, he’s at heart a Newcastle fan? Besides, Jack Walker, John Williams, & the rest he knew at Blackburn Rovers are gone now.
  19. Is it safe to say most Rovers fans hope we luck our way to PL, Venky’s sells the club, after getting that promotion money to recoup their losses, and some fan in the mold of Jack Walker buys the club? I grew up in Dallas, hence, fan of Dallas Cowboys & Tom Landry. I am nearly as old as the Cowboys (expansion team in 1960, therefore, I am two years younger). Then along came Jones in 1989. Three Super Bowl wins, but none since 1995, and not a whiff of success since Jimmy Johnson left. Irony is, Cowboys & Rovers both hit Paydirt for the last time in 1995. so, if we’re hoping Rovers get lucky & promote, I’m not very hopeful of that coming to fruition.
  20. I had to laugh, just good ol’ derision & contempt, sometimes says it all, lol. I’m probably the most recent Rovers convert on this board. I converted all the way from Texas, when I was 51 years old (I’m 60 now). I never knew the Rovers when they were Englands champs, or winning a League Cup, or playing in Europa. I never even knew them under Big Sam, Hendry, or Kean. I chose the Rovers (or, maybe they chose me?) But, I didn’t choose them because they were champs. It’s the easiest thing in the world to choose a team that’s winning big. I didn’t fall in love with Liverpool, Arsenal, or either Manchester club. I certainly didn’t fall for Chelsea, or Tots. I’ve been to Blackburn, one day, and to Ewood, one time. Never been to burnley. I’d like to believe we’re a much bigger club, but the reality is, Blackburn is a bigger city, with a larger stadium, more hardware, and possibly more adherents. But burnley has been in the PL 9 years, while we’ve languished in lesser divisions for a decade. Maybe we can soon say we’re a bigger club and it won’t ring so hollow.
  21. Anything is possible. My main point, Leeds is so bad this season. Bamford, Dallas, Harrison, et. al., were doing so well last season. Marsch will probably be back on my side of the Atlantic soon.
  22. As much as all of us enjoy the idea, Leeds are dire, and have lost two starters due to red cards. Everton appears safe. Burnley may be tied in pts with Leeds, but they have a big goal diff.
  23. Chaddy, if BBCLancs are correct with those two names, and we stand 50% chance, I’d take either right now. I’m sure it will change by the minute, but I would be content if that is correct.
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